Interlude - Bell, it will make an effort!

In Altfode Kingdom, many foreign officials, diplomats and wealthy merchants were in the capital doing various things. One of them, his name was Laurt; he was an important diplomat who had come to settle in his country's embassy in the kingdom.

He was in an elegant carriage with the mark of his country on the doors. His appearance was that of a short, plump man with almost no hair on his head.

He wore large glasses for a big nose. He was browsing the streets looking for something to eat.

"No, that one's no good to me."

By eating, he obviously meant laying hands on some poor girl. In his country it was normal to do this, so he figured if they tell him something he could get by cheaply.

His eyes searched for perfect prey.

"That one is too small."

"She's too simple-minded."

"Bah, that one is definitely useless."

He was rejecting all the girls until he found his best prey.

"Oh, that's the one!"

Who at the same time was his worst choice.

"Short hair, blonde, I can see from my position that she possesses a great ass with splendid plump thighs, I want her!"

That girl was Airi.

She was conversing with a man- you could say so since she was wearing a wig and long dress.

"I never expected to meet you in the capital, Erik-sensei."

"Geez~, Irisdina-chan you've grown a lot since the last time we met. And it's Madame Julia now."

Airi felt strange since a man called himself as madame, that same "man" was the one who taught her how to read and write a long time ago.

"I-I understand. What do you buy?"

"You see, I have a cousin in Aster and she wants me to send her some personal things she left here a while ago."

"I understand, they must be very important."

"Certainly, since unlike me who owns a place specializing in deviant lambs. She owns a bar for men who want to escape their reality."

Airi didn't understand anything she was told, but she smiled and nodded happily at what he was told.

"I'd like to chat longer, but I have to go buy some things for the academy. See you."

With her usual charming smile she walked out of there heading to a shop to buy things.

Laurt gave her a dirty look.

"I want her, I must have her, no matter who she is!"


It was nighttime, in the female students' dormitory at the academy.

There were three men on the roof.

"How is she?"


"Looks like we can make it without a problem."

"Bad boys found~."

The men were having that conversation. When suddenly, a strange voice they heard.

From the neighboring rooftops they could see strange mechanical black spiders with red eyes coming towards them.

The men drew their weapons in fear of those strange objects.

"W-, what the hell are those things!"

The mechanical spiders were approaching at high speed. The hooded men pulled out their guns to use them, but some of those spiders threw a mucous web to prevent them from using them.

The men ran in panic across the roof. One of them fell to the ground breaking his leg and the others were caught by the spiders.

The spiders that did not have the other men trapped moved in to corner the injured man.

Before he could scream for help, he was trapped by them and watched as a white sphere with a bright green eye slowly fell from the sky.

The man watched that strange sphere speak to him.

"Umm, your lord sure is an idiot, isn't he?"

"See how he wanted to get his hands on the sweet and innocent Airi-chan. I'm sorry to say that she already has a wonderful man who is my master."

That orb was Bell, who for some reason was sighing, despite not having a mouth.

"Why do idiot men want a woman who already has a partner? You and the other bad boys at the academy really need some painful discipline. Don't worry, I won't kill you guys, but I'll have a lot of fun with you, fufufu."

Bell's green eye was glowing brightly and in a very scary way.



Laurt had been waiting all night for his present in his robe. In the end, it never came and he fell asleep in his mansion waiting.

When he awoke, he went to take a bath and there he found a monstrosity.

It was the men sent yesterday. They were naked, tied up and had a large umbrella embedded in their butts with the message "If you don't get out of here this instant, you'll end up worse off. Love, Bell-chan."

(At what point? When did they come into my room?)

Laurt was very afraid as an intruder had entered his heavily guarded mansion.

He had also been given a frightening gift.

All that was left for him to do was run away as he was threatened that next time he would be the one to end up like this or worse.

He grabbed his bags and returned to his country that same day.


Bell was spying on the man who was running like a coward for his life.

She was laughing.

"Without a doubt, being the girls' guardian is very entertaining. I'll have the Master praise me for it when he finds out."

Airi walked into the room where Bell was waiting for her, they were supposed to meet with Alisa today to talk about Rudel not sending them letters lately.

But besides that, Airi was sad. Bell noticing her asked her why.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Well, I'm sad since another new student is leaving the academy."

"Why does that affect you?"

Airi looked at him very sad.

"I think it's my fault, maybe... am I a lousy guide?"

"Nonsense. Master and Alisa know you're very competent. Even more than the Master."

"I don't think so, I say that since everyone who leaves the academy... well, how to put it."

Airi didn't know how to say it since it was so weird for her even that.

"The thing is... the students who drop out of the academy are girls. But, the number of girls is extremely low, so I don't understand where so many come from."

Airi didn't understand how so many girls dropped out of the academy when their number was low.

"On the other hand, the number of male students has decreased somewhat. Recently, a male dormitory student said he had to talk to me privately and at the time of the meeting I never met him. Not even in class, let alone in his room."

The male students' rooms were empty, but there was no sign of them leaving the premises.

Bell wanted to say a certain thing to Airi, but she preferred to keep that to herself since just at this instant. She was watching as a student from the boys' dormitory came out of a room wearing a dress.

The boys' dormitory was in a panic because of this strange wave of terrifying events. They knew the half-truth. That's why they didn't talk, thinking that maybe a strange ghost roaming around doing unreal things would catch them.

That was how the first horror story at the academy was born.