017 Plotting bullie

"Ruby, why don't you just shut up, won't you forgive me?"

Sofia asked ruby who could only sit and cry was treated so cruelly by Sofia.

"Damn nice lady miss Sofia would like to apologize to you, even for all you lunches going down like this."

One of Sofia's friends scolded ruby severely.

"Ruby, why don't you go get a new lunch for our miss Sofia, and we'll forgive you, how's miss Sofia? Do you agree?"

"Looks like this is a fair deal"

Sofia smiled with satisfaction of seeing ruby get out of her seat and getting her a new lunch with her face and her food dirty.


The next day Sofia who saw ruby coming to school as usual upset her so much that her lesson had not affected ruby, even after yesterday she had calmly come back to school.

When Sofia couldn't even freely touch ruby at home, because her mother Amanda didn't give her permission to come to the mension on the east side of ruby and her brother, so she could only use the school asa place to torture ruby freely.

Actually, Sofia doesn't want a school where ruby goes to now, because she goes to one of the best schools in America, but when she gets home for the final term she finds out that her mother no longer torments ruby like she used to, and just let the inconsiderate children live comfortably in their home.

"Mom why did you let them both live in peace? We need to teach both of them a lesson, especially if a girl doesn't know herself, in case she starts to imitate her mother's flirtatious ways, that would ruin our family's good name."

"Sofia what you're saying is very true, we can't just let it go, but for now we can't go to mension on the east side and harass them, but wait for the time when your brother has taken over your father's company we'll make both of their lives miserable."

Sofia who heard her mother say that made her eager to torture ruby and aleska's sister

"Mother, I heard that woman is now going to a new school."

A sly smile flashed across Sofia's pretty face.

"What's your plan?"

"If we can't hurt him at home, then we'll torture him at school, hehehe"

"Honey, this is a really good idea. But how's it going?"

"Mom, I can transfer school for a while to that damn girl's school"

"Too bad you're so smart, but what about your education in America?"

"You just relax, after torturing him I'll go back to my old school in America."

"But you must be careful she has the devil's brother with her"

"You just relax, didn't he tell me if he's willing to skip school, so he won't find out about it?"

I only delayed it a little and when I was satisfied then I would go to school in America.


Sofia once again smiled slyly at ruby's new arrival at school, and then she was seen whispering to her two girlfriends who were always following her around. A few moments later they were smiling slyly looking at ruby. They wait for recess to carry out their plans.

After all the students had gone to the cafeteria for Sofia's lunch and her friends were waiting for ruby to enter the school toilet first, having seen ruby come she and her two friends hid in a corner of the room.

"Good, he's in. let's follow him."

Sofia's command to both subjects.

When ruby used to wash her hands, Sofia and her friends came to ruby.

Brakkkk... The door was pushed by Sofia's friends firmly.

Ruby turned to look at who was coming, she got scared and one step ata time she started backing down.

"Miss Sofia, what do you want?"

Said the frightened ruby.

Sofia was closing in one step at ruby's feet.

"There's no one here, if I kill you then no one will know until you rot here."

"Miss Sofia I will do anything as long as you don't hurt me"

"Oh really, then don't come to this school again, quit school like your idiot brother."

Sofia's orders, because she hates ruby so much.

"Miss Sofia I can't, I have school,"

"Are you playing me huh?."

Sofia was furious at hearing ruby deny her request, and struck another friend of hers directly in her face by pulling out her long hair. Once there was enough torturing ruby for today's Sofia and her companion left with a smug and very happy smile.

There was always a plan to Sofia to pick on ruby, until after about a year of that.

Until finally aleska arrived at their school as new students. As aleska walked past everyone, all the students standing outside their classroom were stunned to see the incredibly handsome presence of aleska. Some of them even screamed hysterically at the sight of their star idol.

Aleska put on her school clothes and walked over to one of the students.

"Do you know which way the teacher's office is?"

"Right there in front of the red building."

"Thank you"

Aleska immediately passed away but the student was barely aware she was approached by a very handsome man.

The other student who saw what happened immediately came and asked him.

"Is she the new student who moved into our school?"

"The girl just nodded with a blushing smile"

For a moment, rumors of the arrival of some very handsome new students were spreading in the school, and some of the students were seen waiting for aleska to leave the teacher's office.

When aleska came out it was seen that he ignored everyone whispering in his ear.

She emits a cool aura to people around her and treats everyone around her like they don't exist.

"He seems to be a transfer student who likes to mess with other students and is quite dangerous, judging by his bullying behavior."

Says one of the students smoking his stalk candy as he looked down at aleska walking past them.

Ruby listening to the rumors that a very handsome transfer student also looked at everyone's eyes, she was shocked to see the transfer student, since the transfer student was her brother.

She couldn't believe what she saw and just stared at her brother coming in and couldn't utter a word, until aleska walked past them all and entered senior year.

"Brother, how did he get into school here."

Ruby was talking to herself because she was surprised to see aleska.

Shortly after aleska went to ruby school, Sofia suddenly returned to her old school abroad.

Because this is the woman Sofia's woman who stopped bothering ruby, too.