Interlude - Master and Servant

Rudel was in his room.

It was already evening, his parents had told him that he was getting engaged to an unknown girl.

Ixion had come to his room to put away his clothes because his mother was busy.

Rudel saw him put away his clothes by a mysterious method.

The clothes floated, not sure if it was artificial magic or science, but Rudel didn't care.

Rather, he asked him this.

"What will you do from now on?"

Ixion turned to look at him after hearing this.

"What are you talking about?"

"You were talking about the contract between us being about finding the ship, weren't you?"

"Brunhilde went down, so there's no contract anymore I guess."

"...Is an idiot isn't he?"


Ixion floated over to Rudel's bed and dropped his spherical body to the human body.

"Damn you! What are you doing?"

"That's for me to ask you, what are you talking about? My contract is with you, not Brunhilde, only you."

"Huh? But you said that-"

"You don't remember anything. Besides, if I really were to leave. Mankind would be destroyed."

Rudel sighed.

"You still want to destroy humanity? They'll do it on their own, so let them."

"It'll take a long time, no thanks."

Rudel threw a pillow at Ixion.

"If you destroy humanity, then I'll die too."

"Umm, that's an interesting question. But don't worry, you, your family and them, I will keep safe in a safe place if you wish."

"Why are you bringing them into this?"

Ixion glared at Rudel.

"How do you feel about them?"

Rudel pulled his arm away from his face to look at him.

"Why do you care?"

"Curiosity will it be?"

"If you're talking about that, I want to know about the bastard who fled the kingdom and destroyed the girls' dolls."

"I did, along with the students who humiliated them. The guy is hiding in Aster. Many have fled there before the war, that includes those people who tried to kill him."

"Good. After we arrive we will search for them and send it to the kingdom."

"Understood. Now, answer what I asked you."


Rudel looked at Ixion as he told him about his true feelings.

"I love them, I really love Alisa and Airi. I want to be with them, but... I don't think I'm worthy of having wonderful girls by my side."

Rudel covered his face with a pillow to scream.

Ixion seeing him, muttered under his breath.

"...Your traumas sure are strong it seems, only they will be able to heal your stupidity."

After removing the pillow, Rudel asked Ixion if he said anything.

He denied it and went to iron his pants.

Just before taking off his shirt, Ixion said to him.



"Tomorrow will be a big day no doubt."

"Shut up."

And so, the plan to make Rudel and them happy was going perfectly after once again verifying their feelings.