Save 34 - Black Clouds

The side effects of the drug will appear at the end of the day.

That's what Ixion said when I took some pills he created.

The effects slow down the emotional charge that will hit me when they are over.

I was in my pilot suit as I left Battler after arriving at the palace.

No one was outside, the weird thing is that there are always guards.

Because I was incarcerated, I couldn't change clothes so this is all I have. Also, I stink, Ixion sprayed perfume on me so the bad smell wouldn't scare them away.

Enter in tranquility. The problem came when a group of knights with spears approached me.

I thought I had to kick their asses to get in, until, a guardian angel appeared.

"Viscount Bradford!"

It was the queen calling out to me. Undoubtedly, it is beautiful to watch as she desperately runs towards me getting her incredible, maternal breasts to jump out as well.

Thank you for the view.

After thanking me, she stopped half a meter away.

She was exhaling a lot because she came running.

I said "my queen, we are under attack".

I know it's the most obvious thing in the world, but this is the opportunity I need to get them to understand that I am not a threat, but their solution.

She answered me after regaining some oxygen.

"...I know. Viscount, you by any chance were the one who defeated them?"

Her gaze and that of the knights stared at me.

So, I told the truth.

"Yes. I single-handedly killed all the invaders."

The queen clutched her long skirt at that. Then, shyly and adorably like a child, she asked me.

"...Do you plan to take revenge on us? Or, maybe destroy us?"

If it were anyone else, I'd say yes just to annoy her.

But we were talking about a lovely older woman and one who warned me that this would happen if I didn't deliver Brunhilde to the palace.

I was very upset, hearing that the palace was forcing me by hook or by crook to hand over my hard-earned ship.

But she said it in a worried way, she was more worried about me than my own mother.

I replied to reassure her.

"You are wrong on both counts. I don't want to destroy or take revenge on anyone.... well, if there is one. The poor devil who destroyed something important to me. And, I digress, in closing, I will save you all is my reason for being here."

After saying that, Ixion appeared to my right to tell me, "Master, they're here."

I looked up to the sky to see my reinforcements as the queen said, "is this the famous fairy?". Ixion looked annoyed to hear that name.

But this is more important than him.

Up in the sky, Brunhilde and rebuilt ships from the hangar where my island was located were arriving.

The skies were protected by them.

From some ships, drones and robots were coming out and going ashore to help the injured and remove debris.

The others who were on the ground are collecting the bodies and burning them.

I looked back at the queen and she noticed my look, I said "my Queen, take me to the ministers to discuss this situation".

She, for some reason was red when I spoke to her, what is wrong with her?

Before walking along with her and the knights, I asked something vital to Ixion.

"How are the girls?" and she answers me "they are safe, only Irisdina stopped to help heal the wounded. She has guards so she and Alicelotte are safe."

"I see."

With that said. Walk over to the men handling the country next to the King.


Inside a large room, were the ministers and officials of the kingdom. Among them was Marquis Balzac in a chair holding his head with both hands listening to the chaotic reports.

"According to the reports, all the borders are under attack!"

"The Earl Arses and Margrave Nightray have reported that they are fighting a huge fleet of pirates!"

His hair gripped him with great force.

"The nobles of the countryside are calling for help!"

"There's a report that the Cashmiro Family crest has been spotted with a large fleet of mercenaries!"

It looked like his head was going to explode at any moment.

An official from his faction walked in, instead of bringing good news it only worsened his mood.

"There's trouble and big trouble!"

"What now?" said the marquis who had a droopy face before he declined further with what he heard.

"Duke Belmont, he reported that the [Republic of Ereboreas] is attacking them!!! He's on his flagship battling them!"

Officials and ministers stopped running and their papers fell. Panicked shouts shook the whole place.

"The republic is attacking us!"

"This is too bad to be true!"

"Why would the republic attack us, we're supposed to have a 0 mutual aggression deal!"

