Preemptive Strike!

It did not matter to Randy whether he was simply paranoid because of his current environment or not because it was still better to safe than sorry later.

After all, who knows if this screaming voice was not some creature pretending to be a human with that human voice to lure him over to its location and then catch him completely off guard when he tries to pursue the voice in concern? 

Moreover, although, it may sound bizarre, there were indeed some monsters out there with such frightening abilities and cunningness. Randy had briefly learned about them back in the academy, so he was especially vigilant when he came to this unknown world. 

After all, with the situation being this way, the possibility that there might be monsters that he had never heard about or seen in this world is very high. Furthermore, as a stranger to this place, he needed to exercise the most. Otherwise, with the least amount of mistakes, he could end up losing his life.