Bonus Story – World Ixion/SAGA (Spin-off part 5)

My name is Rudel van Bradford and I am a reincarnate.

Due to certain events in my life I went on a mission that my home, the Altfode Kingdom requested.

I fought pirates and then one of them told me that there was a bounty on my head.

So I immediately returned home to kick the ass of the idiot who played that tasteless joke on me.

Although at this point I don't think it's a joke anymore, since...

"Kill him!"

"He who takes his head will be rewarded."

"The Glaive Squad will be the one to kill him!"

I am being attacked by knights from my own country.

As soon as I reached one of the borders of the country, a fleet of seventy airships was waiting for me.

I engaged them and the instant I did so, they fired their cannons at me.

Battler is a bit damaged, it needs repairs.

That's why I needed to go to my island so Bell could repair it.

But these idiots started attacking me.

I pulled out my axes and I didn't care who they are, they are trying to kill me so I will kill them.

My airship was with holes and smoke coming out of different parts.

We barely shot down ten aircraft and Bell can't use it anymore.

After splitting some of them in half, a screaming guy was attacking me.

"I've been waiting for this opportunity, enemy of the Kingdom!"

"I, the captain of the Feet squad and heir to a prestigious noble house, Paulo, will have the honor of killing you and becoming a hero."

"Shut your mouth. I have no idea who you are."

I hit him with my axe on the hip, but he used his sword to block the attack.

Then my other hand came and I hit him in the leg.

He went flying at his ally's head.

Battler could fight without problems, but I've been fighting for more than five hours without rest.

At this rate I will lose.

Damn, am I really going to die here?


Bell called out to me.

"More airships approaching!"

Bell showed me on the screen as a new fleet approached,

"Damn it, they've brought reinforcements."

No doubt I'm dead.

"No! Master, look at the crest of the aircraft."

Bell zoomed in on the crest, it was a very familiar emblem. Since it belonged to him...

"Duke Bismarck Household!"

The Duke's fleet, along with other houses by their crests approached and began firing nonstop at the enemies.

"What is this? More rebels!"

"Kill them all without mercy!"

The moment the idiot turned his back on me to shout at his subordinates, I raised my axes, he realized his mistake too late.

It's your fault this.

I lowered the axes and the armed unit was split in two and then exploded, not before letting out a pathetic scream.

"This is impossible! I can't! I───!"

After hearing him scream before he died, I received a transmission.

It came from an approaching armed unit.

"Are you all right, Rudel-kun!"

I recognized that voice instantly.


Alys' older brother and Duke Bismarck's heir.

He stopped in front of me.

"Are you feeling well?"

"Y-Yes, though very tired. More importantly, what's going on here?"

"I'll tell you later. First we must finish off the traitors."

Vayne said that and flew off to fight. I couldn't stand by and watch them help me so I decided to help them.

After finishing off the enemies, some knights asked me to accompany them to the flagship to heal my wounds.

By this time, I was relieved and in perfect condition as I ate and slept a lot.

After changing into comfortable clothes I opened the door where the meeting place was and there I found some familiar faces.


Starting with my friends, Alystar and Iryel.

Then there were Lyn's friends. Chloe, Fay and Fiona.

Sitting in some big armchairs were some men I wouldn't normally see.

Count Roseblaire with his usual mustache and sparkling eyes.

Duke Bismarck, Siegwald and his son.

Even Prime Minister Mayer-san was here.

Upon entering, I immediately asked my friends.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell was going on outside?"

Iryel─ Airy said.

"Rudel-san, this is more serious than you think. Explaining it isn't that simple."

"That's right, we have a lot to tell you."

Alys argued.

"Not simple? Some knights of the Kingdom attacked me, clearly this is treason from those idiots."


Who corrected me was the duke, he was wearing bandages on his head and hands.

"They are not the traitors. It's us."



After that momentary pause, I let out a very ridiculous scream.

"Have you people gone insane! Haven't you? How on earth could you think of betraying the Kingdom!"

"... Rudel, we didn't betray the Kingdom, the palace labeled us as traitors."

"Your situation is the worst of all since they want you dead."

"What are you talking about?"

I looked at Alys with intrigue.

Through it all, there was something that didn't add up to me. Someone was missing from this group.

"Where is Lyn?"

"If Mayer-san is here, that means the queen and her too, right?"

Everyone averted their eyes.

It was Mayer-san himself who said to me.

"Rudel-kun. Let me tell you all the information we were able to gather with the events that happened. Have a seat and drink your tea as you will need it."


(What's wrong with you all? Why so serious?)

Mayer-san told me what happened in the whole year that I haven't been present.


One year ago.

A beautiful girl with ash blonde hair which was pulled back in two braided pigtails and bright purple eyes was sitting at a table along with her friends.

