Five man commander 14

Back to Chroma, Chroma was walking up a hill behind the rest of the troop-carrying a bag; when Chroma said this is unfair treatment and tried to argue with Mirabel, she started to yell back at him, saying unfair how would he know he doesn't even remember.

Chroma thought he could get assistance from Gordon with this argument, but when Chroma looked toward Gordon, Gordon was holding his arms in an X, basically saying was Mirabel was saying was correct.

An issue that caused Chroma to be a bag boy; he can't even remember Chroma tried to think back, and he gets pretty far, but then he remembers right after dancing, backing up into something soft then getting struck hard." Can one of you guys tell me what I did wrong, please?" The troops looked back at Chroma and shook their head; no, Mirabel had told them not to say anything and let him remember himself.

Chroma finally saw something interesting with a goblin who had decided to jump out, and Mirabel punched right through its face with one punch Chroma thought to himself, he better remember faster. After a day of just seeing Mirabel easily slaughter the weaker monsters that tried to attack them without even using her hammer, they set up camp.

While Chroma was eating with Gordon." Gordon, how strong is Mirabel? She can pretty much kill the weaker monsters with ease." Gordon looked at Chroma." Mirabel is another monster trying to become as strong as her monster-like father. Mirabel didn't get her position from her father like most nobles; she worked for it." Chroma had learned something new about the girl that was mad at him.

Chroma patted Gordon on the back." Now I have one more question why is she mad at me?" Gordon looked at Chroma, and in a similar motion, put his arms in an X, then walked away." Oh, come on, Gordon, don't be this way." But Gordon didn't listen and went to his tent and went to sleep.


Chroma logged off after getting to a safe spot and went downstairs to eat while trying to rub his head to remember what he had done. Chroma's uncle looked at Chroma for 3 mins." What are you doing, Chroma." Chroma looked back at his uncle with the sudden question." I'm trying to remember what I did shush. Chromas uncle thought to himself, what a weird kid before going back to his room.

Chroma soon after that thought to himself, I won't be able to remember in real life anyway and tapped his head before going upstairs after eating and going to sleep to see if he could remember tomorrow.

Chroma logged back in and was still in the forest where he logged out; everyone was preparing to move, so Chroma helped them pack everything up at the same time, trying to get information, but nobody would tell him.

This time, Alisa was leading the Charge, giving Mirabel a break; she used a sword to cut down the enemies. Mirabel looked back and started to shout." We will be arriving at the dungeon we need to clear today, so everyone prepares yourself even though we have a pretty good idea of what's in there, but as anyone whos ever been in one knows, dungeons are unpredictable."

Chroma looked up at the sun shining through the forest trees, the real excitement coming soon. The march stopped, and everyone took a water break, and the talking started again, but the only thing Chroma could think about was why Mirabel was mad at him, so he began to rub his temples again to see if he could get any memory.

But still, nothing came to him. Chroma started to look up at the sky and started to curse when some of his memory started to come back; he remembered himself turning around and looking at Mirabel. Chroma thought to himself, ok, so the last thing I saw before passing out was Mirabel.

Chroma opened his eyes because he couldn't remember anything else, and Mirable was standing in front of him." Come on, brat, it's time to get going; stop wasting our time." Chroma thought to himself, done that fast. When he looked around, he could already see everyone packed up and walking. The only ones left were him and Mirabel.

Chroma took this as an opportunity and tried to ask Mirabel what he had done wrong. " I won't tell you I'm having a fun time seeing you try to remember." Chroma couldn't see her face due to her having her helmet on, but Chroma was sure that she had the same twisted smile that her father had when he used to beat him up


The march came to a halt when they arrived at the entrance to the Dungeon Chroma could smell a putrid smell coming from inside." What is that smell?" Chroma looked around, and Mirabel answered." The smell of the dead monsters, how do you think more brutal monsters get their food? They eat the weaker ones." Chroma thought, looked at Mirabel, and began to prepare himself again. Mirabel retook the lead.

Mirabel did what she did best, but this time, she wasn't holding back; it was like she was not making room for mistakes once she pulled out that hammer and started to crush the monsters. The father Chroma went the more he saw like giant centipedes, goblins, giant beetles.

Mirabel finally stopped when she saw a hobgoblin that was the size of a human holding a sword. Mirabel looked back at Chroma." Chroma, this is your time to shine; go fight it." Chroma looked at Mirabel before stepping forward, getting ready to engage the hobgoblin. Gordon looked at Chroma and threw his fist in the air like he was saying good luck.

[Name: Chroma

Age: 18 Gender: Male

Class: Fighter

Title: Monster disciple

Level: 21

Str: 30 Vit:30

Dex:30 Int: 30

Unallocated stat points: 100

Status: Memory loss

Skill: Muscle sensor, Death sensor, Unarmed Combat, Throw skill, Close call Evasion]