076 Quality sleep

All of a sudden ruby felt a big hand embracing her body from behind.

Instantly his body felt numb. His brain still can't digest what's going on.

Aleska was in the mood because she saw ruby's antics so she hugged the girl's body.

"It's fine if it's just like this." (aleska says right behind ruby's ears in a low voice, in fact it was said to herself and to ruby at once)

Hearing aleska talk like that ruby's body was initially numb from shock now gradual to sedule,


Whether it was comfort or because she had been so drowsy, it didn't take long for ruby to fall into a deep sleep in aleska's arms.

Even aleska, who at first had trouble getting good sleep, was now also starting to feel sleepy, maybe it was the gentle effects of the ruby's soft body in her arms.

The girl's body felt perfectly in her arms. Plus the natural scent of ruby's body which made her more relaxed the moment they both fell asleep comfortably and warmly.

The next morning, at dawn, aleska would address ruby first, as usual she would leave the room to avoid meeting ruby when the girl had just woken up.

He would go straight into the field and start training first while waiting for ruby to wake herself up and approach her to the field to start their training. Usually when ruby's in the field, then aleska's about to break out of a sweat 'cause she's been exercising long enough for ruby to show up.

But it's different this morning. Aleska opened her eyes and realized it was too early in the morning, because she had used to wake up before ruby.

But aleska opened her arms and removed her hands from her body, but instead she closed her eyes and repressed her embrace on her body.

Ruby has felt her body shift slightly because of aleska's actions, so she has also moved to adjust herself to aleska's movements to find a more comfortable position. Looking at that response from ruby aleska smiling brightly at her who still enjoys the dream in her subconscious.

Now the position was opposite the breast of aleska yng, which served as a pillow for the girl's head, and aleska's arms encircling her slender waist. Looks like that little girl is really comfortable in her sleeping position right now.

Aleska, who initially wanted to go back to her sleep, now her eyes were wide open watching the detail of ruby's face.

Her dainty eyelashes, her dainty nose and flowing red lips, as well as her long, scattered ruby hair had a very fragrant scent on the aleska nose.

Aleska closed her eyes, enjoying each skin she touched and enjoyed the girl's scent, but aleska still couldn't do any more of this. Even this is highly inappropriate, but he promised himself that he would just do this and nothing more.

When the sun had started to shine at the flowers in the garden and slowly the light hit her face because the window in her room wasn't covered with curtains when aleska closed the window last night, she just left it there, until the sun turned bright in her eyes, until she woke up and slowly opened her eyes.

Ruby felt something close to her stomach, but it wasn't too heavy for her to feel with her arms under her blanket, but she felt it like someone's hands, now ruby remembered her arms again last night. So he raised his face and looked a little up turned out to be true it was aleska, and now why was his face so close to hers. Ruby looked around.

"Oh, why is my head in here?

Why did I use aska bhai's breasts as a pillow,"

Ruby carefully raised her head to keep aleska from waking up, because if she does, I don't know what to think if I stick to her like this. Ruby thinks in her heart.

Well, from the very beginning aleska was awake, but feeling the movements of ruby she closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep to see what ruby was reacting to.

But unlike her fears, it turned out that the girl was awake in peace. like she didn't want to build me. Thought aleska, who felt ruby waking up slowly.

"Or he also wants to avoid me,

Aleska slightly opened the corner of his eyes to her expression.

But there's no look of aleska's worry on ruby's face.

Thank god he's all right, and I don't think I mean him any harm.

Aleska let ruby out of her room as usual, the girl would go to her own room to bathe and clean herself.

After hearing the door closed by ruby aleska open her eyes.

She too quickly came up and walked to the bathroom to clean herself up.

When he finished aleska went straight to the area where he and ruby used to do rehearsal just every morning before the girl went to school.

Aleska immediately started warming up soon after ruby arrived too.

His face looked surprised at aleska.

How he's been here with his body so full of sweat, while this morning I came up first.

Anyway, I have to hurry, or I'll be late for school.

Ruby was also warming up soon, and after she had had enough, she walked straight up to aleska and started training both of them.

Soon aleska also stopped their practice.

"What's the matter brother?"

This morning we will do this only, from now on we will be practicing at night because I will be teaching you a new martial arts technique.

Aleska remembers that ruby must be stronger, for greater danger may lie ahead.

"HMM well, then I'll be ready to go to school.

Suddenly his steps were stopped by the voice of aleska.

"Ruby wait a minute"

Hearing this, ruby quickly turned her face towards aleska.

Aleska stepped slowly closer to ruby.

"Wait for me," (aleska)

"HMM?" (after reaching ruby's presence he took the girl's hand and walked inside mension)

Ruby, shocked that aleska suddenly took her hand in silence and followed in the footsteps of the handsome man from behind.

That morning aleska took ruby to school as usual.

Dan's going straight to his office after that.

By the time he got to his office, it was noticed that mike was standing at the door of his waiting room.