Leron's Rebirth

Sangfroid doesn't know why this made his heart ache and soar at the same time. An unexplainable, nonsensical emotion.

They soon have reached the camp, and Vladstin took the mortar and pestle with adept fingers. Using his unnatural quickness and strength he had ground the flower into a mush, that mush turning into putty, that putty liquefying into an extract.

He went over to his corpse puppet that was just staying by the side. Just as he was about to feed it into the corpse's mouth.

"Wait..." Sangfroid said.

He walked hesitantly, the flag over his shoulder swishing a bit, and Vladstin gave way, anticipating what he will do. He took the extract from him.....

And took a sip, which he did not swallow. He placed both hands on the side of Leron's face...

And passed on the extract to his mouth. 

"A greeting to His Highness before he awakens." Sangfroid said with a red face, as red as tomatoes. "You can give the rest..."