008 Take aleya home

"You're here, already?"

"Yes mother, do you want to say something"

"Right, devano, you should immediately take over some of your father's company!!! You know while you've been abroad, aleska, the boy has been taking a stand against me, and he's even managed to handle the emergency situation at the company while you and your father were away."

"So it was aleska who successfully repacified the stock value in Europe a while ago?"

"Quite right"

"Does dad know this?"

"Of course he knows."

"How can he handle such a big problem?"

Devano thought hard, why aleska, who has never learned business in his life, could easily control the European stock market.

"Mother do you know who supports aleska?"


"I've watched over him, he's never interacted with the outside world. Besides who's going to help a servant's son."

"What mother says is also true"

Amanda always preys on her daughter to hate aleska and her sister, and she tells me that aleska's mother, who was a servant, has the audacity to seduce her husband David by making her way into the Davidson family.

18 years ago, Davidson returned from Romania from Romania after handling the economic crisis in parts of Europe.

He took a very beautiful woman with him.

It was winter, the snow had begun to whitewash their reign of terror, that Amanda was pregnant with her arrival at the main door, anda number of servants lined up to share in her arrival, everyone was so happy that David and some of his business friends managed to manage the economic crisis in their country by coming to a kingdom in Romania to cooperate with.

Davis is out of the car, Amanda's already with a big smile on her face at David's arrival. But her smile turned into legs to see another woman coming out of the same car as her husband.

She walked right beside David toward him.

"David, who is he?"

"She is aleya,"

Amanda glanced at the woman, wearing a ragged red dress attached to her skin that was so smooth as milk white in contrast to the scruffy dress on which she wore, she simply lowered her head, like she ignored everyone's existence.

"David who is he? Why did you bring her back with you?"

Let's go in, it's cold outside, I'll explain it to you later.

Amanda was forced to follow David into their extravagant claims.

"You bring him in, get the room on the east side ready for him, and you take care of all his utilities. Oh one more, first you must bathe her first and change her clothes more appropriately."

"Good Lord"

David again walked beside Amanda, who also listened to her command to the servants.

Amanda felt her position sorely threatened by the presence of a woman of no origin. Whether she was married to David by an arranged marriage to her parents ora political marriage, she knew he never loved her, so she was afraid that he was already in love with her.

"David do you love him?"

"I'm sorry, Amanda, but you know we've never loved each other."

"Though we are married and now I am pregnant with your child, why are you so cruel to me?"

"Amanda you can do whatever you want, as long as you don't disturb her, and leave her alone. I'll make sure he never bothers you, either.

Amanda, who hears this, cries out loud and once screams out of her aching heart, sees her husband bring a strange woman he loves home when she grows up.


In light of this moment's return, the vengeance in Amanda's heart still burns as though it never goes out.

"Mom are you all right?"

Looking at the ripples on her brooding mother's face for a long time starts to look tense with anger. Finally devano asked her to check on her mother.

"Ah yes mom is fine"

Amanda immediately corrected her expression

"Thank you, dear."

Amanda's heart felt so good to hear her beautiful son was at stake.

Back in devano's room started calling someone

"I don't care, everyone he meets reports to me without exception."

"Yes, young master."

There was a voice on the other side obediently following devano's orders.


"Damn, I've been waiting for this chance for a long time, but who's the man who dares to ruin my plan?"

Cried Mr Carl to his underlings.

"We've investigated this, Sir, he's Davidson's second son."

"The second son??"

Carl thought long enough.

"Is not the second son useless?"

"You mean does wanda study art?"

"True, who else, does he have a thousand sons?"

Carl was very upset to hear his employment report.

"No, Sir, wanda is the third son of Davidson, the second son named aleska he's the son of his second wife."

"Shit why that bastard Davidson was so lucky to have a son he could rely on to protect himself."

"We also have young master carlo and young Mr Rice who is also very great"

"True, well said ye, I also have a few sons with me. Should also be a princess."

The look on big Mr. Carl's face just now seems very proud to remember his two sons. Now his expression immediately turned sad and gloomy, clearly visible in his eyes that had begun to fill even tears.

"Sir, everything is going to be all right, and you to this day never stop looking for the little princess, we believe she's still alive somewhere."

"I wish as you say"

Carl comes back to the scene a few years ago, when his beloved wife gave birth to a very beautiful daughter with a birthmark that looked like a budding rose behind his left shoulder.

It was in a rainstorm that Carl found his wife lying low on the bed because she had just given birth to a beautiful daughter for him.

"Darling, thank you for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter for me."

Rubbing and kissing his wife's face.

While her daughter, who was just born, was brought along by the doctor who helped her give birth, and so on.

"Gentlemen, comrades,

The servants are very strong with panic.

The maid ran over to Carl and his wife's room.

"Please forgive me, my little princess went missing with the doctor who helped you give birth earlier."

"Carl didn't believe what he heard, but the terrified look on his face made him think again and ordered his whole guard to find out where the doctor was taking his daughter."