Special #4 - Questions and Answers

● Hello everyone, it's me Rudel, it's nice to see you again in this section.

● This time I'll be the interviewer, and our special guests are none other than... idiots!

♡ Hey, who are you calling an idiot? Ah, nice to meet you, I'm Erselica.

● Obviously I'm talking to you, lady with the reverse harem that's made up of useless and pitiful men.

○ Master, they've arrived.

*Door opening and 5 people entering*.

●L: Erselica, what are we doing here again?

●F: We came back to this place again.

●Ch: I didn't remember this place being a small reception.

●W: I don't understand what you are talking about, what place are we in? A letter came to the door asking us all to come.

●Cl: Erselica, why are you with Rudecchi?

*Penetrating glances at Rudel*.

● Why are you looking at me like that, huh, idiots?

○ Master, we're wasting time.

● It's true. To sum it up, this place is to talk about things related to what happened on our trip to the Aster Supreme Kingdom. And you are our guest stars.

● All Five: ...

● What's with those long faces ... The kingdom asked me to find out how Erselica's relationship with you guys is going, remember she's still hated back home.

● The five: Oh, so that's it!

● ... Did they really believe that improvised lie? How idiotic are they really?

● Let's be quick and clear, no one cares what you and Erselica do, we just want to know about your relationship. They'll go one by one, starting with you grape head.

● Cl: How rude of you. Well, no doubt my Aster experience has been strange. To make a long story short, I hated traveling to a place I don't know about, being in the same place with you, eating in the same place with you, and using the same showers you use.

● ...

● Cl: But... the truly wonderful thing that happened to me was meeting the woman who never discriminated against me at all. Whether it's my fault or not, I've never really had a supporter from anyone since the tragedy for my house last year. For that reason, I love Erselica and I'm glad I came here.

♡ Something like that is a bit embarrassing... really. I'm serious, I didn't do anything. But thank you.

● Are you saying that you fell in love with this guy without doing anything at all? Is this what they call script convenience?

● Anyway, you follow your four eyes.

● W: Why this cold attitude with me Count Bradford?

● Hah? Are you forgetting that you tried to not only force me to accompany you to the junkyard to look for derelict ship parts and then want to disarm Battler?

● W: Yeah, what's so weird about that?

● I really feel like an idiot for thinking the four-eyed guy in the group was the normal, smart guy, but he turned out to be just another idiot!

○ Master, look in a mirror when you say that.

● What the hell do you mean by that, floating junk?

● W: Whatever. Erselica, before I came I was only interested in various things related to my tastes, but after the Derrick incident and you taking care of me despite it not being your duty, you showed me how gentle and kind you are. For the first time in my life I wanted to be with a woman. So, thank you for taking care of me and I love you.


● Uwoo~, how repulsive it is to hear lies. Not what you say, but what they think happened.

● Next, you red ape.

● Ch: I really don't understand what I'm doing here, but I should just talk about Erselica, right?

*Stands up and then... tears his shirt.

● Ch: Erselica! I've loved you from the moment we met and that will never change! Thank you for being there to show me your love and kindness! I'm really happy!

*His muscles start to throb*.

♡ Thank you Chlust, now, put on a shirt damn it!

● I just saw a creepy thing, but more creepy is next. Green head, you're up.

● F: Why is it my turn after that gorilla, and Bradford, who did you mean by that huh? ... I'll be sure to make you pay later. Finally it was my turn to talk about how much I love you Erselica.

● F: Well, it all started when-.

● Okay, that's enough.

● F: Why!? I still won't say how wonderful and special she is!

● That's precisely why I cut it out. You were going to be quite a while! Just tell her you love her flat-as-a-plank breasts and that's it!

♡ Who are you calling flat-chested as a board fucking virgin!!

● F: Bradford, I will not tolerate you badmouthing my goddess.

● L: That's where you're wrong Frey.

● F: Your Highness, what do you mean I was wrong?

*He stands up on a table*

● L: Erselica is neither your goddess, nor mine. She's not only my girlfriend, she's...

*Raises his hands and his eyes gleam accompanied in the background with a mysterious light coming out*.

● L: Erselica is our goddess of salvation!

*Everyone is shocked at those words*.

*Rudel is disgusted*

● F: Your Highness... you're right, I was wrong!

● Ch: She's a woman who came into our lives to brighten up how dark they were!

● W: I have never in my life felt so happy to be alive until I met her.

● Cl: Erselica is love, Erselica is life.

● L: For that reason, she is not only our bride. She is also our goddess. Nothing makes me happier than being by her side.

● ... You heard, goddess... goddess?

● Hey, what's wrong with you?

♡ ... It's so embarrassing to be called that! It was fine at first, but I'm so embarrassed to be called a goddess! Nothing would make me happier than for you guys to move your asses to earn money! They ate everything in the fridge again! And the fridge is a double door!

*Door opening again!

● A: Master, there's trouble!

♡ C: The kingdom's debt collectors have come to the mansion and are demanding payment for the things bought by Her Highness and the others!

*Everyone panics*

*Erselica looks at Rudel*

● ... Hey, why are you looking at me? Hey... no, don't come closer. get away from me!

♡ Onii-chan help meeeeeeeee!

*Rudel runs around the place chased by Erselica*.

● L: Bradford, you scoundrel. What are you doing to our goddess!!!?

● Shut your stupid prince mouth and help me!

*Everyone starts running around like crazy*

○h ... The special this time was very disappointing. But more disappointing is to know what he will do in the next volume.

○ Sorry, dear readers, but this is it. Please continue to support us during volume 5.

♡ Onii-chaaaaaaaannnn~ help~me!!!!


○ ... See you soon.