Five man commander 3

Chroma started to feel his organs heating, and the metal in the air quickly burned his flesh. Chroma looked at Gale, but the metal in the air was constantly getting pushed away from him, so even though he was in the radius of his magic, it was like he had a body like a magnet pushing away the iron." Immortal, I say that you don't have long to live, so let's wrap up our little game."

Chroma Rushed toward Gale, intending to close the distance as fast as he could; his head ducked, with his left arm covering his eyes and the back of his right hand covering his mouth.

Once Chroma had run through the heated metal, he felt like passing out; his body was getting heavy from the metal digging into his skin once he stepped into the circle that Gale made Gale laughed." So immortal you choose death by sword sheath?"


When Chroma heard the words that Gale had said, he looked up. Chromas's eyes were red; when Gale saw that Chromas's eyes had gone from a blue to a red, he quickly dodged to the right. Gale thought this bastard could use magic eyes?

Chroma then shapes his right hand like a spear and, like a stabbing motion, aimed for Gale's stomach, but Gale was able to quickly move out of the way without stepping out of the circle because of his balance and higher speed. Chroma saw his last-ditch effort then passed out from the pain and exhaustion of holding his breath.

Gale thought to himself, not bad, kid, you were able to put me on the fence this badly. Gale looked down with his sword sheath in hand to crack Chromas head open like a watermelon, but when gale looked down, he saw a nail on his button and a massive grin on the passed out Chromas face.


Gale thought to himself when. Chroma's last gamble was not hitting Gale with his right hand; it was his nail Chroma used his mouth for ripping his nail off it was only barely enough to hang on. Chroma ducked his head so gale wouldn't see Chroma's eyes change color from his heart racing.

Chroma knew that Gale would pick up on the fact that something changed well; he hoped he did, but even this was a gamble cause Gale could have chosen to take a step left to get out of Chroma's vision, too, so it was a 50/50 shot.

The Next gamble was if Chroma's body was the same as it was in real life. Chroma takes a drug that keeps the blood vessels that show through the color part of his eyes clear, so his eyes look the standard color blue, but when excited, his blood flows too fast, and his eyes turn red—a drugged used to help people with albinism to live a more normal life.