A boring train ride.

Edward sat at his desk filling in some paper work when Mullar, Edward's partner comes in. "The chief wants to see you Edward." "I will be there in a minute Mullar." Edward closes the documents on his table and makes his way to the chiefs office.

"Edward. Have a seat." The chief says rather sadly. Edward stares into his eyes and instantly knows he won't like the news. He takes his seat and asks, "Anything the matter sir?" "You know I love working with you here Edward. You are the best detective we have ever had. But am afraid orders are orders son." The chief iterates all this with a rather disappointed disposition. He now adds, "You have been relocated Edward. You will no longer be with us here in Paris." "What?!" Edward exclaims with great anger. "This is absurd. I have been prolific in everything. Why do they want to move me now that I just got comfortable." "Its not up to us Edward. This is from people above us. we have no choice but to follow these orders." "Buttt...but.." "Am afraid there are no buts about it Edward. Am sorry."

"I have papers here with me that say your services are needed in Brighton. One of the greatest detectives of our time was just murdered and they need another great detective. You will leave tomorrow morning. For now go to the reception office and tell them what you want them to prepare for you when you arrive there." "Fine sir."

Mullar was behind the door ease dropping on the conversation. his eyes filled with tears at hearing that his partner was no longer going to be with him. Edward got up and left the chief's office. The second he closed the door behind him as he left he was embraced by Mullar. "You heard that?" Edward asked as his eyes begin to water. "Yesss..." Mullar responds, or at least tries to. His face is now a pool of tears. Mullar had been friends with Edward from day one. The two were not only partners but also best friends.

Edward after drying his tears proceeded to the reception office. to make his requests. after all those boring details were done He went to Mullar. "I guess this is it huh." "Yah." the two conversed this time trying hard to hold there tears. "I will miss you man, more than you can imagine." "You know I will miss you two man." The two embraced each other once more as Edward set out to pack.

Edward packed his things and put his house in order for his departure. He left Mullar with the responsibility of cleaning out the house once he left. He also left some items as keep sakes for Mullar.He called Mullar and informed him of all the details.

Edward slept early knowing the train would leave early.

Edward woke up at exactly three in the morning. He bathed and prepared his luggage an locked up. He set out for the train station. He stood for the. seconds or so just staring at the train. Its anyone's guess as to what was going through his head. Is this really it? Why me? I will miss this place so much.

It wasn't all sad for Edward though. He wasn't invited because he was a failure after all. He was specially selected on account of his brilliance. Besides he was going to Brighton. The place where his father varied out his business. He had wanted to visit Brighton since he was a child.

He eventually boarded and took his seat. He adored the window, looking through as he admired the beautiful city of Paris as he departed. This was the final view of Paris he would have for a long time.

It was going to be a long train ride to Brighton. As the train got closer to Brighton, Edwards sadness due to leaving Paris slowly got replaced with anticipation to reach Brighton.

The train ride was pretty much boring and the quiet probably led Edward to have a lot of time to contemplate what he was looking forward to seeing in Brighton. He likely spent a good amount of time starring through the window and adoring the vast countryside reminiscing his father's stories of the town. The fact that the trip was taking so long must have been a drag for Edward who was now likely looking forward to seeing Brighton. He eventually arrived, tired as you would expect from any man after a long train ride. His fatigue, however, did not quench his enthusiasm for his first trip to Brighton. He had heard much about Brighton in his early childhood from his father. His father would tell him so many stories of the town every time he returned from visiting Brighton on work issues. Edward's father was a moderately wealthy merchant who had most of his business in Brighton. He always talked about the exemplary service provided by the bank of Brighton. He said the bank was one of the best and most secure places to invest money securely. He probably must have told Edward the magnificence of the lakeside view of Brighton bay. The engineering genius of the infrastructure of Brighton town and the great sense of humanity amongst the population of the town.

His father's stories must have made Brighton seem like a paradise to young Edward. Edward must surely have remembered those words even as he was imminent to arrive in Brighton so many years later. At last he was here. The train stopped at the embankment and Edward made his way out.

What is inshore for this brave young man?