005 aleska feeling

In the end, ruby went looking for aleska because she got tired of sitting alone in zion and was planning on going to rehearsals with her brother.

When he saw his older brother practicing close quarters and he approached him.

"Can I practice with you too?"



"Because you're so troublesome"

"Ah sister come on"


Ruby didn't listen to her brother and took another gun that was on the table not far from aleska standing in rehearsal.

Ruby who had her guns started shooting targets a few yards out, and when firing a shot, ruby didn't hit a single target board.

"Ah brother turned this gun very heavy."

Aleska glanced at him.

That gun would have been very heavy on her size,

Aleska looked at him and said

"Why are you so unwilling to listen to my words?"

Why don't you let me train with you?

"Since you can't, you can't even lift your gun."

"Put the gun down immediately."

Aleska spoke while walking away and left the practice area dead.

Ruby angrily dropped her gun and walked away.

Saw aleska leaving wanda who noticed the two of them coming from miles around.

"Little girl are you aleska's sister?"

Ruby turned

"Who are you? Have you come to bother me and aleska?"

"Hahaha who's a crazy kid who'll go against your sister"

"What do you mean?"

"I wanda, I admire aleska so much, and I know you've been wanting to use aleska to protect you."

"How do you know? , but that's not entirely true."

"Oh, really? Whatever you say, I'll tell you, if your brother was very brave the other night, he came to see my mother in person and courageously threatened my mother."

As they get older but nothing changes, viona continues to cling to aleska, often sleeps in her bed.

Without realizing it, aleska also began to depend on her constant presence, she grew accustomed to her constant silliness and carelessness.

Time passed, ruby slowly began to grow into a very beautiful girl.

Looking at her every turn, aleska doesn't know where her feelings are developing, and she doesn't think about it that much.

She remembered when she saw Amanda a few months ago,

Flashback lane 2

Amanda told him that she was preparing a husband for ruby.

"What do you think?"

Aleska's quiet, she disagrees with Amanda at all

"No madam I will not let you conduct a political marriage to control my sister."

"Hahahaha if you want to protect your brother well before a power struggle breaks out, it's better to give him to a family that can protect him, and provide support for you. Wouldn't it be more profitable for you?"

"I'm not stupid, you'll never do anything for free"

"Hahaha to my guess, you're very clever,"

"Don't try to bother my sister, let alone a reason to protect her, you know that I'm more capable than anyone."

The voice of aleska strongly reminded miss Amanda, although aleska was 15 years old, but she was able to intimidate a very mean Amanda.

Amanda was so angry at being belittled by a child right in front of her face,

Aleska left immediately, leaving behind mistress Amanda, who stood in her place, held back in anger.

"Aleska wait"

Aleska stopped her pace and looked back

"I'll forgive you for daring to disobey my orders. But I'll give you a couple of waiters and a man's head of household."

"Do you intend to spy on me"

"Hahaha aleska, did you get this treachery from your father or your mother? Hahahah,... You're so scary for a kid like you."


"The lady will not say a word, I will go, whether you wish to send it or not. Because it will not be a hindrance to me."

Aleska lightly left Amanda's notoriously cruel mistress, even to achieve her goal of killing her entire family.

Aleska wanted to refuse mistress Amanda's servants, but she saw ruby's perspiring, tired face cleaning and maintaining mension herself and even cooked food for both of them, so she didn't refuse.

Watching aleska leave so indifferent,

"You little shit, I will crush you, even if I have trouble touching you right now, but that fucking brother you're protecting is gonna be in my grasp, and let's see who wins."

When going to an adult ruby school starts to glow, no one dares to disturb her, because everyone knows that teasing ruby is like waking up a sleeping tiger.

But this morning a young man came to talk to her, he was 17 years older than aleska, his skin was a little whiter than aleska and of the same height, he was the first child of the carlyss family.

She came to talk to ruby about what happened to her sister the other day,

"Are you ruby?"

"Well, I'm ruby, do you know me?"

"Oh, introduce me to carllo, can I ask you a question, ruby?"

"Yes please."

"Do you know rice?"

"Well, let's just say that yesterday afternoon we met in the cafeteria."

"HMM really? When I returned home I saw rice battered."

There carllo wanted to ask ruby why her brother got beat up by aleska, ruby's brother. But he snuffed out his cravings. As she watched her innocent ruby face she felt close to this girl and her fragile yet adorable look made one feel like protecting her and not want to hurt her feelings.

Because it seemed to stop him from asking ruby.

At the same time aleska saw the two of them talking in the corner of the room so intimately, and it was unusual for ruby to speak to strangers, let alone to this strange young man.

Aleska felt hot inside to see ruby talking and smiling at the young man in front of her, whatever the two of them were talking about.

"Big brother why are you such a peeping Tom?"

Aleska stuttered because wanda's coming out of nowhere startled him.

"Shut you wanda"

"Brother why are you watching ruby talking to carlo? Is brother jealous?"

I didn't know what was in wanda's brain that she could use a word like that to tease her brother.

While wanda paid no attention to her words, aleska thought of what wanda had said? Is she really jealous, but it can't be ruby's sister.