Chloe van Arses, a rough girl with red hair and red eyes.

Fay van Nightray, a quiet girl with green hair and eyes.

And Fiona, a brown-haired, green-eyed commoner.

All three watched in great detail as the girl with the pigtails.

Lynette von Altfode, the crown princess of the Altfode Kingdom sighed for the umpteenth time.

"That's more than ten times in a row in the same minute that she's done the same thing."

"No. She's done it twenty times."

"I counted fifteen."

The three of them asked Lyn after seeing her sigh once more, managing to inflate her large, firm breasts even more.

"Princess, are you all right?"


"Why do you ask that Fiona?"

"W-Well, you've been sighing for almost an hour since you summoned us here."

"We get worried since you only look at the rate or at the wall at intervals. I'm getting scared."

Lyn reacted badly to that and calmed the three of them down.

"I-it's nothing really. I was just getting in my head is all."

"... Is it to do with Earl Bradford?"


Lyn spat out her tea when she heard Rudel's name.

"W-W-W-W-Why do you ask if it has anything to do with him?"

Fay commented as she wiped her hands clean of tea residue.

"You've been out of your mind since he's not here."

"I heard he's margrave now because of the pirate fleet he defeated."

Chloe commented, Lyn touched the tips of her index fingers together as she averted her eyes from them.

"I-I-It has nothing to do with him at all."

"It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm worried since he hasn't even sent a letter let alone used those robots to let us know if he's okay."

"I-I'm also not interested in whether he eats well or not. I don't care at all."

Despite saying that, she was just passing by mentioning it.

The three girls showed a muffled expression before saying.

"It's love."

"Without a doubt love."

"A princess in love with a knight, sounds like a chick lit novel."

The three of them moved closer to Lyn's face and she reddened.

"Wh-What are you girls talking about! There's nothing going on between him and me!"


Fay indicated as she emphasized her firm breasts.

"He is no doubt a pervert who thinks only of breasts. Maybe I should use these girls to secure my place as his wife."

"No fair seaweed head! I have them firmer so I should be the one to get him as her husband!"

"Do you think a man likes muscle-brained women like you?"

"Men prefer slender, feminine, slender-armed women like me."

"Are you talking about those noodles you call arms?"

"Good legs and torso like mine is what a man wants!"

Fiona held up her hand.

"Err. I've been harassed by him too and I can tell he prefers a woman with a wide waist like mine."

Lyn watching the three of them fight to see who would become Rudel's wife, started to panic and screamed.


"Rudy is mine alone and no one else's!"

"I don't want to share him with anyone!"

"He's mine and my breasts are exclusively for him! It's not like I want to do obscene things with him either!"

It was only as she said that she realized what she shouted.

She watched as her friends covered their mouths and muttered to each other.

"She said it. She said she loved him."

"She calls him Rudy, now that's a breakthrough."

"The princess deep down wants to do grown-up things. It's just like those smutty books. Will she be submissive too?"

"I'm not submissive!"

She recomposed her composure.

Her cheeks were red.

"I... I don't know what to do."

"I am the crown princess of this country. My husband must be a man chosen by my mother the queen or the ministers."

"At present the matter of my betrothed is discussed, but I don't know him yet. I don't even know what his personality is like and that terrifies me."

"I... want to have a husband and live a life of love with him."

"I don't want to marry a man I don't love."

Lyn's tears were coming down sadly, but Fiona pounded the table as her face smoked with emotion.

"Isn't that better for you?"


"Isn't this the perfect opportunity to get the palace to make Margrave Bradford your husband!"


"Act quickly, dense princess!"

Fiona shook Lyn after grabbing her shoulders.

Both their breasts jiggled wildly.

"The man you currently love is one who can be your husband."

"If we analyze carefully. He is a man who would serve more as your mate than any other."

"First of all, do the two of you love each other or is it one-sided?"

Lyn blushed and covered her lips with her hair as she answered.

"We both love each other. Although I don't know if he loves my body more than me."

"Let's leave that aside. Let's go with the second question."

"Isn't he a promising future?"

Lyn understood Fiona's words after analyzing them a bit.

"Certainly. His lost item is something that many traitors have wanted and have been defeated. It would be very convenient for the palace to have him on our side... but."

She looked up at the sky as she replied.

"I don't want his lost item to be in the palace's hands, I don't want to force it on him either."

"I know it's very powerful that floating sphere, but I think, if the palace has that power, they would use it for war and I don't want to be the future queen of a barbaric country."

"We can ignore that. You should just threaten the ministers and that's it."

"Fiona, you're starting to scare me a little."

"This is the golden opportunity!"

Fiona lifted Lyn up.

"Princess. If you really want to stay with him, you must fight for his love. We support you in whatever decision you make."

Fay and Chloe nodded.

