Teen Days...

Ronald Armstrong was a young boy in his early 20's studying in the final year of his Bachelor of Arts(B.A) majoring in Political Science. The college in which he was studying was only a way to escape from his daily chores at home where in there was limitations on everything. They had to compromise on space, furnishings, livelihood., there was always scarcity for everything especially the source of income. Ronald's father Rudolf was a stenographer in a British Undertaking Company situated in Mumbai. His income was meager and the expenses were always sky rocketing. With one brother Raymond & Sister Maria and his mother Rosemary they were always struggling to meet their ends.

Raymond & Maria too were studying in the High School & Primary School respectively. Mother Rosemary was a housewife. Rudolf was the only earning member in the family. Looking at the hardships everyday, Ronald use to long to go to the college and remain in college for as much time possible which helped him to forget his family's problems. In the college he would meet his class mates who became friends. It was a carefree life, attend classes and during free time loiter around, speak about everything under the sun, moon & stars, crack jokes, eat some snacks in the college canteen (expenses always sponsored by his friends). The group was bigger atleast 20 of them, boys & girls put together, it was great fun. The canteen would hear a loud noise and thundering laughter from the corner where this group use to sit. The group was notorious and no one would dare go against them for creating such a noise. It was fun time especially for Ronald. He enjoyed his friends company while in college and never liked coming back home.

However life has its own ways and Ronald had no choice but to go back home everyday and live the torture and the suffering the entire family went through during these tough times. He secretly started thinking about how to come out of this situation and improve the quality of life for himself and family.