i need assistance !!!

"by the way do you have a name if not I can name you"

"I don't "

"then I'll call you Leo, my name is Erha Allen just call me Erha, do you know what made you return to normal?"

" I don't but I know you made it happen "he pointed his finger below in the direction of the seabed , after his statement, we both swam down, reaching the ground I spot shiny beads of light, and after I took a closer look l found that they are pearls emitting some kind of spiritual currents can make you relaxed and refreshed

"How can I forget this ?!! didn't I obtain such ability from the system !! so it can also be used in such a way "an idea popped out and I decided to try it, using the peals I made a circle and then told Leon to go inside " how do you feel?"

after experimenting for 5 minutes I finally came out with an exclusion "The concentration of the purification inside the area increases the more you add pearls but the decrease the less you put wider space "

"if that is the case, that means I can purify a wide area and create my own domain !! too bad it is easy to say then applying, because how am I supposed to cry all these pearls ?! I can't just cry all day without stopping ?!" I shook my head in horror " let's take the first step for now and purify an area suitable to build a house, I believe if I cry for 4 hours or 2 days I'll be able to clear a scope closer to a small villa area "

but for now, I need another 2 helpers, likably have a strong build, I turn my head and ask Leon:" do you know any fish with a strong build"

" I do, but all of them turned already into monsters and I suggest not to engage them, we will definitely die," he says with cold blood, making it send a shiver to my spine 'you don't have to make it sound that scary!!'

' I need 3 people to secure and fix the house I can't possibly make a bricks house undersea, so I'm only left with the option of finding or digging a cave, even this is impossible where can I find tools? this is making me frustrated I should've raised my IQ in my last world '

I sigh" forget it, let's look for aides first after all safety is in numbers "

Leon seems to hear me so he suggested " why not choose a pregnant fish? once turned into a mermaid it can give many baby mermaids "

" good idea !! but I'll have to leave it out, for now, what we need is strength besides we don't have what it takes to protect them"

Leon nods and says "I understand I'll go catch one for you " then turns around and swims away

I sit down on a rock then start trying to cry, my crying is a piece of cake I'm not saying I'm a crying bag it's just that whenever there's a sad drama or a thought about a tragedy it lets me cry rivers that my eyes hurt when I sleep. I start reminiscing a movie plot while adding characters and more events putting all the unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, and melancholy scenes that make people's hearts ache .as expected my soft heart couldn't take it and kept crying that a small mountain of pearls condensed.

Leon came to witness such a scene and was frightened that he rushed toward me holding 'a tuna ?'

" your majesty !! are you ok?"

" I am, I'm just making pearls " I then point my finger toward the tuna

after Leo felt reassured he presents dejectedly what's in his hand " I could only find this fish as satisfactory, it looked big and fast "

stars shone in Erha's eyes " good choice !! These fish have excellent swimming skills, they are also known for carrying out long migration journeys, can adapt to the temperatures provided by the environment, and can withstand and survive the changes of the environment, in a better way than other species. The ability of this fish to increase its internal body temperature when the water temperatures become colder; is the main reason for its adaptability. don´t sleep nor rest, unlike other marine species; so they are known for staying in constant movement. Aren't they 5 stars labor class !!! if I had many opportunities to summon I would've made a horde of them, creating a kingdom undersea is no longer a dream "

I didn't wait anymore and changed it into a mermaid, it turned into a handsome middle-aged man with a barb, I swear that he would've looked good in a suit where does he look like a worker? he's obviously the boss of the company!!!

"I'll call you Thunnus from now on"

"thanks your majesty," says the tuna merman

" need you guys to find somewhere fit to live at then transform it as ower temporary shelter, home or whatever " after giving the order I just let them choose after all I wasn't born underwater, they should know what to choose.

I return to my rock and continue doing my job


2 days passed

Leo and Thunnus found a place with warm waters near the beach and with a lot of caves, there are even big rocks which you can make houses out of them, the first time I saw Leo use his sharp nails to dig my eyes were about to pop out. not only this after we surrounded the area with my pearls, as a result, waters turned clean, vegetation returned to its original shape some even bloomed beautiful flowers and some fish took residence here. the only bad news is my eyes hella hurt and I decided to retreat tomorrow.


Leo: what do you think he's doing?

at this moment, Erha has forgotten himself in a plot that he started acting subconsciously

Erha: D'ONT LEAVE MEEEE!!! I HAVE YOUR CHILD !!! ( tears falling down)

Thunnus: I don't know but it's making him drop a lot of pearls

Leo and Thunnus from a far bow "keep up the good job"