"We want you to be happy. Your happiness should be more important than thinking about who will be king."

Lyn smiled as she wiped away her tears.

"Thank you girls."

"I'll go right now and tell my mother about that."

She stood up and left.


"How will the princess be doing?"

Fiona asked as she looked up at the sky. The three girls stayed to eat the cookies and desserts so they wouldn't go to waste.

"The queen is understandable. I'm sure they will come up with the answer that will make her daughter happy."

"I hope when he returns they can be together."

All three nodded in agreement at wanting to see their friend happy.

Hurried footsteps approached the garden where they stood.

They were two very attractive blond-haired boys, the taller one had red eyes and the second had blue eyes.

They were Rudel's friends.

Alys asked the girls while sweating.

"Do you know where the princess is!"

"Do you need the princess?"

"Please tell us where she is."

"She went to the palace to see Her Majesty the Queen."

Alys' face showed a panicked expression upon hearing that.

"Damn, we're late!"

"If we go running we can catch up with her."

"I don't think so. But we mustn't waste any time."

Fay stood up and asked them.

"Is something wrong with the princess? Why are they like this?"

"... It's not that we don't want to tell them. It's just that this isn't something that should happen."


Alys stared at them and said.

"Right now, the princess is their target."


Lyn was in the center of the capital.

She walked with a confidence on her face as with each step she approached the palace.

"Mother, I came to tell you that I don't want a fiancé. Not in that sense, I don't want to marry a man I don't love."

"I know he's not the best kind of man. But I love him, I know we will be fine because there is love between us."

"The palace and the country will be fine too."

"Yes. With that I will convince her."

Lyn was a few feet from the palace entrance, she was stopped by a voice.

"Oh, what a wonderful surprise, I never imagined I'd find you here."

She turned to see who was calling her, her cheerful expression showing a face of displeasure.

It was because of the person she was seeing.

A man who smelled bad, his belly was so big it was bigger than a pregnant woman.

His hair was gray and the front was hairless.

His clothes were white, with rings, gold chains and a scepter in his hand.

He was the highest authority in the temple of the saint, the high pontiff Dixit.

Dixit approached, behind him were knights of the temple and holy officials known as bishops.

Lyn did not know what they wanted with her.

Dixit prostrated himself, but not before sending a lustful glance at her feet and breasts.

As with Rudel, Lyn could feel the man's obvious lust, but she didn't dislike the sight of him. But with this man it was different.

Lyn stepped back a little and spoke to Dixit.

"May I know what you wish from me?"

Dixit spoke as he looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Your Highness the princess, but I need to check something."

"Check something?"

"Yes. Bring him in."

Dixit snapped his fingers and from the back of that escorting brigade, knights brought a man over.

They threw him to the ground. Dixit spoke after standing up.

"This man is accused of being a heretic. He not only dares to question the temple's methods, he also offended, forgive me for listening to this. He dared to say that the royal family are useless good for nothing."

"In the face of such a statement he has nothing left except death."

Lyn defended the man.

"Wait a moment please. I understand that he committed a crime, but to execute him just for speaking ill of the royal family. Isn't that very barbaric?"

"You are wrong princess. This man committed a crime before the royal family and the religion of our nation. He must not go unpunished."


Dixit smiled wickedly for a moment.

"You save him."


"It seems strange to you what I said, it's normal, but please listen to me."

"Yesterday I had a dream. In it, the voice of the saint spoke to me."

"She said in these exact words."

Lyn and everyone present heard something incoherent.

"The Kingdom is in danger, evil forces want to harm it. That is why the new saint must save them."

"... New saint?"

Lyn began to sweat.

That was because of something strange that happened to her weeks ago.

She died and heard a voice, that voice told her it wasn't time to show her powers yet.

But no one should know that.

After thinking that, Dixit smiled in a much more sinister way.

"Yes. The voice said that you are the new saint, since, weeks ago you were in a critical event and were saved."


Sweat was pouring down every part of her body, her legs trembled.

"You activated the much rumored healing magic and that's how you managed to save yourself, or am I wrong princess?"

Lyn immediately denied that.

"No! Nothing happened to me! Therefore, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Let me show you then."

Snapping his fingers, the knights pierced the man's body.

"We know you are a good person princess, as are we. But the law is law, unless you want to save this man, if you save him, it would confirm that you possess those powers. But if you don't save him nothing would happen...with the exception that the people around would only see that their future queen can let them die."

Lyn understood Dixit's plan.

(This is what they were looking for.)

(I don't know how they found out, but this is bad for me.)

(At the cost of my image, I'll let...)

"It hurts... please help..."

The man was bleeding out on the floor, the pained expression on his face reminded Lyn of when she saw her father in his last moments.

If she could have saved him, she would have.

Now she was in a similar situation, what would she do?

"Ah, damn!"

