Chapter 19

"Does one fall in love, or choose to love?"

Life resumed to normality.

Although whether or not that normality will last, is hard to decipher. The gentle sounds of the early morning accompanied by the singing and chirping of birds, squirrels darting up and down trees; the chill of the morning was biting yet it did nothing to detract from the beauty outside.

Their relationship had a tentative peace to it. Both were aware that the peace was fragile, and knew that the peace was only sustainable for a mere while. Neither did anything about it; ever since that incident the topic was never brought up, Emma continued to act as if nothing happened, putting no weight on what had happened to her. Alexander replayed it, yet made a conscious effort to appear unfazed.

The problem just sat there; the elephant in the room. So their relationship continued, trundling along the path with both of them tightly bound to each other.