Captain Hook (Part 1)

Pirate Captain Vladstin dien Griscoeur watched the rolling seas below them. Far, far below. Almost 10,000 feet below them, in fact.

They are sailing across the skies, not the sea.

Beyond the clouds, they have now entered a land where mortals do not live. Only immortals. This is Neverland, or the Land of Eternal Night and Darkness as he liked to call it.

Oh, but Neverland is not dark in the literal sense. It was actually always a lovely summer here, with lots of palm trees and coconuts on the island. Even at night, the stars are bright and the moon is always full, and darkness can never pervade the festive atmosphere.

No, it is a Land of Eternal Night and Darkness because of the existence of Captain Vladstin himself, called by the Lost Ones as 'Captain Hook'.

His right hand had been cut off by his former closest friend, the sprite Leron Pan.