She ran to the wounded man, knelt down and placed her hands on the blood-stained body.

"I hope with this you will learn not to open your mouth and say things you shouldn't."

A faint light shone from her hands and the man's body was wrapped in a white veil.

The blood stopped and the wounds closed, even the sickness he had was healed.

The light disappeared and the man stood up.

"Am I healed?"

Dixit raised his voice as his hands.

"Citizens of the capital! Did you see it, you witnessed a miracle!"

"Our beloved crown princess has cured this man! How was it possible? It is because she is the new saint!"

"The saint has been reborn as the princess! That means a prosperous future has come to our nation!"

The voices of the people rose in joy upon hearing that.

Many who were sick, injured or missing limbs, teeth, fingers or missing an eye came to Lyn.

She was frightened.

She doesn't mind helping her people, but in the face of this situation where the temple already knows she is the saint... it means danger.

(No. This is bad, at this rate, they will make me marry a man who is convenient for the temple or the palace.)

Quickly the knights pushed the crowd aside.

"Come on princess, come with me."

Dixit took Lyn's hand, leading her in the opposite direction to where she was going.

"Where are you taking me?"

"That's an absurd question princess, clearly we're going to the temple."

"Then we'll go to the palace, it's time for a change to come to this place."

Lyn tried to resist, but Dixit's strength was too much for her.

(No. I don't want to.)

(Rudy, help me.)


"What nonsense are you talking about Dixit!"

In the royal palace there was an uproar.

Prime Minister Mayer was shouting.

Normally he doesn't shout, but in this situation it was different.

It was because suddenly the knights and temple officials entered the palace.

Dixit was together with his trusted men smiling.

They tried to stop them, but they entered the ministers' hall, where Mayer and some ministers were discussing Rudel's situation outside the country.

"Sorry for the forced intrusion, but prime minister-dono. I came to tell you that there has been an unexpected occurrence and so the temple will take actions that can only be achieved in the palace."

Mayer became angry and shouted.

Dixit answered him after stepping aside.

"Watch please."

Lyn was behind him. She wore white ceremonial robes and had unexpected items on her head, arm, neck and hands.

"The crown princess has been appointed as the new saint. Therefore, the temple is obliged to interfere in the corresponding matters."

"What did you say? The saint!"

"Yes. We checked recently, even the people witnessed it."

"For that reason the temple will have some members here. To talk about the future."

"Don't talk nonsense Dixit!"


A month has passed since Lyn was appointed as a saint.

The situation between in the palace and the temple is not progressing at all.

Because of that, many important matters are being put aside.

In one of those rooms was a man drinking tea.

His hair was strange, his eyes bulging, his nose was curved like a faucet key and his lips were as large as fish lips.

He was the minister and marquis, Moldred von Balzac.

"Things are going as planned, but not quite as planned. Well, if everything went as I would like it would be a fantasy world, hahaha."

The person with him also laughed.

"Indeed. I never expected you to be right."

A man with glasses and brown hair accompanied him.

Balzac said to him.

"We've already had a good laugh, now let's get down to the serious stuff."

"Can I count on your help?"

"Yes. Since you promised us a portion of the country when this is over. We will also count on your help when things get rough in the United Kingdom."

"You can tell your king, that the future prime minister will support the Principality of Edinburgh whenever he wants."

"Understood, I will go ask the desert kingdom for help since they owe us one."

"I am looking forward to that."

"See you soon, diplomat Frampton."

The man left the room.

Balzac muttered.

"It's only a matter of time."


Another month has passed, but this time it's different.

Dixit was aboard an airship.

The weather was terrible.

The reason there is a temple fleet is because of what was happening.

"Do not fear!"

"We have the Saint Lynette on our side!"

Lyn was aboard that airship, the reason for that was because small invasions were occurring.

Enemy fleets from countries or criminal organizations were approaching the borders of the Kingdom.

The palace was busy with the meddling of the temple in positions they should not.

That is why they neglected requests for help from border nobles.

The temple took advantage of that and sent their best knights to cope.

Lyn had not been able to go to the academy because of what had happened. She was locked in her room at the temple under the excuse of "taking care of her".

She was attended by women only.

Today she was asked to come to motivate the knights.

They were not the only ones, there were also nobles.

They wanted to observe Lyn's power.

The enemy fleet was from the desert kingdom.

Lyn did not know what to do, but one of her companions said to her.

"... I understand."

She stood on the highest part of the bow of the ship and said.

"P-Please! Protect everyone!"

She wished with all her might and from her staff a light materialized which covered not only the ship she was on.

All the others were also covered in that white veil.

Being within attack range, the enemy cannons aimed at them and sent all their firepower.

Upon impacting the ships, the cannonballs imbued with magic power exploded from the white light.

This happened to all the allied ships.

