First day of work. its all starting to fit.

Frank let himself in and informed the detective that Mr. Jeffery was ready for interrogation. He reluctantly got up and went to the interrogation room.

Edward walks in and asks to be left alone with the suspect. Just as he did with Zimo, he spends a good few minutes starring at him. The room remains motion less as Jeffrey is scared to speak. Eventually the conversation begins. "Hello Mr. Jeffrey." Edward said. "Hello sir. Please help me I didn't do anything there has been a mistake I wouldn't hurt a fly." Tom says, clearly terrified. He has never been here before and he us clearly worried as to whether he will survive. Edward. perceives all of this but puts his pity aside and sticks to business.

"Where were you in the early hours of Sunday morning." Edward asks. "I was home. Just home alone." Tom replies still having some anxiety. "Your file says you work at the bank of Brighton. Is this true?" Edward asked. "Yes it is. I do auditing of bank records." Tom said. "Really!" Edward exclaimed in excitement.

The reply he gets makes him very happy. "Are you aware of the unscrupulous activity going on in a lot of your accounts that suggest money laundering?" Edward asked with much intrigue and anticipation to hear the reply. "Yes, I filed that report to Mr. Detective Brian a long time ago with my colleagues." "Your colleagues you say." "Yes I was working with John and Mary on the books. When we discovered the inconsistencies a month ago, we handed it to the manager. He did nothing except tell us to stop searching and that he would deal with it. He never did though." Now Tom begins to let tears out his eyes but Edward pays no attention to that.

"Where are your colleagues?" Edward asked. "They are They're dead detective. I hear they are among the people who they think I.. I.. killed." Tom replied with much grief as he begins to Sturmer. Tom continued to lose his calmness and lost his disposition and gave way to tears.

"Relax my friend I know you didn't do it but I need to find who did it for you to get out of here and I need your help to do that. Now did you have any suspicions about who could be doing the laundering?" "No all we knew was that money was coming in through various Brighton accounts too small to trace to an account of origin and then popping up somewhere in Switzerland." "Did you say Switzerland." "Yes. The money kept poling out to swiss accounts and currency." " That's it. It has to be it. Thanks so much Jeffrey."

Edward says as he gestures the guard to take Tom back to his cell.

The second he walks out of the ro Edward asked Frank to get him a contact from the swiss police department then set out of the police station like a bat from hell. He had one focus on his mind, proving his suspicions. He had no idea how he was going to do it but he had to find the answer before Tom and Zimo were presented in the court. He did know one thing however, he was being watched. He hadn't spotted the one following him tody but he knew he must have been somewhere.

He had not a clue what his next move would be. He somehow wound up at Galvin's Eatery. This time he did step in, perhaps hoping for Mr Galvin to throw himself at him and confess all his crimes or another miracle of such nature. He sat at the table, made an order and sat still in thought. The memory of Tom begging him to help him get out of police custody was all he could think about. His food finally arrived.

He didn't take a bit for just over five minutes. Then he sees it. The man who had followed him and Frank earlier that day came out from behind the kitchen door. He had in his hands a box completely identical to that which he had seen in James's house earlier. Edward turned his face aside in fear of being spotted. As soon as the man left the restaurant Edward had his sights on the kitchen door. He looked at the workers and noticed a bit of tension and fear in them. It was like he was created with the ability to read peoples emotions just from there eyes. He could tell someone important was in the building. "The man came from the kitchen, that's where Galvin must be. How do I get inside?" He kept thinking to himself.

He looked at the door for about two minutes before he got up. He had no idea what he was about to do but he had conviction and passion in his eyes. It was clear he was about to do something very very stupid. He marched strongly towards the door and barged straight into the kitchen. The chefs were confused upon seeing him they stared at him as though they had seen a ghost. He looked them right back with a passion in his eyes. His steadfast disposition intimidated them. They shied away and got on with their cooking.

He asked the one that was closest to him, "where is Mr Galvin's office?", the man hesitated a bit, probably in shock and pointed to a door towards the far end of the kitchen and said, "There." "Thank you."

Edward marched towards the door not really being sure what he was going to do once he got there. His pace kept getting slower and slower as he got closer. He finally stopped at the door, not really knowing what his next move would be yet he stood firm before the door. After clearing his thoughts, he finally went in.

"Mr Galvin." Edward said with lots of confidence as he closed the door behind him. "I'm detective ...." " Edward smart! Welcome to my office. Care to take a seat." Chris interrupted him rather very calmly as though he was expecting him. Edward was somewhat perplexed. Did he just walk into a trap. The smirk on Mr. Galvin's face was very unsettling. For the first time in Edward's career, he had hint of fear about him.

How unpleasant for Edward to be in that situation.