the secret is out

"so what! I'm a merman and I'm proud!!! you can't discriminate!!", since I already attended to tell him later anyway, why retreat I did nothing wrong. if he doesn't accept my identity then we are not meant to be, let's separate and everyone walks his own road.

"a merman?", said Li 'no wonder he cries pearls, it's the same feeling why is the species different? Erha seems to misunderstand '

" no, a mermaid is good, everyone likes them, they are good looking, strong and the best swimmers ", I already have a grasp on his character, just compliment him and he'll forget everything.

" even though it's true, you don't have to exaggerate like that that... ", his cheeks blushed rouge and his eyes kept dodging me as he stutters at the end of his sentence.

a smirk plastered on his face announcing victory 'bingo'

"let me tell you our mermaids look are super good, although mine is slightly better, I'll show you when we get home"


"right !! now that you know my secret, you need to tell me yours, how can you suddenly understand me?"

"oh, that, actually it's not that complicated of a secret, I just had a device that was downloading your speech, once it deciphers, everything will be translated, it is not complete but as long it compiles your whole vocabulary I can understand everything "

"then why let me bother with learning Chinese?"

"well, you somehow can understand me but you are unable to speak with others"

"true, anyhow let me introduce you, this is my right man Leo he's the smartest fish and he is responsible for managing the merman"

"Nice to meet you"

the conversation was short and we had to continue walking

"right, why don't we ride in your car?"

"I thought walking from time to time is good for a stable constitution"

"do you think it is good for a fish ?"(^-^)

"make sense", he gets the car out

I still remember how comfy the car was, this can't do, we can't just intrude, eat and do nothing !!!

"Leo, you drive the car"

"Sir, I need to remind you that I'm a fish", says Leo

how can that be, we can't let him see our fish is useless, how can I keep face then, Li seems to sense Erha's bad mood so he intervenes," it's ok, I'll drive, let him sit next to me and I'll teach him, didn't you say he was the smartest?"

we arrived at our destination, the place here is nice, with a few villas and some greenery, perfect Li Xiang can build his house and I can build my own underwater, and I can always go meet him from time to time.

"Li Xiang! you can live around here, I need to go back to save my people but don't worry I'll visit you every day, and once I finish my job I can stay for a long time"

"that's too troublesome, just tell me what you need I have everything I'll give it to you, don't refuse the faster we finish the more lives are rescued, right? ", to be honest, I'm just making excuses, I know it's weird but since the 3 days we got separated inside that mirror, I couldn't handle the separation with my kitten, I missed him crazy.

I nod, "then I will be impolite, do you have any energy source?"

"energy source? like a generator?"

no I mean, pure energy like my pearls something like that "

" if that is the case, try this", he gives an orange crystal

"Woah, it's so pretty where did you get it from?"

"inside the head of the zombie"

" What!!!? ", out of shock I dropped the nuclear crystal

"it is not entirely pure but people use it to upgrade, just try it"

I do as he says I put it in front of the exchange button, the nuclear disappeared and it instantly converged into energy coins

"It worked!!!", the value is small compared to my pearls but it worked

"then you take this", Li takes out directly a mountain of crystals," this is all that I have left I'll go collect them in the future.

"That can't do, you need to leave some for you to upgrade "

"they don't work on me anymore, I think your pearls are more useful"

"right!! I think so too, you bring me the crystals and I'll give you pearls in return"

"you don't have to, I don't want you to cry anymore"

such kind words, I'm so moved, if you say it like this it only makes me want to spoil you more

"can you do me a favor ?", I just asked and the guy already nodding

"well, can you also collect CDs, specifically tragedy themes so we can watch them together when I visit you", I always cry when I watch sad movies, this way crying won't be so tiresome

"no problem"

"and....", I hesitate at the end

"just say"

"I also want fantasy, adventure, and comedy movies", I can't just watch sad movies all the time.

"then bye-bye, see you tomorrow ", I wave goodbye then jump into the waters

"thump thump", Li Xiang's heartbeat accelerated as he watched The sweet and babyish expression of Erha waving his hand, a charming young man with long white hair, down-dropped beautiful blue eyes with long lashes almost on the pink cheeks, the picture was intoxicating.

"what's wrong with me !! my heart beats fast about to burst", he puts his hand on his heart with a frustrated expression.

deep inside the sea, Erha and Leo were swimming toward the newly built territory, along the way, Erha was checking the Poseidon shop page, can't wait to go back, build and upgrade the city to level 2 maybe he can upgrade it to level 10!!!