Five man commander 9

Chroma woke up earlier so he can start his training, and just like the day before, the duke was waiting on him." Master Gale, how early do you wake up to always be here waiting for me?" Chroma thought to himself, it's only been two times, but every time he's been waiting on me. The duke looked at Chroma and laughed. The duke walked out of the barracks to lead Chroma to the same spot where he couldn't dodge the attack." Chroma focus and watch the muscles."

After hearing his master's advice, Chroma got into his stance and started to watch the muscles of the duke; he was determined to dodge this time. But if you could do something just because you had determination, life would be a lot easier for many people. Chroma continued to get hit on the head or hit with the tip of the blade.

The other soldiers had come out and couldn't help but look at the training. Chroma was doing this because he was personally getting trained by their duke of warfare.


The days had gone by in a flash. It felt like everything was repeating its self. The only reason that Chroma could tell that he wasn't going back in time was from his mother's different meals, but everything else was the same. Chroma would be greeted by the duke then try to dodge the attack.

The soldiers became friends with Chroma after seeing him getting the snot beat out of him constantly. Chroma also tried different dodges like jumping out the way or even trying to run at the duke to get underneath the duke's arm, but nothing worked.

Chroma, on the ninth day of real-time twenty-seventh day of in-game time, met his master with a rugged look as soon as he logged in." Master Gale, today is the day I'm going to do it on my first try too."


The training ground was already full soldiers woke up earlier to bet whether or not Chroma would dodge the attack that day; it was like a casino Gale walked toward the same area to get started for the day, but when Chroma took his stance, the duke didn't swing immediately this time.

The duke looked at Chroma with an expression that looked like it could kill." Chroma, you said you would dodge it the first time. This time if you don't, you're going to die off this one hit even if the tip of the blade touches you."

The duke looked as he teleported in front of Chroma and swung the sword the same attack that was how the soldiers had viewed it, but Chroma could see the grim reaper riding the blade coming to collect his soul. The air felt like it had a burning feeling, and Chroma thought he could even see static coming from the duke's eyes.

Chroma saw the muscle of the duke's arm shift; then Chroma's soul started to scream move Chroma's body slightly turned to the side the edge of the blade hit the ground. Soon after Chroma's body followed, the soldiers couldn't even tell if Chroma got hit because he passed out from exhaustion right after.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Title: Monster disciple

Level: 21

Str: 30 Vit:30

Dex:30 Int: 30

Unallocated stat points: 100

Skill: Muscle sensor]