049 Arrival CEO Unity Resource Group

"Hey, check out if it's Hugo trusted person and assistant to the head of unity resource group security company?"

Hearing this... everyone's forgetting where aleska and ruby are... they're all focused on looking at the new guest. Hugo's identified as the person who's been at the screen of unity resource group's security company.

"That's right, I've seen him a few times during exclusive interviews, he's Hugo's most trusted person at unity resource group security."

"I also recognize it, she's a person who handles all of the unity resource group cooperation contracts with corporations from around the world.

Hearing this, mistress Amanda and Mr. Davidson and devano naturally went straight to Hugo's party and greeted his honored guest at the feast tonight.


"Welcome Mr. Hugo, I am Davidson and this is my wife and son devano. Thank you for attending our invitation."

(Mr. Davidson and his family welcomed Hugo and his two bodyguards respectfully this evening.)

"No problem, Sir, I'm honored to be able to attend the family party of our esteemed Lord"

Hearing this Mr. Davidson was in a daze as to the meaning of Hugo's words, and all the other visitors seeing one another immediately. Figure out what Hugo meant to say.

"I'm sorry Sir, what do you mean, I'm the old one who can't understand the words of today's youth"

"Ah, I'm sorry Sir, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear to Mr. Davidson that I didn't understand. (Hugo me pauses his words for a moment, while everyone is anxious to hear from Hugo saying that he would be happy to attend his host's family party.)

"Who's she talking about?" (some guests start asking questions)

"Our great Lord is your second son Mr. Davidson, of course it's our pleasure to attend the feast of our Lord's family."

Hearing this all the guests present tonight are in a tip. they can't all believe the word of Hugo, neither can the carlyss until Mr. Davidson is the father of aleska.

"Master Hugo, who do you mean?"

"Mr. Davidson, our great host is Mr. Aleska Davidson, your second son and founder, and the leader of the unity resource group security company at the same time is our principal trainer."

"Oh young master Hugo, you're so good at joking, how can aleska the second son of our family be your great Lord."

But when I said that the smile on miss Amanda's face slowly faded and her face turned green and pale as the face of Hugo looked very serious.

"That's right, he's just a loser,"

(another guest tried to interrupt Mrs. Amanda's statement)

"Hugo, looks like you're running a little late."

(when everyone was silent suddenly came making everyone point their eyes at aleska)

"Good evening, big master, sorry for our delay, we had some problems on the way here" (Hugo bowed to aleska as he saw aleska coming for him.)

"So it doesn't matter, I'll forgive you this time, because tonight is a special night for my brother. But I won't forgive you next time."

"Thank you for the humility of the Lord forgive us," (Hugo reverted to aleska by bowing his body and placing one hand on his chest.)

Everyone who watches this scene like they're not standing with us themselves because it's so surprised, if they don't see it with their own eyes nobody will believe about tonight's events that aleska is the leader of the very famous and legendary unity resource group and is so mysterious.

"Hugo have you brought my gift to my brother devano?"

"Of course this one I have not forgotten my master. For the reward you requested, I have prepared two of our best men both to guard the safety of the company and to look after your brother Mr. Devano personally."


(now it was aleska's turn to look at where devano was standing right next to his father Mr. Davidson.)

"Brother devano, I present to you two of my finest unity resource group members asa reward to you tonight, they are the chosen ones, who have just returned from their missions in one country in the Middle East, although only two but their abilities are equal to dozens of ordinary security."

Everyone was aghast at the explanation of aleska because everyone knew that the countries of the Middle East were in a war that never seemed to stop.

Devano was also speechless, he didn't know how to answer aleska, whether he should thank aleska for giving a bodyguard of the unity resource group's most wanted by all business leaders to secure their companies and businesses and families to him free of charge. Or should be outraged by aleska's actions now for such low self-esteem.

Mistress Amanda hearing this, her face red as if it was about to explode with such rage, the party she worked so hard to bring up devano's son's name turned against aleska's supposed to make him look like a loser.

When everyone is stunned as devano responds to him whether he will receive a gift gift from his sister or not. Because it seems that other than all the guests present tonight the aleska family itself also do not know if aleska is the one behind the unity resource group's unity resource.

"Whatever they did, they did not know what their own son was doing."

(some people were turning around talking about the parents and brother aleska who obviously didn't notice him at all to know nothing about him.)

"But if you recall, he looks very mysterious from the beginning and comes out as suddenly as from the other side and becomes Mr. Davidson's second son he surprised a lot of business because of his abilities."

"It doesn't seem so simple since his first visit to the business world, you know at least to appease the stock price in Europe would take at least a week, if only professionals were involved in the business world for a long time, maybe like Mr. Davidson himself but aleska being his second son could easily handle this problem."