The Journey Continues

The three were left pondering over what the appearance of this fairy meant for them.

"What just happened.....?" Leron asked.

"We got visited by a fairy." Vladstin answered plainly.

"We know that. We're asking why." Sangfroid stomped on the last bit of ashes from the firewood last night.

"What was the Mandrien's purpose? The two of you keep on mentioning a test we didn't pass, and it must be involved with the dream that I had. You were there, and you told me to wake up, so you must know something."

Leron's blue eyes widened. "That's what happened to me too! Though I don't recall the dream clearly as much..... All I know is Vladstin was there and I woke up."

Sangfroid paced back and forth. "Then all of us must have been dreaming. But for what?"

Since the start of the journey, he never once regarded Vladstin straight to the eye. He held so much anger and frustration towards him that he felt just looking at him would bring it all back.