Icy Fog

At this moment, Randy looked ahead of himself as a strange phenomenon was happening right in front of his eyes. 

The green-clothed young woman, who was on the verge of being taken down by the fierce magical beasts, suddenly exploded with a burst of power, as her entire body started glowing in this intense green glow that embraced her entire being. It was almost as though she was a living brilliant light. 

Seeing her like this, Randy was shocked by the power exuding from her body as it did not seem to be just mana. It had this sublime feeling, which gave the impression that something was different about it as compared to ordinary mana. 

'Is this body aura or something else?' Randy wondered with a perplexed expression. 

With his interest now piqued, he decided to hold back on his intervention for a bit to observe what power she was using.