034 Evening advice

"Sister? Do you hate me?"

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I keep bothering you"

"No problem."


Ruby goes back to calling her sister Tampa opens her eyes.


Aleska simply answered ruby with her throat and looked at her.

"Brother, I said I don't look like you, you look very pretty and have your eyes, but why are my eyes so different from yours?"

Hearing this instantly silenced aleska and reimagined her mother's image which flashed through her mind, her mother was so soft, she had a reasonably tall, slender body with long brown hair and bright yellow eyes like hers.


Then aleska looked down at him with his eyes still closed, and aleska noticed his tiny figure, his red hair very unlike the mother in aleska's shadow, and also nothing like Sir David yamg had blue eyes and light brown hair. Aleska Tampa consciously nodded in agreement with what ruby had to say.

(ruby, if only you weren't my sister)

The inner aleska.

But that's impossible, because I know you were born of your own mother.

"O Lord what I think"

Hearing her brother just utter random words, ruby opened her eyes and looked at aleska.

"Brother, what are you saying?"

Aleska looked directly at ruby and their eyes met.

The was some time of silence, and aleska regained his senses and took his gaze away from ruby.

"Brother am I so different from you and mom, that you won't even look at me?"

"Right, maybe if you looked just a little bit like mom, maybe this wouldn't be too hard for me."

Hearing this ruby crying, she misunderstood the meaning of aleska.

Watching ruby's sobbing eyes come back from her mouth.

He doesn't know how he's gonna explain this to ruby.

I don't know what he had in mind until he did

Can get that word out of his mouth.

"Ruby is not what I meant."

Aleska was confused as to what it was like when ruby had cried and turned her back on aleska.

Seeing ruby arriving and not being so cold to her, aleska hugged her ruby from behind to comfort her, for now this is the only way aleska thinks.

His arms round the waist of ruby and aleska whispered over his ear.

"I mean, you're so much prettier than mom, and your eyes are so much more adorable than ours."

Hearing this word coming from aleska ruby's mouth is hard to hear, because aleska has a hard time coming out of words of praise even while they live together aleska has never praised ruby for anything she's done, she's just saying, not bad, good enough, and so on. Hearing aleska talking like that, she turned her back on aleska to look at aleska's face and see aleska's face when she said she was involved pretty.

But there was something else. When ruby turns her back, the distance between aleska's face and herself is so close, that they can feel each other's breath.

Anyone looking at their current circumstances would immediately misinterpret the situation, where ruby was in her arms in the bed bag and the distance between their faces was very close.

"Brother really I'm beautiful"

"Yes, of course"

Aleska answered the question from ruby as she slightly pushed her body back

While ruby wiped the tears from her cheeks and stopped feeling sad.

"I'm going to bed, brother just come back to study"


Aleska wanted to go back to her rubberness when she begged him to go to bed but then she sent him away.

(women's hearts are unpredictable)

Aleska speaks for herself while getting out of bed.

"Fine, go to sleep, I'll go back to the study"


A beautiful smile engraved on her rosy lips looked at aleska and pulled her blanket up to her neck and back to sleep.

Before the exodus aleska continued to observe ruby's behavior and after a while

Ruby shut her eyes aleska just turned around and came out of her room, ah not that it was her own.

Aleska went back to walking slowly in his study, and sat slowly on the chair he used to comfortably study in, but why now felt so cramped, somehow fixing his seat was still uncomfortable.

"Oh shit, what's the matter with me?"

Aleska angrily stood up and walked out of the room where he spent the most days until he lost track of time.

"But why does this room now even feel so stuffy?"


The sound of the door blown by aleska as she made her way out of the room to get some fresh air.

Aleska slowly went down from the second floor, and out of mension, she stood next to a garden of wildflowers wholeheartedly cared for by ruby and aleska and continued walking down the street to unconsciousness until Tampa realized she had reached the edge of the field where she used to run.


"Sir Why did you come out in the middle of the night"

Suddenly someone jumped out of one of the trees at the edge of the park, startled aleska.

"Oh, my god, Hugo, you scared me."

"Are you so heartbroken you don't even know I exist?"

When aleska came out of zion, the fact was that Hugo had seen him.

At that moment.

Hugo's flashback

"(why is the Lord out of zion at this hour?)

Hugo speaks to himself on the tree looking at aleska walking like a fool.

And she was watching the same gestures of aleska as the one they had left behind by their boyfriends.

So he decided to come down from his hideaway in the tree and go to aleska.

Hugo flashback's done.

"Stop smartass,"

"Sir, they say if one daydreams it means he's broken at heart"

"Do you want night sports?"

"Sorry Sir, I'll go back around to make sure the security around mension."

Hugo left immediately because he didn't want to be punished by aleska just because he distracted him in his bad mood.

* the story of aleska and Hugo meeting

A few years ago when aleska was about nine years old, he came out of zion and fought with several of mistress Amanda's bodyguards, when aleska began to tire of the battle, when a boy of the same age as aleska came and helped him fight against mistress Amanda's henchmen and killed all who chased them.