Supporting Characters (and mechas)

Jude Gaia Banfield (Similar to Sakamaki Ayato from Diabolic Lovers)

The heir to the Banfield Household of the Six Great Nobles and the main capture target of the game's bonus content.

He is one of the most popular characters, being for that reason the reason why the developers named him as the best match for Lucy.

Cliff Gaia Banfield (Similar to Leonidas from Fate Grand Order)

The current head of the Banfield Household, a rough and muscular man who desires the position of Acting Chairman of Randolf.

He considers Rudel a black mark on his winning record after what happened in the event duel. And he wants to crush him to regain the honor of the Great Noble Six.

Linus Ian Exner (Similar to Schneizel el Britannia from Code Geass)

The current head of Exner Household, the extra capture target introduced because no one liked or could stand Derrick's older brother.

A very patriotic and proud man who feels that Randolf takes a very permissive attitude towards Rudel after what happened.

He is considered the "Handsome Demon" due to his manipulative way of thinking what is best for Aster.

Thomas Ian Exner (Similar to Olivert Reise Arnor from Sen no Kiseki)

Named Tom for his older half-brother Linus. He is the capture target with the best parameters in handling armed units in the game.

A playboy who is Sara's fiancé.

Ada (Similar to Kasumi from Dead or Alive)

A commoner girl from the territory of the Bradford Barony. Allen's older sister and she took care of him on her own since her parents left home long ago. She is not a character in the game.

Felicia van Arkin (Similar to Mysterious Heroine X from Fate Grand Order)

The new head maid of Bismarck Household due to the fact that many vassals fled after the war. She took care of Alisa for much in her childhood; she is not a character in the game.


Magic Armor:

Original Battler (Full Armor GM Dominance Striker)

An ancient war machine from ancient mankind which lost to something in the past. During last year's war against the former Talis Commonwealth it was destroyed without the possibility of being repaired.

New Battler Model (NK-13S Gundam Schwarzritter)

A Magic Armor created using remaining pieces of its original and pieces of the parts created by the new humans. Unlike its original counterpart, it can use magical power.

Ignis (DTM-13-04 Rouge Engel)

A customized Mobile Knight for the exclusive and personal use of the heir and future head of Banfield Household. His name means the flaming one in Latin.

Gier (Tzendorg)

A last generation Armored Unit of the Exner Household. Its name in German means greed; while in Polish it means spear.


Artificial Intelligence:


A non-playable character in the game. His role in the original game was the pet of Airi who was the real protagonist. But the developers decided to change it for reasons known only to them.

He hates the new humanity and wants to destroy them, but he prefers to take care of Rudel and his important people to improve his future.


An artificial intelligence found on an island. Her personality is feminine and depraved.

She is very fond of Rudel and his girlfriends, including Erselica, but because she is very pitiful.