Returning To The Beginning

At this time, Randy had already arrived at Sky Rise City after a few hours of walking on foot. Although he would have loved to glide on the wind with his assimilated state's Gale Riding skill, he could not afford to do so simply because he was already exhausted after overusing his abilities to the extreme. 

Therefore, he had no choice but to commute to the city on foot. Even though it took longer because of this, it was still better than forcefully exerting himself to use his Gale Riding Skill by entering the assimilated state. 

Then again, at this time, he finally came to realize that his assimilated abilities that were in a form of skills had flaws in their usage or application to real combat situations. 

Although he was well aware of these flaws at the beginning, he was very optimistic at the time and still thought it would be okay as long as he was well prepared.