Revolutionary and Tyrannical Rulers, Imminent Threat

Randy listened intently as the Grand Librarian, his words carrying the weight of eons. However, he suddenly interrupted the cosmic being to express his understanding.

"Are you saying that it is fate, regardless of whether virtuous or malevolent in nature, that determines who gains access to the Universal Library?" He inquired, not fully comprehending the meaning behind the cosmic being's remark.

"Indeed." The Grand Librarian nodded in confirmation.

"What of those who seek power without ambition?" Randy ventured.

"Those who aspire to rule in any form without revolutionary ideas are deemed unworthy by the Universal Library, regardless of their achievements. Only revolutionary rulers are accepted, and tyrannical rulers are rejected, regardless of whether their endeavors were perceived as righteous or malicious by others." The Grand Librarian stated profoundly, his voice emanating a sense of passiveness.