"Prime Minister Balzac what do we do!!!?"

The ministers and officials were in panic and were waiting for the man with the most important position to advise them.


(I... what am I supposed to say!)

...That man was so incompetent that he never thought this would happen.

(Something like this was impossible to foresee!)

(That bastard Kingsfort betrayed me. An enemy fleet was supposed to be sent today for my forces to shoot down, but this is complete stupidity!)

(Why are they attacking us from different sides?)

Marquis Balzac was terrified and the important and not so important men were asking him very worried.

"Please advise us what measures to take!"

"The nobles of the countryside urgently request reinforcements!"

"Say something Prime Minister!"

A door opened, and then....

"That man is not the prime minister."

...An unimaginable man entered.

It was...

"Who told you there's a new prime minister already? Don't kill me so fast, you incompetent bunch of incompetents!"


Being in intensive care clothes, his top with his minister's uniform and a pair of pants with sandals.

A man was coming back from the dead.

He had a bandage on his neck and was walking accompanied by some gentlemen.

Balzac saw him, and a great cold sweat ran down his body.

"Ritzburg-dono, you were supposed to have passed away!" shouted the marquis, but immediately Mayer answered him.

"I thought so too, I never imagined that the acidic food my late wife prepared would ravage my throat so much, to the point that my body could repel the poison coming down, and be able to draw it out injuring me."

The ministers heard that, Mayer sat down in a chair as he was tired.

"Listen well. Find out from all the nobles on the border the total number of their enemies, only then can we know how many there are and be able to send reinforcements if the capital is not invaded again."

Hearing that, the ministers whether they were of the Marquis' faction or not, got to work.

"...And Moldred." Mayer said in a very low tone.

"Don't you dare escape. The windows and doors have eyes."

With those words, Marquis Balzac showed his frustration.


In a private room of the palace. There was Siegwald talking to his son who was recovering.

"Father, is it true that the marquis poisoned the prime minister?"

Vayne, was asking his father who was reading reports from his territory awaiting orders.

"So it seems, Mayer himself, confirmed it. He said he had no proof, but the evidence of him snatching the post from him without even having a ceremony was the only proof."

Siegwald, still reading the report as he spoke.

"Lecia, the Queen, said she found him lying there when she wanted to ask him something. She called her trusted maids and they moved him to a secret area that only the royal family knows about."

He put the document down due to a chuckle that came out of nowhere.

"Father, what are you laughing at?"

Siegwald was still laughing for some reason. After a short time, he stopped and was answering his son.

"It's just... it's very curious and funny all this."

"Funny?" said Vayne.

"You see. The situation out there was brought under control in a span of 30 minutes."

"That's true, so what of it?"

Siegwald smiled.

"The man who did it, was Viscount Bradford."

Vayne's face was one of astonishment at hearing that.

"I heard his armed unit flew off by itself. Then, his ship the same and some mysterious ships that accompanied and are now in the sky."

"Does that mean, Rudel-kun is someone to be feared?"

"Of course not." His father said.

"That boy in what I've seen and heard, from spy reports and especially from my daughter's mouth. He would never have the guts to attack the palace or take over the country. I don't mean that as an insult, but rather that he lacks motivation."

"But, Rudel-kun was unjustly imprisoned, why would he help us instead of escaping?"

Once again, his father laughed again.

"Despite being a knight, I've never seen him act like one. Besides, according to him and Alisa, on the cruise he seems to have sworn to be your knight."

Vayne, seemed to understand what his father was saying.

"Alisa was raised to be too perfect an example of how an aristocrat should be. She will never abandon the kingdom, therefore, that boy if he wishes to protect them, he must protect this kingdom."

Siegwald, blindly trusted that Rudel would protect the kingdom because of his relationship with Alisa.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

"In truth, we were fortunate that misfortune happened. It's not something that makes me happy, but, losing the chance to destroy Kingsfort in a lawful manner, just so I could get the most terrifying ally of all."

