3. I love you...

"So children as this new year starts and all of you got many new colleagues to interact with, one by one start telling your names" said our class teacher. One by one told their names. We guys knew all the students in the class but still the new teacher didn't, so it's fine telling the names again. And in my class there was that super cute and handsome guy who asked out from me years ago. He was in the next corner of the classroom. And was super hot, sexy and cute. Since it was the first day in a new year, it was a new class with new students, I didn't have a friend to sit with, so I sat at a corner alone. Then our class teacher changed our places and I had to sit with a girl named Tiara. I knew her from the small grades, but still couldn't meet her recently. I sat next to her but didn't say a word. That super handsome guy was one seat infront from me. He looked at me; but the look was blank. We didn't even talk.

That classroom was an awesome one. Everyone were together. And one day a teacher raised a complaint about our class saying that we won't let her teach. So our class teacher decided to change our places again. This time I had to sit with Meg. She was a bit rude. And everyone hated her. And also from my side: I didn't like her attitude. Anyway this time, that super handsome was in front of me. He smiled at me and said "Hey". I was surprised. I didn't expect that from him after this many years. "Hey" I said back.

That was all we talked that day. And the next day it was my birthday. I came with treats for my friends and they brought me gifts. And by the way (I'll mention the name of this super handsome) "Jaden" was in the classroom. And I saw him trembling. I didn't care, I just kept my bag on the table and came to talk with my friends. "Rose!" Jaden called. "Oh.. hi" I said. "Umm.. Happy Birthday" he said. I wanted to give him a hug. So I gave him one and said "Thank you". He was shocked. And in that day the first five subjects were kinda bored and even Jaden didn't talk much. During the interval I gave birthday treats and I saw Jaden staring at me. I went to him and asked whether he's staying for drama practices. He said no. And he asked whether I'm staying after school for that. I said yes but not today. He was like ohh..okay. After the interval there were three more subjects. But half of the class was missing cause of drama practices. So Jaden asked me to sit next to him. I blushed. And in the very next instance I flew to him and sat. "Hey gorgeous" he exclaimed. I was literally confused. I couldn't held my breath. His voice was deep. His look was perfect. His attitude was high. And his eyes were really adorable. I had to act like everything's fine. So, "Oh hey" I said. He asked about me, about higher studies, about my friends, about him; the way I think of him. And just after this conversation Ms. Annie came and started reading a note. Jaden was a left hander and I'm a right hander. Ms. Annie was reading so fast that both our hands smashed at one another when writing. But that feeling was really pleasant. That afternoon when the school was over, I asked him to lean down to me cause I have a secret to share with. So he lent down, and at once I gave him a kiss on his cheek. His eyes were wide open, and he was star struck. I just said goodbye and with a blink of an eye I was vanished.

The next morning he came early to school and was still dreaming about that little kiss. "Good morning" I said. "Oh, you came? Ya Good Morning" he was struggling to get the words out. "Hey, just listen yesterday the kiss, ya of course I gave it on purpose but still don't keep any hopes on me" I said. He was confused. "What!? Why!?" he exclaimed. I didn't want to become the person who's going on after him. I wanted him to come for me. So I had to say like that. He was so depressed. He didn't talk much that day. And on the next day he came to me and said "I like you". I was surprised to hear that all of a sudden but still that was nice. But my reply was a "NO". He was even more depressed. I just didn't care for what I said. But deep down I wanted him to be mine. And wanted to hear I love you from him. After school that day, I went home, took a shower, had a chit chat with mom, had dinner, did some homework and before I go to bed I checked the phone. And there I saw a story posted by Jaden and it was quote about love..like it was about one sided love. I knew he posted it for me. I was super sad. I got tears on my eyes. I just went to bed and cried. That's all I could, cause in every askout I just rejected him. That was bad, I knew it. It felt really bad for me. I went to school very early the next day and I saw Jaden just sitting in the corner of the class. I went to him and said Good Morning as usual. He gasped and said Good Morning back. I sat infront of him and asked whether the story was for me. He looked down and said nothing. I asked the same question again gently. But the reply was not that nice. "I'll tell you later" was his reply. He just went away after saying that. My heart was burning with sadness tears filled, but controlled them cause I don't cry infront of other people. Even that day we didn't talk much. And when we were about to go home after school I just went to him asked the same question again. He looked into my eyes. He was staring at them. I took a step back. I was confused cause he has never done that before. He stayed like that for sometime and said "Yes, the story was posted for you". I knew that was for me, I just needed a confirmation; and that was completed too. He came closer to me again. "I love you" he said. I got butterflies, my heart was beating so fast, I didn't know what to say back. I just stood staring at him as he walked away. The next day we had classes. Me and Clary went there in the morning and saw Jaden. I just smiled at him and went into the classroom. He has kept his bag right behind the place of mine. I just gave a smirk and sat down while Clary sit next me. We just had a small talk about yesterday day and she asked "Do you like him" and I was star struck again after getting flashbacks of the day before. And I said "Yes". And then our science teacher Mr. James came in, and started the lesson. After the classes we all went down a small passage till we meet the main road. Jaden came with us too. But we couldn't talk. And when we reached the main road Clary went to Jaden and said something. I called Clary to come over but she said "wait". And after like 5mins she came to me and I asked "What did you say?". "I said you like him" she replied. I was a bit mad at that cause I wanted to say that in a nice way. But now he knows. So I looked at him. I saw him staring at me. I gave him a gentle smile and walked home.

"Hi" I texted him. "Hey" he replied. "U came home?" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Btw was that true?" he asked. "What, the thing Clary said?" I answered. "Mm yes" he replied. "Ya that's true" I said. "I mean for real? Do u really like me?" he asked. "Ya" I said. "Omg thank you so much. I love you" he replied. "I love you too" I said.