"In this world, those weaklings are prey.

Pull the trigger and slit their throat;

Put the justice in your hands."


Keir Zebeijen's POV


I left the utensil on the kitchen sink, then those three stupid piece of shits cleaned it up. Since they are no good in terms of mission, Boss decided to spare their life and made them house maid. Our boss is not hiring any woman servant because according to him women are weak and traitor. I wonder what amuses him when he let that girl alive and he wants her to be an assassin. I can't read what he is trying to do. What would be the benefit of having her as an assassin. He is practically creating someone to destroy him. Obviously, that girl will be his greatest threat, because we boys are loyal to him and we are willing to take our life to save him, like the way he saved us before.

Tsk! I don't want to recall that day…

"Did you enjoy your time with that girl?" says Schutand while drinking his glass of champagne.

"She's quite amusing."

"You know your limit, don't you?"

"Ofcourse, Bigboss. No penetrating just touching and kissing. No feelings just entertainment." Of course, I will never allow myself to fall in love because it will be troublesome if my feelings get in my way.

"Alright. You may rest now. We have a transaction with that British monkey."

I removed my eyeglass and went to the bathroom. I soaked in the bathtub with a lavender scent. I rested my head on the edge and smiled when Jzarina's face resurfaced. "You are more entertaining than your dead girlfriend. It makes me want to play with you and turn you into a kissing addict. Usually, girls go crazy and they all want to jumped into my bed, but you… you are disgusted by my presence. Let's see until when can you hold back."

I sighed while playing with the bubbles on my tab. "If only Bigboss allow me to taste you…"

"Anyway, once he would discard you. He will surely pass you to me since I am his right hand. Once Bigboss lose his interest in you. Tsk! you are going to follow your girlfriend."

I stood up and wrapped the towel on my waist. I stood up in front of a man size mirror and there goes my long scar lying in the right portion of my waist. It's been nine years since that incident happen. I can still feel how my sister suffered from Maximillian. That damn bastard slayed my sister and my mother.

That lucky bastard owes his life on that piece of trash. "Maximillian, you better hold unto that ledger. The moment we seize that thing… your head will roll over on the ground."

After changing clothes, I took my bullets and clean them. I took the mahogany box from my drawer. I smiled while wiping the kitchen knife, this knife is precious to me because his was the one who killed a certain someone whom I hated ever since I was born. This thing killed my biological father…


"You worthless woman! Your job is to feed me and clean this house. How dare you serve me with this cheap food? What are you doing with my salary?" He pulled the hair of his wife.

I was hiding in the corner and watching him battering my mom. Without a blink I took the knife and stab my father behind. I smiled as his blood splashed in my face. My mother was surprise seeing her jerk husband bathed with his own blood. He snatched the knife from my hand and toss it on the kitchen sink made of poor material.

"Keir… what have you done?"

"We are free from him, mommy. Aren't you happy? I discarded him already," I replied. I was seven that time when I first untidy my hands with blood. We are living in province that time. My dad is a woodcutter, he always spends his money on 'Tuba' an equal substance to alcoholic beverages.

"We need to clean up this mess. Gather our remaining gas and burn this house with that fool. We are going to city." Since it's a country side, neighbors lived far from us, by the time they realize that the house is on fire, they will only find an ash of the house and ash from dad's corpse. We evaded the crime by burning the evidence.

"Kiara, this is our secret. Don't let anyone know this."


I was born a fighter; I won't hesitate and back down. In this world, the weakling is vulnerable and suffer from this cruelty. I put the justice in my hand because no law would give me that. If I can't have the justice then, I shall deprive other from having it. I did not save my mom and younger sister back then, to be slaughtered by that beast named Maximillian. That family needs to suffer, even the hell would not take them.


"You know what to do, K1."

I nodded my head and left to meet Japanese decoy. Nowadays boss is busy making his name on the media. He is eyeing to run for a Presidential position. There are opposition from different party list, aside from business, it looks like they are trying to make a political strife.

It's cold outside because it is only two in the midnight. I am wearing a silicone deforming mask to hide my identity; I can't be seen as Keir since I am working as Senator's secretary. Malici and other men are hiding, in case of engaging into gun battle with the negotiator.

The guy in American suit opened the box and various smuggled bomb and guns are presented to us. After negotiation, I came back to the mansion and found the apple of my learning a basic karate. I smiled while eyeing on her legs up to her breast, such a good body to bang at night.

"How's the deal?"

"The deal is smooth."

"Alright, contact our Maurist brothers. Count the money right. You know what to do if they try to betray us," he placed his hand on his throat and show me a motion of slitting someone's throat.

"Can I teach her?" I asked pointing my lips at Jzarina.

"Alright, I'm leaving her to you. I need to go to Malacanang to meet the President."

I headed to Jzarina and tripped her feet from behind. I caught her waist before she falls. "Miss me? I will be your teacher for today." She used her elbow to inflict pain in my abdomen but I already predicted it. I blocked her attack and bit her earlobe.

"Let me go, you maniac!"

"You want to be strong to escape from us, right?" says Keir.

She's fierce and bolder than I can imagine. It's obvious on her gaze, that hazel nut eyes could not lie her thirst of killing us. Playing game with her is quite amusing. I won't kill her, unless Bigboss told me to do so…

What does the boss want Jzarina to do for him?