Scientists speculate there is another universe out there — we might live in a set of infinite or parallel universes called a "multiverse".

Infinite universes are a consequence of various scientific theories. If for example, spacetime truly goes on forever it might start repeating eventually called "Kalachakra", since particles can only be arranged a finite number of ways.

This sounds like a very similar movie experience to the Dr.Strange movie, right? But if,... it's true ??

A multiverse could also arise from "bubble universes," pockets of space in an inflating universe that are never able to meet; or parallel universes, where multiple 3D universes are held in higher-dimensional space, unable to interact.

While some universes in a multiverse might be like our own, others could have wildly exhibit different laws of physics and fundamental constants.

Can two dimensions of reality exist at the same time?

Physicists can lead us to the quantum realm of the multiverse. Currently Researchers, conducted experiments to answer a decade-old theoretical physics question about "duelling realities".

This tricky thought experiment proposed that two individuals observing the same photon could arrive at different conclusions about that photon's state and both of their observations would be correct.

For the first time, scientists have described the thought experiment published on February 13 in the preprint journal arXiv, indicated that when observers described different states in the same photon, the two conflicting realities both experienced may be true. [The Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics], sounds astonishing right?

"You can verify both of them," states co-author Martin Ringbauer, a Postdoctoral researcher with the Department of Experimental Physics at the University of Innsbrück in Austria, had stated on Live Science.

What does the word "Kalachakra" depicts?

"Kalachakra" refers to cycles of time, with time being a measurement of change, both externally in the world and the universe, and internally within the body.

As measurable in many ways where externally, there are the cycles of the orbits on the planets, the months and seasons of the year, the phases of the moon, the hours of a day and so on.

Internally, there are the cycles of the periods of life (infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age), the menstrual, sleep, and circadian cycles, the number of breaths in a day, and the like.

These external and internal cycles closely parallel each other in a similar way to the biological clock.

Just as stars, galaxies and universes go through cycles of formation, endurance, dissipation and extinction, humans undergo the cycles of birth, a lifetime, old age and death together with a bardo, or in-between period.

Furthermore, both the internal and external cycles have been repeating beginningless with the continuing rebirth of universes and lifetimes.

Quantum Realm

"A reality where all concepts of time and space become irrelevant as you shrink for all eternity."―Hank Pym

The Quantum Realm is a dimension in the Multiverse only accessible through magical energy, mystical transportation using a Sling Ring, rendered by tremendous subatomic shrinking caused by the Pym Particles or a Quantum Bridge.

In the Quantum Realm, space and time are believed to be irrelevant.


Access to the Quantum Realm was realized by scientist Doctor Hank Pym through the use of Pym Particles, an extra-dimensional nature that is capable of altering the size of beings or objects.

Janet van Dyne, Pym's wife was the first person to bear the mantle of Wasp disappeared into the Quantum Realm after sacrificing her life to disable a Soviet nuclear missile.

Janet van Dyne became a resident of the Quantum Realm through this sacrifice. Following this incident, Pym dedicated himself to researching the Quantum Realm, though he was unable to generate concrete information.

Escaping the Quantum Realm

The conversation held between Pym and Lang

"Do not screw with the regulator. If that regulator is compromised, you would go subatomic.""What does that mean?"

"It means that you would enter a Quantum Realm."―Hank Pym and Scott Lang

After his battle with Darren Cross, Scott Lang was left trapped in the Quantum Realm but somehow managed to escape by altering the Ant-Man Suit's mechanisms; replacing the shrinking regulator with an enlarging one by installing a blue Pym Particles Disk in his regulator.

Lang claimed to have no recollection of what he experienced there; much to Pym's disappointment.

The Rescue of Jemma Simmon

The statement of Phil to Leo on the accordance of Pym technologies

"After hearing about the Pym Technologies disaster, you even though she'd been reduced to a microscopic level."―Phil Coulson to Leo Fitz

Upon the disappearance of Jemma Simmons through the Monolith, Leo Fitz researched into the Quantum Realm, exploring the possibility that she was there.

The Meeting with the Ancient One

Stephen Strange passing through the Quantum Realm

When Stephen Strange came to Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One sent his consciousness through several dimensions and realities, including the Quantum Realm.

Rescuing Janet van Dyne The conversation of HANK with Hope

"When he went to the Quantum Realm... he came back, everything changed. I started to wonder... could your mother still be alive? So I dusted off some old plans."

"Dad, what are you saying?"

"I think it's possible to bring her back."―Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne.

Two years after the Clash of the Avengers, Scott Lang received an apparent message from Janet van Dyne in the form of a shared memory of her daughter, allowing Hank Pym and Hope to confirm their suspicions about Janet being alive.

They opened a tunnel to the Quantum Realm, only for a few seconds. Later, when opening a more stable tunnel, Janet sends a message through Lang, giving her exact location, before revealing that there were only two hours before the Quantum Realm's instability would move her, causing to disappear her for another century.

Just before the rescue, Pym informs Lang and Hope that he would be the one to enter the Quantum Realm, allowing Lang and Hope to distract Ghost away from the lab for an unproblematic rescue.

With the battle of the ongoing laboratory, Pym entered the Quantum Realm just about 15 minutes left before Janet's changing location.

On arriving at Janet's location, Pym became disoriented due to the Quantum Realm's nature, but Janet was able to find him and they reunite. They then came back with the lab returning to its original size.