"Yes I'm honest, if Alisa hadn't gotten involved with him. The territory or us would have been destroyed by the viscount, as I understand those idiots a bit, a man can't have that much power and expect anyone to tell him if he doesn't want to destroy everything. Truly, we are fortunate contrary to that time."

Siegwald's tone seemed very melancholy.

"Father, are you thinking about that day again? You said yourself that you had no choice."

His eyes opened to look at his son.

"Not that I feel guilty about it, it's not the first time in the history of the kingdom that innocent blood has been shed. And even more so with our family. It's just, if I had had that boy right there; I would have killed him with my own hands. I never imagined that little Nosferatu vermin would turn into a monster."

"Father, I know according to the queen, that they were a loyal house of knights. But your son, as a child, showed very frightening behavior. Bodies of animals cut up and servants beaten with intensity. Do not mourn for not being able to finish him off, but for his family."

"...I wanted to let them live, but, if I had not. The then head of the Kingsfort would not have supported me in my journey to raise our house and become a minister. I thought my relationship with his son would be good, but the reality was otherwise."

Someone knocked on the door. Siegwald said to come in and it was a maid.

"I am sorry for the intrusion, duke-sama, but the queen requests that all ministers meet in the king's chamber."

Siegwald said "I understand."

And proceeded to leave not without first bidding farewell to his son.

Before I reached the room where the ministers were, a clatter was passing. The queen told me to wait in a room until everything calms down.

She instructs a maid to take me to a private room and to change my clothes to a more presentable one.

I listened to her and after I finished showering, Ixion notified me of several things I didn't know.

Apparently, they tried to kill Mayer-san.

My family was under house arrest, but not anymore.

Marquis Balzac seems to have been betrayed by the Klein bastard's family.

It has certainly been a very fired up day in every sense of the word.

Now I was resting until I was called.

I was going to tell Ixion to go investigate the meeting where the queen was, but someone knocked on the door.

Ixion, he had his laser eye ready in case it was an assassin sent. I told him to come in and was surprised to see who it was.


"Glad to see you're safe, Rudel-kun."

The prime minister accompanied by gentlemen came to my door.

I told him to come in and he asked his knights to stay outside.

"How was your day?" he asked me as I poured tea for him.

He refused it as his throat was sore.

I replied "very good, I killed hundreds and relax peacefully" as I wanted to ask him something important.

"Mayer-san, why didn't you ask me for help?" my face was very serious when I said that.

He answered me by saying.

"A child's problems are not the same as an adult's. I can't involve you in something that is not your problem. But, those useless old men seem to have laid your hands on you and your family. Sorry I couldn't protect you properly."

I wanted to know how they were doing. Ixion said they were doing very well despite Lyle being the most affected. He was spitting on me while I was gone, the very first born bastard.

"No. I appreciate your intention, but, if you had tasked me with investigating Marquis Balzac, this might not have happened."

He sent me to destroy corrupt nobles and pirates, why didn't he do the same this time?

He looked at me and sighed for a long moment. His eyes were closed, but he still stared at me and said.

"If I had, what guaranteed you that nothing bad would have happened to you anyway?"

"Huh?" I made that response because of what I heard.

"Think about it. You were looking for evidence to destroy Moldred, you'd succeed, what guaranteed that the other ministers wouldn't see you as a threat? You would only prove yourself to be someone to be feared even if you worked for the palace. I wanted to make you a member of my faction to ensure that you live your life peacefully; I know you're a good guy with a bad personality, but it doesn't make you a horrible person. But the situation outside, from what you did, and what is going on in the country now, says that it doesn't matter what the outcome is. You're going to cause a change both in this country and to your life, you won't be able to rest easy whether the kingdom wins or loses."

That left me very dismayed.

And, with a big question.

"What do you mean by win or lose? It's not just an attack by an idiot group."

Mayer-san looked at me, and said "drink your tea, I'm going to tell you about a bombshell that was happening this morning somewhere else."