Even Dixit, who prophesied the words of the saint could not believe it.

He blurted out a comment after seeing how the enemy was confused.

"Did you see that! The saint's power is real!"

"I mean. This is the saint's power!"

"We can win! Go ahead!"

The allied fleets began to attack the enemies.

In a matter of time, they were defeated.


Danafor Desert Kingdom.

A country that despite having a desert covering each end of the island, is rich in resources.

In the royal palace, the king, a scary-looking dark-skinned man was glaring angrily at a certain man.

"What is the meaning of this, Frampton?"

King Ramshel Dirk Danafor was questioning the diplomat Frampton.

The reason for this, he explained.

"You said the Kingdom was vulnerable and that an internal traitor would help us bring it down."

"What has been going on for weeks now is to weaken our forces under excuses that have no way of holding up anymore."

"Frampton, both you and your king have made fools of us. We have been tricked and manipulated to weaken us."

The guards took Frampton and placed him on the ground near where the throne was.

"Wait a moment please!"

"The marquis himself said something like this could happen!"

"It's part of the plan to weaken the nation and so─!"

"Shut him up."

The sword first touched his nose and after being raised came down to silence him forever.

Something rolled on the ground accompanied by a sticky liquid and then a larger object also made a loud sound.

The king ordered it to be removed.

After that he sighed.

"We will launch an attack on the Principality of Edinburgh. Notify everyone that the Kingdom is postponed until we finish off those vermin."

A war started after that.


In one room were two men drinking tea.

They were Balzac and Dixit.

Half a year had passed since Lyn was declared a saint and conflicts with enemy countries began.

"There is nothing more patriotic than getting enemy countries to fight each other to weaken each other and then seize their territories."

"It seems that more noble families have joined our cause."

"Thanks to Duke Belmont being a good friend of yours. We have many nobles, not to say almost the entire country on our side."

"They are nothing compared to the real problems."

"Problems? Are you talking about Her Majesty the queen?"

"No. She is controlled thanks to the women of the temple taking it upon themselves to convince her that she must agree to let the temple accompany her daughter through this transition."

"Women like them are easy to control. When the king was around it was a little difficult but not now."

"The real problem is those three. Bismarck, Roseblaire and Ritzburg."

Dixit smiled after grabbing a handful of cookies and stuffing them into his mouth. As he spoke he spat out scraps of crumbs.

"If it's about Count Roseblaire don't worry, I personally went to his house and told him that his daughters were faithful devotees of the temple when they were younger. Perhaps it's time to turn them into temple maidens after special training."

"After telling him that he fell silent. So he won't bother us."

"About Duke Bismarck. I heard that a fleet of a certain Zaratras is keeping him company in his territory, to the point where he had to send his heir to fight."

"I remember that fellow. He's one of the pirates I told them would become nobles and get their own territory when I become prime minister."

"No doubt the biggest problem is the prime minister."

"How will you go about defeating him?"

"I've thought of something. I think... it should be time."

"Time for what exactly─?"

Dixit squeezed his chest.

"The time of your death. I'm sorry, but you're like Kingsfort, too dangerous a man to have free, I don't want allies either. I just need pawns."

"I'm sure your death will be the mainstay for my achievement. Thank you for being the main pawn, Dixit."


After mistakenly saying Balzac's name, Dixit collapsed against the glass table.

Balzac took a sip and said before placing the cup on the table.

"No doubt the prime minister's personal collection of tea herbs is a luxury. Well, let's get to work..."


At the shout, Balzac's final plan began.


"Don't play with me!"

After Dixit's personal guard entered, they found the lifeless body of the temple's highest authority.

Balzac was inside and told them that he came to have a talk with him.

When he opened the door he found him like this.

He could not be saved with the powers of the saint.

On analyzing the room, they found traces of poison in Dixit's tea and cookies, except in a single cup.

According to the guards, the prime minister came with his personal stock of tea.

That is why the knights came to confront him.

That the highest authority in the palace after the king and queen would commit such an act was inconceivable.

For that reason, Balzac came with tears in his eyes to accuse Mayer.

Mayer bit his lips as he saw how even members of his own faction pointed at him.

(Damn you Balzac. You planned this from the beginning.)

For a second, Mayer could see a wicked smile at the corners of Balzac's mouth.

Some time passed, and Mayer due to pressure had to resign from his post as prime minister.

Currently the position is being discussed by the other ministers... although Balzac has most of them in his hands.

I had just heard an appalling thing.

To make it much worse, the duke said.

"After the prime minister resigned, we found signs of people entering our territories. Some of our allies were killed along with their families."

"That's why many of us fled and formed a group that opposes Balzac and his, we are the Aristocratic Union."

(Was that name really necessary?)

I said to the duke.

"How many escaped?"