Being Trapped in the Quantum Realm The conversation took place between Lang to Steve and Natasha

"So... five years ago, right before Thanos, I was in a place called the Quantum Realm. The Quantum Realm is like its own microscopic universe.

To get in there, you have to be incredibly small. Hope, she's my... She was my... She was supposed to pull me out. And then Thanos happened, and I got stuck in there."―Scott Lang to Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff.

Though Janet van Dyne stabilizes Ghost, for the time being, they needed more quantum energy to heal her completely.

To conclude, Scott Lang was sent back into the Quantum Realm with a device to absorb quantum energy.

In the meanwhile, Thanos used the Infinity Gauntlet to wipe out half the life in existence.

Coincidentally, Hank Pym, Janet van Dyne and Hope van Dyne were among the victims, leaving no one at the controls to bring him back to the normal world.

Used by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You went back in time, and then you branched off. But we can travel through something called the Quantum Realm. So we can go in between timelines."―Leo Fitz says.

Getting Released from the Quantum Realm

The lines of Natasha Romanoff and Scott Lang

"That must've been a very long five years."

"Yeah, but that's just it. It wasn't. For me, it was five hours.

See, the rules of the Quantum Realm aren't like they are up here. Everything is unpredictable."―Natasha Romanoff and Scott Lang.

Time Heist

The questionable conversation of Lang to Steve and Natasha

"Time works differently in the Quantum Realm. The only problem is, right now, we don't have a way to navigate it.

But what if we did? I can't stop thinking about it. What if, we could somehow control the chaos, and we could navigate it?

What if there was a way to enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point in time but then exit at another point in time? Like... Like before Thanos."―Scott Lang to Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff.

How does the Quantum Realm play an emerging part in the plot of Avengers?

The Quantum Realm was essential in the Avengers' plan to undo the Snap. Scott Lang conceptualized the idea of going to the Quantum Realm to acquire past versions of the Infinity Stones.

In the present, the Stones were destroyed by Thanos. Bruce Banner initiated tests by sending Lang to the Realm and walking them for an hour there.

Whereas, Banner would get him out almost immediately. While the initial tests were unsuccessful, with Lang turning back into a kid, an old man, and a baby in the tests, the final test worked, as Lang was able to return in his correct age and appearance.

Tony Stark manages to perfectly simulate a travel path by turning it into an inverted Mobius strip.

He eventually brought the model he created to the New Avengers Facility to do a final test run.

Clint Barton volunteered to the test run and was able to travel the Quantum Realm to land on a point where his family was still alive.

The test was proved to be successful when Barton brought back a glove taken from the past.

With the time travel mechanics now perfected, the Avengers split up and traversed the Quantum Realm to different points in time: Steve Rogers, Stark, Banner, and Lang set out to the Battle of New York in 2012 during the Chitauri Invasion, to get the Time Stone, the Tesseract and the Scepter; Nebula, James Rhodes, Romanoff, and Barton travelled to 2014 to get the Orb in Morag as well as the Soul Stone in Vormir; and Thor and Rocket Raccoon travelled to Asgard in 2013 to extract the Aether from Jane Foster during the Second Dark Elf Conflict.

Unfortunately, the Tesseract disappeared when Loki used it to escape. With few Pym Particles left, Stark and Rogers travelled through the Quantum Realm again, this time, to 1970 in Camp Lehigh to steal the Tesseract from there and acquire more Pym Particles.

The respective teams were ultimately successful in acquiring their respective Stones and travelled the Realm to the present time; save for Romanoff, who sacrificed herself to get the Soul Stone.

Is Quantum Realm an unexplored dimension?

The Quantum Realm is mentioned by Hank Pym to be a largely unexplored dimension, about which scientists currently know very little.

Pym states the concepts of time and space become irrelevant when entering the realm, and whoever tries to explore it may become trapped "for eternity"; it is even possible to travel through time without altering the future.

Scott Lang's incursion into the Quantum Realm began on a microscopic level, then entered atomic size, later dissolving into pure energy and waves, then in a fractal-like reality where the shrinking person meets an infinite number of mirror images of themselves, thereby ending in a weightless dark void with pockets of dim light.

What is the nature of the Quantum Realm?

The nature of the Quantum Realm is that you can enter at one point in time and exit at another.

This can also be extended to jumping from one alternate timeline to another as done by Leo Fitz in the War Against the Chronicoms, and by Steve Rogers when he travelled to the realities the Avengers created during the Time Heist to return the Infinity Stones.

The Quantum Realm is one of many dimensions in the Multiverse.

Forces in the Quantum Realm

Things in the world of subatomic particles are not as easy to imagine and comprehend as happening on Earth. In the 1940s, American physicist Richard Feynman began to investigate subatomic forces.

He found out that there was no gravitational field in a proton. The particles were pushed around by emitting and absorbing particles that very much exhibited the Tyndall effect stating "The scattering of the beam of light on the colloidal particles".

Imagine shooting a rifle, as the bullet leaves the gun, the one who has shot feels the recoil. When the bullet hits an object, the object will go flying as a result of the force. Similar things happens in a proton.

In a proton or neutron, there is a particle carrying the force and keeping the proton together. It acts like glue and is thus called the gluon.

The gluon is what the quarks are emitting and absorbing. Therefore inside a proton, there are not only the quarks zooming around.

There are also the gluons jumping back and forth between the quarks, and some gluons are even interacting with other gluons.