Blood Flows through the Crevice

But it never came.

Instead, he felt a shadow protecting him from the ax, enveloping his tied-up body. The arms were warm..... So warm that it felt like it would burn his cold dead skin beath the layers of rope. The Vampire Lord was already dying and losing consciousness, so the figure was hazy. But he knows that sweet-smelling yet toxic blood.

Rothfir blinked as he had driven the ax to Sangfroid's back. It made a large gash, but Sangfroid never screamed nor reacted. Instead, he quickly took Vladstin with him.....

And jumped.


Both of them, gone into the deep blue waters of a large fountain that is much deeper than it looks. 


Lero had walked past the people and faced a labyrinthian maze. The hedge walls had grown thicker, and some were burned by cannons years ago, making it into a big mess instead of a maze with one correct path.