Marquis Balzac had spoken to Borzak of the commonwealth.

He told him to send a small enemy fleet so that his forces would crush him to celebrate the day of his appointment as prime minister.

This was accepted on condition that no alert should be sounded.

The Marquis agreed, this is known to no one but himself and Borzak.

All the palace knows is that an enemy fleet was approaching one of the borders.

A small fleet of kingdom forces intercepted them and was destroyed.

Then, a man who was a minister of the kingdom's salvation. He suggested that he and his followers would take care of these enemies.

The high priest, Dixit, stood outside the temple.

"Adepts and members of the Temple! I am pleased to report that we will support the palace in our first crusade!"

Hundreds of members; men and women, young and old, nobles and commoners, knights and burghers gathered.

"Fear not, even if it's only 10 or 20 enemies! We will defeat them all as this kingdom is blessed by the Saintless Erselica!"

Erselica appeared behind a door. She wore a white dress and her staff in her right hand.

Anyone who saw her would say she looked beautiful. Pitifully, those compliments had to have been for Airi.

Dixit kept talking while Erselica was thinking.

(It seems that, at last, House Bismarck has decided to attack the kingdom.)

(Their daughter did not fall to ruin, but their house did. This is the perfect opportunity to destroy them along with that bastard Rudel).

Dixit finished speaking and everyone applauded.

They headed for their ships.

A man by the name of Bourdon told him that the flagship, where he and the other important or high ranking people of the temple would be.

Erselica would be on another ship, called the white phoenix. Making a reference to Liam's nickname and her clothing.

Going up, Erselica thought it would all be over quickly.

(This scenario I played many times. Everything should go the same way even if neither the prince nor the others are there.)

The enemy fleet could be seen in the distance.

There were only 11 ships.

Dixit upon seeing it spoke using a magic stone that amplified the voice.

"You see my adepts! Their numbers are low, luck and victory is on our side."

Everyone was clamoring for glorious victory, even Erselica felt the same way.

(You may not have fallen to ruin Alicelotte, but your family has. I can't wait to see your expression when-)


A Saintless knight interrupted Erselica's thought. She was about to tell him what's going on when the Saintless knight said in panic.

"The fleet in front of us is not from the commonwealth!"

Erselica knew that was true that, in the game, the house of Alisa disguises itself as an enemy fleet to attack them. She knew that and didn't see the weirdness, the problem came when she heard the following.

"The ridge is not from the commonwealth... it's from.... Kingsfort's!"

Erselica made an idiotic "huh?" at what the Saintless knight said.

She grabbed her magic binoculars and in the distance observed something she didn't recognize.

"Ehh! That crest is from the house of Klein and.... Why are ships made of pure steel when they're wood and hot air balloons!"

The fleet was pure steel and metal. It looked like a gigantic almond.

It had fins on the sides to help propel it.

On the sides of the cockpit were two large cannons never seen before.

The Kingsfort family crest was engraved on their bodies.

On the flagship that was in the center and larger as well. There was Klein seated as the captain.

A servant was at his side pouring him wine of the highest price and he drank it as if it were water.

He stopped drinking his glass and was chatting with his steward.

"Hey Keyes, is this what father said I took care of?"

The brown-skinned, blond-haired servant replied politely.

"It is as you see. Your father said your punishment would be removed if you eliminated all of them."

Klein, smiled. A disturbing smile it was.

"I'm grateful to that stupid, what was her name? Ah, never mind. Keyes, tell the others I'm hungry."

The butler told his companions to bring the food.

It was duck a l'orange with lobsters all around.

Seeing the servants, Klein said.

"Hey, isn't there one missing, I remember there was a little one?"

The servant again, politely answered him as he cut into small pieces the duck.

"Yes. His name is Allen, for some reason he wouldn't come when I told him everything would be back to normal."

Klein bit down like a dog on the food.

