The Blue Moon Hibiscus

Vladstin thought Father Uriel's blood tasted very awful indeed. The flavor of his memories is just sickening and too full of misery and angst for his palate.

He spat some to the ground, and took the hibiscus flower, pocketing it without a word. He returned back to his cart and reattached himself like nothing happened.

The moment Sangfroid looked, he only caught sight of the little siren girl and his beloved prince's corpse playing with pebbles, along with a dumbly grinning vampire.

He had finished cooking, and wiped his hands on his clothes. He reluctantly called out. "Dinner's ready."

Seeing that the vampire did not make any movement from this, just cocking his head to the side, Sangfroined groaned and walked up to them. He repeated. "Dinner's ready. Get Ofelia out of the water."

"But I'm tied up!" Vladstin exclaimed so happily, too happily in fact.