Apathy (Part 8)

Maelle showed him the letters. 

Xendros scanned them one by one, shuffling the letters as he checked how many they are. There were 51 total. They ranged from as long as a single sentence merely asking Maelle how he'd been to a whole letter detailing Faestien's day and his future plans to thwart his father.

[I didn't expect that the old man had already planned as far as to give new names for each kingdom once he had achieved in his tyranny over the Tredecim Empire. Isn't that hilarious?

On the other hand, I would like to ask you if you truly insist on not sending messages to Xendros at all. The poor boy had a fever today, and yet he continued to give mass with a hoarse voice that could have belonged to an old monk giving his final preachings before he leaves the material plane.