063 That thug has no self-respect

Aleska rubbed the soft hair of ruby still in her arms.

"Are you all right?" (Tanya aleska softly)

"Brother, how is it I'm scared."

Hearing this all the men still lying on the ground regurgitate blood from their mouths, how could she say she was afraid when she had hit them all like a swat fly.

"Don't worry, I'm here, no one can hurt you"

"No, I'm afraid they're dead and I'll be arrested by the police" (ruby said innocently)


Actually after watching them all lie on the ground in considerable condition from the beating. Ruby's freaking out that one of them might die.

The thugs lying in tanang now felt better they had died than to hear the words coming out of that little girl's mouth. Even his words are scarier than his punch. For killing their character and draining his dignity out of thin air.

Everyone there was looking at ruby, if it really came out of her mouth.

Carllo couldn't stop smiling when he heard the words coming from the girl's mouth when he was questioned by aleska.

While aleska let go of her arms to see the girl's face clearly.

She couldn't help but smile when she heard kara's words coming out of ruby's mouth.

It turned out that his girl wasn't scared at all because of those thugs, even though he was afraid he might kill them, which was a funny girl.

"fear not, if you wish, you can kill them or anyone as you please, no police will dare come to arrest you."

Now hearing answers from aleska... looks like they don't need to breathe anymore. What a great sin have we committed that today we are experiencing such an unfortunate fate.

But the smile that floated across carllo's lips suddenly disappeared after hearing aleska's reply.

He knew that aleska had absolutely no sense in saying that to ruby, because carllo knew exactly what that man was capable of.

"Brother, you're what?" (rice asks her brother for looking at her face when she suddenly looks pale)

Ah no, are you all right?" (carllo helps rice to stand up)

"Ruby, are you all right?" (rice gusting)

"Yeah, I'm fine," (ruby walks over to rice with a worried stare)

"Rice, I'm sorry, for protecting me we got hurt like this" (ruby)

"Ruby, what are you saying, you're the one who's been protecting me and sintia, we should be thanking you"

Hearing this out, sintia mustered up the courage to approach both of them.

"Hey you two, try to pinch me, if I'm dreaming" ruby instantly pinched sintia's cheek.

"Hey, ruby. that hurts. are you really my best friend?" (sintia wipes the searing pan of her cheeks from being pinched by ruby.)

"Of course I'm still your best friend ruby"

Suddenly everything was back to normal because of the sintia and ruby antics.

But it didn't affect aleska, she looked as cold as before.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Suddenly Hugo came to ruby's school to receive a signal from aleska to meet her there immediately.

"I'm fine, you bring them, I'll interrogate them myself."

"Good Lord"

Everyone turned back to look at them both.

"Brother Hugo you are here."

"Yes, ma 'am, are you all right?"

"Yes I'm fine"

There was this weird little note from ruby saying she was fine. Looking up at some of the wounded as they were picked up by the two Hugo thugs who came with him.

Hugo also followed ruby's gaze at the weak, helpless men.

Hugo feels so sorry for them, because he knows exactly what ruby's capable of at the moment, because he has seen from the beginning of every ruby development during aleska's training, especially this morning Hugo has had the opportunity to witness directly ruby's training with aleska.

"Ruby, let's go home" aleska stepped up to ruby and held her hand in front of everyone.

"Brother, wait a minute, I'll leave you alone"

Ruby saw that the ladder aleska was holding, she seemed to have no intention of letting go of her hand.

"Sintia, rice I go home first, and carllo ruby goes home first with aleska.

"Ruby, watch out on the road" said rice and sintia alternating. But carllo still stood there staring at aleska's hand holding her hand so tightly.

Looking at carllo just sitting there and ruby repeating her words.

"Carllo bhai, ruby goes home first"

"Ah, well, be careful on the road"

Carllo came out of his reverie. I don't know what's on his mind right now. She didn't want to see her sister grab her hand like that. His mind's been spinning about aleska's actions ever since he first arrived.

She was very possessive about ruby. And he displayed it so clearly in front of everyone. What kind of relationship do they have?

Ruby went straight for aleska's walk to her car which was parked nearby.

"Aleska wait," I don't know what went through carllo's mind to stop the brothers from leaving.

To hear the voice of carllo aleska stop in his tracks and turn to look in the direction of carllo.

Carllo slowly stepped in the direction where aleska and ruby stood up.

"Aleska, carllo hung up his words a little, and looked into the hands of the two of them who were still holding each other.

Aleska waited quietly for carllo to finish his word.

"Aleska, I want to talk to ruby first, why are you so quick to pull out her hand?"

Hearing this aleska pursed her forehead looking over her carllo

"What is your business?"

Aleska's voice trembles a little while saying it to carllo.

She's so angry, how dare she talks to him like that and what wants to talk to ruby? Do not expect.

Ruby's feeling aleska is so angry, wonder why her sister's suddenly so angry.

"Aleska, it's none of your business. I just want to talk to ruby."

Carllo keeps talking like he's deliberately trying to lure something out of aleska's mouth.

Listening to carllo's answers this time, aleska also realizes carllo's intent to appeal to him for something.