Chapter 22

"Dishonesty is always something that is taken to account in law."

"Have you ever suggested for him to go seek help?" asked Katie, whilst looking into her cup of tea as she sat opposite her friend.

"Can't you just kill him?"

"No, because he has told most of those around him that if he were to go missing that it was because I killed him."

Katie's head snapped up in amazement, "Who the fuck did you marry? Fucking serial killer? What the fuck-"

"Katie. Chill," Emma tried to calm her friend down through her fits of laughter, "But there is not much I can do. We all know how men control society, it is the norm."

"Yes," Katie sighed, "Why did you just agree to marry him at the time?"

"Because I loved him at the time. I still do, but as with all things, he has been colder and just controlling overall. And, even I am worn down-"

"I know that. What I am asking, is why did you not think things through? You confided in me, saying you understood it was rushed."