"Almost all those who oppose Balzac, some like the Tudor, Redgrave and Frazer families stayed due to their inability to leave their territories or trade routes."

"But we are counting on their help."

This time it was Alys who spoke.

"Rudel, we have been searching for you for half a year without attracting attention due to the fact that we went to the United Kingdom, the Principality of Wales, the home of Her Majesty Lecia to replenish resources."

"Because we heard a transmission we went to help you."

"I see."

"The situation is really bad."

Bell who was next to me said.

"It's amazing how so many things happened and Master was far away."

"By the way, what happened to Master's island and his family?"

Bell made me remember that.

"That's right, my family where is it?"

Airy spoke up.

"Your family is with us. They were the first ones we went to rescue."

"That's good."

"But about your island... I'm afraid Balzac's forces took it."

"It looks like getting the tech back will be difficult Bell."

"We could just kill them all. But both the ship and Battler are damaged, they need repair so I will have to send drones and robots to steal the parts secretly. It will take me months doing this."


"I'm afraid we won't be able to get the Kingdom back for a while."

"I see."

I stood up and walked out of the room.

I went out on deck to get some air.

I stared up at the night sky as I muttered.

"Lyn, sorry."

I know she's not here, but I'm sure Lyn must be having a hard time.

I'd like to go help her, but I have nothing, neither my armed unit nor airship to do so.

Bell came over and hovered at my right shoulder.

"The Master is having a terrible time."

"Considering my country is in a critical moment of danger. Obviously I am."

"That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how knowing the princess isn't here makes you ill."

Before I would have denied it. But not now.

"I'm bad partly because of it."

"Don't feel bad. I didn't tell you, but I sent a spy drone to watch the princess all this time."

"Right now it's spying on her. I'll download the multimedia data it recorded to review what happened to her."

"Give me a few moments."


Bell said that and her eye began to twinkle.

She even started humming like elevator music as she twirled her round body.

"Okay. It's discharged now let's see..."

"Umm, this we already know... this isn't relevant... the naked princess, those breasts sure float hehehehe."

Bell's perverted comment didn't amuse me, although I was curious about it.

"Well, this doesn't─ ...!"

She suddenly went quiet, that was rare for her.

Bell seemed to be seeing something and fast forwarding it as her green eye was moving quickly.

"Oh... oh no."

That unsettled me.

"What's wrong!"

I asked. Bell in response said shakily.

"Emm, Master, I suggest you don't watch this."

"What? Show me that right now!"

"... I don't think you want to see it."

"Show it to me I said!"

Bell didn't want to, but after I ordered her to do so she listened to me and a hologram in the form of a recording manifested directly from her eye.

I will be able to see what happened to her during this time.


Right after Lyn was named a saint, the temple maidens sent her to the bath to give herself a ceremonial cleansing.

The place was beautiful and high class.

It was a place fit for a princess.

The water had exotic scents, floating roses and body lotion to make it silky.

The reason this place is like this is because the male members of the temple like the maidens to be spotless at the time of training.

Lyn's hair floated in that small pool.

Even her shapely large breasts did.

Lyn sighed, got up and walked outside the large bath to be cleaned.

After changing her clothes, she was given the ceremonial clothes to wear.

For some reason a mini skirt, white thigh-high stockings were as the garment.

She didn't find the boots or the chest area being a bit uncovered odd.

After dressing she looked at the saint's items. Legend has it that these items were used by her centuries ago to defeat evil.

After she died the temple took care of them, but they were stolen by pirates.

It is said that a young man handed them over as he sought them out.

A maiden called out to Lyn.

"Princess, someone requests your presence. Please accompany me."

"All right."

Lyn followed the maid to a room away from the rest.

Opening the door, she found a young man eating a slice of pizza and drinking beer.

His hair is wine red, long to his chin and combed to the sides.

With beautiful heterochromatic eyes, the left was blue and the right was green, the young man was the heir to a count.

His name was Curtis von Easton and he was not a character in a game, but like Rudel, he was a reincarnate.

Curtis looked at Lyn.

He set his slice of pizza down on the plate and after wiping his hands on the furniture he stood up and held out his arms.

"Princess Lynette. It's good to see you at last."

"On this day I've been looking forward to our special reunion."

"Excuse me. You are?"

"That's right. I'm Count Easton's son, Curtis."

"Thanks to me, the temple was able to retrieve the saint's items, I am currently the hero of the temple and therefore of this country."

"That's why I sent for you princess, as your fiancé, I want to spend time with you as much as I can, so you can love me."

"The moment I saw you, I fell in love with your beauty, but I'm sure you have doubts, so let me clear them."

With those words, Lyn's "romantic" life began.


Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Curtis was having a date with Lyn.

They were in a private room and he was bragging about his accomplishments.

"So, I majestically appeared and annihilated the fleet attacking Duke Bismarck's territory."