"Who cares. Start the attack."

As the weapon charged the magic power to function; due to it being an ancient technology. Klein asked very intrigued.

"Keyes, what is that thing?"

The butler saw the strange cannon that seemed to split in two from the huge window that covered the cockpit.

A magic circle began to form as he said to his master.

"If I remember correctly, your father said it was something called a rail gun or something like that."

"Klein-sama, will you attack the Saint despite being the one who saved them?"

Hearing that, Klein was thoughtful for a while as they loaded the cannons.

"You're right." He said, but then added, "She's on the ship that looks like a bird, isn't she? Blow it up at the end."

Klein smiled as he said that.

While Erselica was...

(No way!)

(Why is Klein's house here and not the Bismarcks?)

(Klein was supposed to be at home waiting for all charges to be released to them).

Erselica only knew about Klein, she didn't know if he had other relatives or not. So, to her, Klein was in there.

At that point, Dixit spoke up.

"Oh, great Saint Erselica, help us defeat these heathens with your Saintless power!"

She heard that, and immediately remembered.

(It's true! I'm the Saint and that girl never lost.)

Erselica, materialized several water shields that shone in the sunlight. They appeared transparent thanks to the reflection.

She could create several thanks to certain measures she took. The entire front fleet was covered by shields.

(I am the Saint! I am inven-)

At that moment, the rail gun finished charging its crest and a small missile imbued with magical power shot out straight at Dixit's flagship and other important members.

Both Erselica and the others turned to watch as the shield was effortlessly destroyed and the flagship burst into flames as it fell into the sea.

Not only that one, the ship to its right as well. Then the one in the upper left corner and so on, the enemy fleet was firing destroying the fleet of the late Dixit and the Saint.

While inside the enemy flagship, Klein was jumping for joy like a child.

"Ahaha, what the fuck is this, it's so much fun, I want too!"

With that, he got up and went straight to remove an operator from the guns and he sat down.

The operator was telling him what to do and Klein....

"Yes! Shit come on!"

...Like an unhinged child he fired.

"Fall down kingdom rats! Fall down, haha!"

The kingdom fleet was destroyed effortlessly.

It was just like pouring hot water on an anthill.


A Saintless knight said to Erselica.

"Saintless-sama, please protect us!"

Who was kneeling on the ground crying like a child.

Not only the knight, several bishops were telling her the same thing, but she.

"I can't!"

She could not resist the pressure.

"I lied! I'm no Saint or anything! That fat man was impressed at the first chance he saw and praised me as the Saint!"

Right there, an escort ship acting as a shield flew backwards from the impact.

Erselica raised her head there and as if in slow motion. She saw the burning ship being propelled backwards as if in reverse. Several men and women were being propelled off the ship as well, some were on fire and some were missing body parts.

At the sight of it...


Erselica snapped.

"Brother, save meeee!!!"

The bishop who heard her say that she was a fake, shouted "half turn, we return to the kingdom!".

Very few were able to comply with that order as the explosions from the allied ships were extremely large making retreat almost impossible.

The enemy fleet did not pursue them. They just stayed in that same position firing until they were out of range.

The number of ships that returned safely, but not intact were 5, but 3 remained because the others collapsed as soon as they touched the harbor.

My tea fell out of my hands upon hearing such madness.

"...Tell me it's a bad joke, please."

He replied "I would like it to be the cruelest and lousiest joke in the world, but it is the reality. The Duchy of Kingsfort has allied with the Talis Commonwealth, they have declared war on the kingdom."

I knew Klein was trash, but this level is something unimaginable.

"Currently, we have in total a fleet of 5000 ships and 3000 registered mobile knights."

I was glad to hear that.

"The problem is..."

But that didn't last at all.

"...That we are being attacked by unknown enemies on all sides of the border. They can't send reinforcements. The combined enemy fleet is coming from the Kingsfort territory, that means the capital is on its own with what it has on hand."

