A Pain Unknown to Man

"My name is Nilus Vanhyden. Your vampire puppets had killed my wife and my newborn child."

"I'm sorry...."


"My name is Keya Korianthil. My husband had been infected by vampirism, attacking my ailing mother who tried to nurse him."

"I'm sorry...."


"M-My name is Heltsil. My friend Tulsei had to be put to sleep by his dad because he turned into a m-monster.... And they said it was because of you! I hate you!"

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.... "


One by one, the people introduced themselves and their grievances to Vladstin. Old or young, man or woman, poor or rich.... They fall in line at random, first come first serve. Blood splattered on the ground like rain, and they basked in it for it was, at least for them, the justice they had long been searching for.

This is Vladstin's Judgement Day. A one-sided 'war' where the pepetrator remains undead, merely receiving the punishment fo all his crimes.