"Unfortunately I was too late, the duke was wounded as his ship was inadvertently hit by allied fire."

"That's what happened in my busy days this week, how about that, wonderful is it, do you want to hear more of my heroic stories?"

"I have many more, but they are all taken up for other days..."

Curtis looked at Lyn's face, she was filing her nails saying.

"Wow, that's amazing. I really want to hear more."

A vein appeared on his forehead.

"Excuse me, princess, what are you doing?"

"Nothing. I had trash under my fingernails and I was cleaning them, so what did you do after defeating the northern barbarians?"

"At what point did I mention barbarians, excuse me?"

"Weren't you recounting a children's book? I remember reading something exactly as you say."

More veins appeared on Curtis's forehead.

"Princess, a question."


Lyn was still filing her nails, she'd been doing it for over twenty since Curtis had seen her.

"Could you tell me how many dates we've been on?"

"Ten. No, twenty. No it's not... forty, yes, that's right."

"... Is sixty."

"Really? Time sure does go by fast."

"What's the food we went to eat last week could you tell me?"

"Emm, fish I think it was."

"... It was lasagna and you devoured the whole thing."

"Really? Sorry~."

The apologetic smile Lyn flashed irritated Curtis.

"Last question."

"What color are my eyes?"

"... Red?"

"I see."

"Princess, please come with me."

Lyn stood up and went after Curtis, who ordered her maids not to follow them.


The two went down to the subway dungeon of the temple.

This was where weapons and torture chambers were kept.

It seemed strange to Lyn that she had been brought to this place, which also smelled bad.

Curtis picked up a torch and with a bright smile said to her.

"This way please."

They walked for a while until they reached the end of a corridor.

Curtis said again to Lyn.

"Princess, I have a present for you."

"Look straight ahead please."

He pointed the torch to the front and Lyn looked.

Her eyes widened like saucers as she looked in horror at someone she knew.

"Kate... chan..."

Her childhood friend, Kate, the daughter of Duke Kingsfort, lay here.

Her clothes were rags, she bore marks of having been tortured, and on her bottom was blood.

Kate, who once had beautiful blonde hair and bright green eyes, was now emaciated from lack of nutrition and light.

Even her prominent large breasts were just as bad as she was.

Lyn approached the cell and shouted.

"Kate-chan! Is it really you?"

"... Lyn?"

"Yes! It's me!"

Despite what she heard months ago, Lyn still loved Kate as her best friend.

She had hoped for an emotional reunion, but that was ruined by the next thing she heard.

"You're a fucking miserable stupid good-for-nothing bitch!"

"If it wasn't for you, you fucking witch! My life would be flowers and rainbows!"

"But thanks to that fucking son of a bitch and your stupid mouth! I've lived through hell!"

"Those damned old men have taken such advantage of me that I feel disgust looking down there!"

"Every fucking day is hell!"

Curtis pulled out some keys and unlocked the cell.

Kate stepped out of it, Lyn could see how her belly was growing despite her face and arms being malnourished.

"I hate all of you! I want you all to burn in hell! I want you just like me, those old men to play with you every day and feel nothing more than wishing to die!"

"I hate you with every fiber of my being!"

Kate was choking Lyn, she was crying, not from the pain, but from the words she was hearing.

Lyn with tears spilling out said in a weak tone.

"Kate-chan... we were supposed to... we were friends..."

"I didn't want to hurt you..."

"Even at this very moment you're still talking crap like that! Are you that stupid to not understand your situation? Surely those fat tits of yours sucked every neuron out of your stupid head! You fucking idiot!"

"Carve this into that brainless skull of yours!"

"We were never friends!"

"I always used you!"

"I feel nothing towards you but hatred and contempt!"

"Your father became ill since mine fed him a weak but lethal poison for years, which even the royal doctor couldn't detect."

"Do you understand?"

"My father killed yours as it was the first step of taking over this country and what lurks beneath the palace."

"All this time you were just a─!"


A loud and fast sound was heard.

It was the sound of a gunshot.

Curtis pulled a gun from his pocket, placed it to Kate's temple and before pulling the trigger said.

"You're annoying, just like the kind of woman I always hated."

Not caring that a life was growing in her stomach, he took her life.

Lyn watched from her position over her friend's lifeless body.

Then Curtis helped her to her feet as he said.

"Did you like my gift?"

"The truth. I knew about it, but I never gave it any thought until now."

"The reason for that is because I don't care about your condition, but after seeing you ignore me... like those vile women did."

Curtis bared his teeth in an expression of anger.

"You think you can get away with ignoring me?"

"You think wrong!"

"I just wanted you to see what I can do if you bother me."

His hands went around her neck and slowly began to lift her up.

"This is a lesson, my future wife."