"I don't know how much their total is, but in the capital we don't even reach 1000 ships or 500 mobile knights."

Everything he says turns my stomach.

"For that reason, Rudel-kun, would you help this country avoid its end?"

I was about to tell him my answer when something happened outside.

A knight entered without permission and very exalted said.

"Prime Minister-sama, there is a severe problem!"

We both said "now what's wrong?" and went to see.


Lecia was talking to the ministers.

The king was behind her.

Liam, it was said, was in the palace along with his friends, but she couldn't find him so she sent knights to look for them.

She, in her role as queen was saying to the ministers.

"It doesn't matter who is to blame!"

All the ministers were assembled. She spoke to them with harshness and certainty in her words.

"No one will be punished for now, instead, this is the opportunity to earn their forgiveness!"

They all heard the queen speaking.

"Our kingdom is in danger! Viscount Bradford defeated the invaders, but that doesn't mean the threat is over! I received a report that 2200 enemy ships are approaching the capital!"

The ministers began to chatter among themselves.

Lecia smiled at what seemed to be a thorough confirmation.

"We must warn the people of what's going on! Solicit the nobles and aristocrats of the capital along with the knight houses so we can unite and protect our country!"

She smiled with a certainty, that the nobles would go up in flames to protect their country.



That was the sound Lecia made along with a strange face after seeing the nobles and knights running after saying that the war started.

Her face was a very comical, yet adorable one.

Her eyes were open like saucers and her iris looked like a dot; her mouth was forming a triangle and 2 of her front teeth looked like a rabbit.

Lecia, couldn't believe her eyes from the balcony after the King's announcement.

"War, don't fuck with me!"

"Who the hell would stay to fight for this filthy kingdom!"

"I'll go east, maybe I bought land and can buy a title too!"

There was a huge crowd of nobles, many aristocrats and knights fleeing in all directions.

The harbor was swarming with rich men as well. Many were boarding their ships and quickly escaping from the harbor.

Among them; was an acquaintance of Rudel's named the great Baron Lebron, who was fleeing with an undisguised group of handsome shirtless young men.

Even inside the palace.

"We are lost!"

"Fuck the kingdom, the palace and the royal family!"

"I worked so hard and still get paid with my house fighting for this hole? Don't fuck with me!"

The ministers, whether or not they were allies of Balzac or any other faction but Ritzburg. They ran out along with several knights and servants.

Rudel and Mayer were at the door watching everything.

Rudel's thoughts said only one thing.

(I don't know what surprises you? Although it's very cute that expression, but it was still obvious that this would happen).

They both saw a trusted maid running away with several gold ornaments.

No one tried to stop her. Siegwald, even sat down to blurt out unexpected words.

"I accepted that a few did it, but really, this is worse than I imagined."

While Rudel answered him in his head.

(Hah? Why are you surprised if I always said so! They're scum, nobles are scum who think of themselves! Rats will run away when their lifestyle is interrupted, it makes me sick to be a noble like them).

At that precise moment, Rudel smiled a macabre smile.

He turned to look at Mayer and say.

"Mayer-san, would you like to hear my proposal? I guarantee that, with this, both I and you will be happy."

Mayer didn't understand what Rudel was saying, but they went to the same room where they were and this troubled boy told him something that made for the first time for him. He saw the eyes of the 2nd most important man in the country.

He was answering him in a very distressing tone.

"Rudel-kun, do you understand what you are saying? You're asking me to betray His Majesty the King."

But the boy with the terrifying smile told him very calmly.

"You're wrong, you won't betray anyone, you'll just turn your face and hear nothing. With this plan, I, will finally stop being a nobleman and escape this country safely."

Rudel smiled at Mayer, but he had another thought besides.

(That's right, I'll get rid of this nuisance and go with Ixion to live far away. But also, I'll use this opportunity to find out what exactly that little pest knows and then, I'll eliminate it.)

A wicked smile, showed on that terrifying face.