Side Story ─ Lucy and Rudel (Final)

I am angry, not with him, but with me.

It's been a few days since Rudel saved me from the great nobles.

I was perplexed when Sara told me that I didn't need to be bothered anymore and that I can do whatever I want from now on.

Actually, that's what confuses me.

What should I do?

There are people in this country that I love, including my sister.

I was surprised to see that Madame Beverly was one of the remaining knights of my family.

The academy is a bit complicated.

The fact that they found out that I am the priestess spread to everyone.

Now there are people who don't know what to do about how to treat me.

My friends look at me with their heads down.

It's really hateful to be treated special when I'm not.


Today Erselica-chan, her boyfriends and servants went out together with the maids that Rudel brought from the Kingdom.

They went to buy things.

I went downstairs and went to the kitchen, I was hungry.

After taking a few steps, I saw them.

"Hey, this tastes awful."

"That's because you put too much salt in it, you had to only put in a few teaspoons."

"But it's too little."

"Don't question me, I'm perfect at calculations and you're not."

Rudel and that floating sphere were cooking noodles.

The sphere noticed my presence and indicated it to him.

"Master, the guest has arrived."

Rudel turned around and our eyes met.

I immediately averted my gaze from him.

Since that day, I don't know how to look him in the face.

He rescued me, he protected me and above all, he is engaged.

In this country there is a term called "local wife". Many nobles have secret mistresses and keep them.

My grandmother, when she was alive, told me that my grandfather had several. He was the elected guardian on duty, he belonged to Banfield Household.

Maybe that's why Jude became obsessed with me.

In any case, a local wife is a woman who lives knowing that she is the mistress. That her husband is living with another woman.

I don't want that, I don't want to live knowing that the man I love sleeps in bed with his wife and comes to see me when he's bored with her.

As a woman, that's very unpleasant, that's why I hate this situation, it makes me look like I'm the spare of his girlfriends.

"Th-this... Lucy."

Rudel spoke to me in a shaky voice.

"You see... since they all went out to shop, they'll be back later. I stayed since I was bored, and I decided to cook for myself... so, if you want you can eat some."

"No thanks."

I said that and immediately got out of there.


"Really, what am I doing."

Part of me wants to tell him it's okay for me to be his mistress.

But another part doesn't want to be, I don't want to be the woman he goes to when he fights with his wife.

I put my hands on my face.

"Please, someone tell me what to do."

Then, I heard a small voice, it was the same voice I heard that day.

(Follow... what you wish.)

(The guardian and the priestess... they must be together.)

(Only they can save us... from "it".)

What do you mean, "it"?

What is "it"?

I do not understand.


The month was almost over. Rudel was alone again.

No, we were left alone.

Erselica-chan said there were offers on the market, everyone went out.

Lately I don't go out anymore as people treat me more like the priestess. I haven't even been able to see Diana, although she has written to me, once a month.

When I called him, Rudel and that sphere called Ixion were cooking fried chicken.

The sphere was floating the ingredients.


This time I want to clarify my feelings.

"I want to talk to you, let's sit down for a moment."

We sat down and Ixion poured tea.

I asked him bluntly.

"Tell me what I am to you?"

"A friend? An acquaintance? Or... Your lover in-turn?"

I was honestly expecting the worst.

He seemed nervous, I liked sometimes seeing him make normal expressions like that.

"I... I love you. I can't tell you that I love you since I don't know if it's desire or affection that I feel for you."

That shocked me so much that I opened my eyes in surprise.

"That day, when I kissed you. It was to show everyone that you were mine. I did it because it was true. Lucy, I like you."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I hadn't any fiancés. But, as you can see, I'm not a reliable man, let alone one who understands women."

"I'm glad you recognize that you're not."

His face made a bad expression, he was cute about that too.

"Th-that's why I... I want to get to know you more! I love those two, we lived a lot of things and that's why I don't want to hurt them. Instead we, we lived only a few days together."

"I had a lot of fun with you, but I didn't know you had fallen in love with me. I'm sorry for hurting you."

He did something very strange, he prostrated himself on the ground with his head on the floor, he looked like a turtle.

"I understand, but that doesn't answer my question."


He looked at me as if to indicate he still didn't understand what I said, he's a fool no doubt.

"I understand that you like me, but I want to know what I am to you. I am tied to you due to the fact that you are the guardian of the sapling and also the one who has the chain of this necklace."

"Rudel... I am asking you what you expect from us for the future."

"We are tied whether you want to be tied to the sapling or not. Aster is in a bind as they don't know how to deal with you. The normal thing would be for the Acting Chairman─ Sara's father, to make you an honorary noble so we can rebuild Vermillion Household."

"Diana is Lugh's betrothed, she will become a noble again, but our house will not be rebuilt without a legitimate heir."

He already seemed to understand what I meant.

As he was about to open his mouth I said.

"You don't have to tell me now. It is enough for me that you understand the situation we are in."

I stood up and as I was about to give myself to sleep.


He hugged me from behind.

"I-I know I hurt you by not accepting your feelings! But I'm not kidding when I say I love them!"

That made my skin crawl a little.

Is it envy?

"That's why give me a chance! Let's go out to eat or somewhere! I want to get to know you more so I can say without any problems that I love you, please accept this selfish request!"

Gosh, I really resent your honesty that comes up when you don't expect it.

I took her hand.

"This Saturday... let's go somewhere just the two of us, shall we?"

Deep down, I want to tell him to break up with them and stay with me.

But, he said he loved them. I'm jealous of them and that's why I'm upset.

I want to have him all to myself.

Is love that selfish?

No. Is this how Jude felt? If so, I think I understand a little of what he did.

I turned around, looked at him as I did that day.

The man in front of me is the one who can give me security, love and above all, inner peace.

I don't want to leave him.

Even if they don't like it. I am willing to fight for my man.

I went up to him and kissed him.

Me, I'm selfish. I want to be with him.

So, I guess being a local wife wouldn't be a bad thing, right?