094 perfect value

Honey are you waiting for your sister?"

(asks Mrs. Carlyss)

"True auntie" (answer ruby lactlessly at Mrs. Carlyss)

"Maybe he's a little late for something" (says Mrs. Carllyss calming ruby)

"That's right, auntie." (ruby)

They look back to the future as one of the teachers came up to the stage to officially open the program and to welcome the parents, and to extend the honor and appreciation to the student of the year.

Actually carllo has been watching ruby's every move and every action, and she seems to be getting restless, but after her mama talks to ruby, carllo understands that she's worried about her brother who hasn't been there.

After the principal made the announcement and announced that all the students had graduated, it was now time to announce the student who had graduated with the highest grades this year.

Everyone from the student to the student's parents begins to tremble in anticipation of whose name to call to the stage with the highest score attained.

One student's name after another began to be heard announcing from the platform from the third to the first to be announced at the end of the announcement.


One man has stepped forward to take possession of his belongings.

Two people have come to the stage and are holding their hands proudly and saying a few words of thanks to whoever they want.

And now the last second has come to announce who will come first.

And no doubt ruby Davidson's name came out loud from the stage, and everyone started cheering so much excitement, with Mrs. Carlyss and her two sons, they were thrilled and happy to hear ruby's name being number one winner of the year's highest score.

For the second time the MC called ruby's name out loud, with applause, accompanied ruby's footsteps to the stage.

But ruby kept looking back for her sister's absence. His face obviously wasn't eager to set foot on the stage.

While everyone was putting on happy faces on their graduation day, even though only ruby got a perfect score but clearly on their faces if their faces looked so much happier than ruby's.

Because everyone she loved and loved was all beside them, except ruby who still hasn't seen her brother's nose since she said she was going somewhere for two or three days with mike.

But it's been almost a week since ruby's graduation, and she's still in the dark, so, ruby told him to go after them both just the day before graduation.

As she stood in the middle of the stage and in front of ruby's microphone paused for a moment to look at all the people sitting in the room, she slowly sighed and let go slowly.

Ruby is opening her voice.

"Thanks to everything and congratulations to all of us having completed one educational level at a time", ruby says.

Hearing this all the students and their parents present applauded more loudly than ever.

Especially in ruby's earlier seats where there stood Mrs. Carlyss and her two sons of carllo and rice who looked very proud looking at ruby on stage.

I also express my gratitude to the headmaster, as well as to the teacher who has guided us through all these years and all those who have willingly supported us from all aspects.

Ruby's legacy is also not gone without the support of ruby's family and friends, which also takes the time to come today, thanks to all of you who continue to support ruby, and thanks to aunt carlyss and carllo and rice who also took the time to come and support ruby today, although none of the ruby families have come, (ruby murmurs, looking down at everyone.)

Now ruby walks in with her trophy off the stage.

But not before she was back in her chair a beautiful girl standing in the midst of the audience and the student on her way arrogantly toward ruby.

"Ruby, you say on stage, no one from your family has come to your graduation, maybe dad isa very busy man, and not being able to attend your graduation that might make him proud of your grades and accomplishments, but I as your brother represent our father to apologize to you for being absent.

And if I am your maternal brother you don't think of it as a family I can still accept.

But you in no way consider my mother sitting there to attend your graduation as you hardly consider and acknowledge asa member of your family, then I will no longer tolerate having my mother humiliated like this in front of everyone. (Sofia's words are at length pointing toward where her mother is currently sitting with tears in her eyes.)

Everyone was silent about ruby's half brother Sofia and looked over at miss Amanda who had been sitting in one of the audience seats with a sad, tearful face.

Between them immediately blasphemed ruby into an undedicated child, hearing that one in attendance also began to berate ruby and hate her.

"We've always been under the impression that Amanda's mistress was a mean woman, but look at the truth! She's not a batik child and can't thank god she's been treated kindly by her own stepmom." (people started to gossip and judge ruby at will.)

"Yes, it is obvious that she deliberately and blatantly stands with the carlyss family and ignores the existence of her own mother." (another human being is a good judge of what one does with his heart)

Everyone now also looks over at the carllyss family coming in with a big bouquet of flowers in their hands.

Lady carllyss and her two sons felt an increasingly awkward and prickly atmosphere as everyone looked in the direction of the three of them.

Lady carllyss fell silent to the sight before her, this all happened so briefly that she could still digest what really happened and what she had to do to protect ruby.

*Perfect value
