Advice from a Rival

"You do know how to butcher a chicken, don't you?" Vladstin started slow, making the cooking as a diversion to slowly bring up the topic.

"Mn." Sangfroid's very generous reply.

"You cut off the head, let all the blood out, then take out the feathers---"

"I know."

"Good. You don't know how to make a proper move to the one you love, but at least you can butcher a chicken."

Sangfroid hit the chicken's head with a knife slightly too high. "What?"

Vladstin gave up since someone like Sangfroid wouldn't understand the point when given in a roundabout way. He's someone straight to point, so it is best to just be frank with him.

"Have you ever thought about what you will do once we succeeded in finding the Hermit, got my head cut off properly and unable to be attached back, and you finally get to sit on the throne with your lovely prince at your side?"

"Of course I have. That's what I imagined to happen."