038 Aleska's new teacher 1

"Hey what do you think is impossible, they're very young, and it looks like they're not dangerous at all"

"But it seems that young master Hugo has the utmost respect and respect for the boy he just brought home, who is that boy?"

"I don't know. it's none of our business."

The servants kept gossiping about Hugo, because it was true that Hugo recruited the servants in Germany when he first came to the country, and made a strict selection so that no information would leak out. As for Hugo's bodyguards, he brought them directly from the romanian empire to help him with his affairs in Germany.


The bodyguards Hugo brought along with him understood very well who their master was, because they themselves had witnessed how Hugo grew up and slowly Hugo began to defeat them one by one, until no guardian was able to defeat by Hugo at the age of 8. Although he is now nine years old but his skill for martial arts is very good because he has mastered the black cloud fighting technique, which requires no more energy to defeat an opponent, because each move is light but lethal to the opponent for attacking any weak point and crippling the opponent's internal organs, and some other fighting techniques.

And all the guards that Hugo brought with him outside the house and two of Hugo's bodyguards followed him into the living room and stood obediently by Hugo's side, they didn't budge at all to hear their master's very serious conversation and they just stood around Hugo and aleska in a upright position and obediently remained by their side.

"So what shall we do next Sir?"

Hugo was eager to carry out his first assignment from aleska.

"For now there's nothing to do, I don't want your existence known to miss Amanda."

"Well, Sir, and another, I've heard all along that you've only been home studying and never had a teacher, if you're willing I have a friend who's very smart to set up a business strategy, if you don't mind me being able to call him here to make our business, because his way forward is going to be harder because you're going to fight for power in his company."

"What you say is right, the path I will take his future will not be easy, but is he a friend of the romanian empire?"

"Yes, Sir, he's the son of the minister of royal diplomatic affairs."

"HMM sounds pretty interesting, if she's your friend then her age won't be far from you either."

"Yes, Sir, what you say is very true, he's only two years older than me."

"Then is she 11 now?"

"Yes, Sir, he's a very talented man, but because of his young age he only helps his brother's career from behind the scenes, because if he shows his abilities then the crown prince will now consider their family a considerable threat in the future by having too many talented people in their family, so it could endanger their entire family."

"So you mean he's been hiding his abilities from the realm until now and just helping his brother's work from behind?"

"That's right, Sir, if he knows you need his help then he will gladly come to this country and assist you in your affairs, it will be equally to our advantage."

"Can he be trusted?"

"I will vouch for him, since I knew him as a child."

"Looks like you guys are pretty close."

"True Sir, she is my childhood friend, until the moment I came to this country to look for your whereabouts"

"Then you can ask him to come here. Like you said I need a teacher too."

"Yes, Sir. I'll call him right away."

Hugo summoned one of his trusted subjects and ordered him to send his message to the romanian empire to the one who would become aleska's future teacher.

After that Hugo looked back at

Aleska drinking a cup of tea in her hand.

"Sir, don't you intend to return to the romanian empire?"

"First, I want to ask you something, Hugo."

"Please Sir, whatever it is as long as I know I'll tell you"

"As you know, the crown prince's position in the kingdom of Romania is now very shaky, if I return now what do you think will happen"

Hearing aleska's question Hugo bowed his head for a moment and thought of aleska's question.

"Sir, forgive me for not thinking this through. You are so very wise, you always take me for granted by your discretion and your analysis that is always accurate at any rate."

"It seems that you guessed what I meant by what I said Hugo, that if I were to return to the kingdom of Romania at this time there would be conflict between ministers and royalty to restore the current crown prince to me, what do you think would happen then?"

"Sir It seems that you have thought this matter over very carefully first, I feel small and know nothing in your presence. If you do not wish to return now to avoid conflict in the kingdom, I will fully understand and follow the Lord's instructions.

"Good, if you understand, I'll go home now."

"Yes Sir, I'll escort you"

"No need, I'll go home alone, I don't want to make mistress Amanda suspicious"

"Yes, Sir, as you wish."

Hugo only took aleska to the front gate of their headquarters and spoke to himself to see aleska's departure from their base.

"He's too great for his young age, and sometimes I shudder at his great ability and his wisdom, I feel as if I could just talk to my father, if I keep following him I might see much of what he will accomplish in the future and nothing in the world is impossible for him."

After aleska disappeared, Hugo also turned his back on their base, perhaps more like a mansion.

"Young master, master mike has returned your message saying he's willing to come to be master of Lord aleska but on one condition."

"What's he asking?"

"He said he'd tell you in person the moment he got here"

"HMM well, tell him I'll pick him up myself at the airport."

"Yes, young master."

Hugo's most trusted man bowed his head and went back to doing his job.