Apathy (Part 3)

Hunger. Humans always starve, and wants to eat something.

Whether material hunger..... the desire to consume food indefinitely for sustenance. Whether it's a hunger for someone, the desire of having someone's body and consummating with them. Whether it's power, influence, or recognition....

Humans are creatures defined by their hunger.

This is what Prince Faestien believes in his core.

If you were able to determine what an individual's hunger is for, then you have total control over his life.

He had come to make this as a practice ever since his days in school, where it was very easy to detect what a man's hunger is. After all, they are all young boys brimming with hit blood. The most common desire they would have was the desire for carnal pleasure, for the feeling of 'liberation', now that they were outside their suffocating little homes.