New problems or hidden solutions?

Edward gets up the next day. Early as always. Thinking its going to be an ordinary work day of mysteries and puzzles. But the early morning start with an unexpected phone call.

Its the chief. "Morning Edward, Hurry down to the police station. I need your signatures now!" The chief says hurriedly not leaving enough time for Edward to reply and quickly cuts the call.

"What's that about?" Edward says worriedly to himself. He carries on only this time in more of a rush having heard his chief's words.

He does all he needs to do and eventually gets on his way to work. He arrives at the office and immediately goes into the chief's office.

"Hello Sir." Edward said as he walked into the room and noticed the chief reading through a document. "Take your seat Edward. Don't worry I'm just dealing with a report from the train station security chief. Apparently, two homeless men were killed earlier day. They were shot and left for dead at a corner in the station. I need you to sign here to show that we've ratified the report." " Are we going to launch an investigation into that?" "of course not! No one care Edward. They are just a pair of homeless hobos they probably just got into a fight with someone or something who knows. I've already dealt with all the necessities, Just sign here and we are done." "Well since everything is done. Would it be OK if I took a look at it then. Before I sign" "sure Edward, if you have the time to waste." "Thank you sir." Edward says as he leaves the office.

Edward now sits in his office and examines the documents very keenly. He takes time out of his day to visit the crime scene. The police pay very little attention at the order of the chief. The security personnel seem to pay little care as well.

Edward spends the greater part of his day at the crime scene before it is eventually late.

He was tired as you would expect after such a day. He decided to retire to his home. He reached his home exhausted. He couldn't help but ponder over the finding he had made while at the station. But as you would expect, the exhaustion from the day and the previous day overwhelmed him and he succumbed to it eventually. He finally fell asleep.