"No matter what you want, you are my wife and no one else's."

"I don't give a shit if you love someone, I will kill him. I'll kill his family and everyone you love."

"I know about your friends don't worry. They'll pay the price too."

Lyn's eyes will look at Curtis in panic.

(Something's wrong with this guy.)

(To do something like that to a girl and who he's marrying...)

Curtis released Lyn after seeing that her eyes were staring at the ceiling.

Releasing her, he smiled.

"So let's cut the crap. I wanted our marriage to be happy. But you know what?"

An expression equal to that of a demon suddenly emerged.

"I don't give a shit anymore!"

Her foot moved to Lyn's belly.



She spat saliva as she writhed in pain.

Curtis didn't stop.

"I've been holding back! I've been trying to change! But... but!"

"You women are just pieces of shit!"

He kicked Lyn mercilessly.

"How dare a woman!"

"A being inferior to a man!"

"A despicable bitch like you in wanting to mock the great and splendid Curtis!"

He stopped his feet and grabbed Lyn's hair.

"Don't you see me!"

"I'm handsome!"

"I have money, influence and power!"

"I'm the best match for a woman!"

He lifted Lyn's head and repeatedly slammed it to the floor.

A wet sound suddenly began to be heard.

"Damn it! Damn it!! Damn it!!!"

"This is your fault!"

"If only you had praised me as it should be!"

"Right now I'd give you heaven!"

"But you had to act like a woman! An inferior being before the great Curtis!"

He finished slamming his head into the ground with a loud, final motion.

Red liquid peeked out of her hair.

She touched herself and a transparent warm light glowed.

Curtis heard her mutter after spitting on her dress.

"Help me... Rudy..."

He heard those words.

He turned her over and sat on her belly.

"You don't seem to learn. I must be tougher huh!"

"Don't worry. when we get married you'll only serve to give birth to my children, you don't need anything more than that in your miserable life!"

He began to use violence against her.

Lyn muttered the same as her cheeks filled with blood.

"Rudy... save me..."

"Hahahaha! You really are a masochist. Okay, I'll look for that Rudy guy, before I kill him I'll rape you in front of him and then─"

"Turn it off, Bell!"


Rudel told Bell to turn it off.

His face was never attractive, he said it was scary s expression, but right now, it was really scary.

Rudel's teeth were clenching so hard that blood was coming out of them.

He was clenching the railing with his magical power that even his own bones wanted to break.

Rudel muttered.

"Bell... how long can you have Battler ready?"

"... Half a year since I must─"

"Do it in a month!"

Rudel's shout made Bell panic.

"I-I can't do that!"

"It takes a long time to get to and from the island in secret."

"I'll go get what you need!"

"Impossible. It takes the strength of robots to do that."

"I'll tell Vayne and the others to help me! Even if I have to prostrate myself before them naked I'll beg them for help!"

Bell moved a little closer to Rudel.

"Master... I understand that you are angry, but some things are not solved by anger."

"You're wrong Bell. I am not angry."

"I'm feeling something higher than that."

Rudel was not feeling hatred or anger towards Balzac or Curtis, he was feeling something higher.

The desire to exterminate someone.

"I feel like I will become the demon king myself as I want to kill all of them."

"Especially that son of a bitch. I will not forgive him for what he did to Lyn, I will torture and kill him with my own hands a hundred times over."

"I will bring him back to life and kill again."

"I will make them regret the day where they decided to make her cry."

Bell analyzed his master's emotional state.

"Master, I recommend that you calm down, what you are feeling is bad for your health."

Even after saying that, Rudel only cared about one thing.

"Wait for me please Lyn. I'll come as fast as I can."

"I'll save you no matter what."


Meanwhile in the Altfode Kingdom.

Curtis walked with Lyn into a room.

They had just finished their engagement ceremony.

Their wedding would soon begin.

They greeted several people, many of them were nobles from other countries.

Balzac succeeded in becoming the new prime minister.

Therefore, he promised these men part of the Kingdom's territory and riches for their help.

By now, Balzac's faction was so large that they even received foreign support.

No one could stop him.

Curtis after taking off his jacket saw Lyn in her beautiful white dress.

He approached her and embraced her in a loving way.

The smile on him reflected happiness.

"Princess, soon we will be married, aren't you happy? I am."

Despite saying that.

Lyn just stared at the wall, she had a dull expression in her beautiful eyes.

(Hold on.)

(You just have to wait until help comes.)

(Rudy... What is taking you so long?)

(I feel like my life is fading away every day.)

The countdown to the wedding, it's exactly less than twelve hours.


World Rudel/SAGA, part 5, end.


To close with a flourish, I tell you that from the next chapter you will see the faces of several characters who have left.

Among them a spoiler of the official face of Princess Lyn.

Did you imagine her like this? The truth is that I did.