too late

the protagonist

Li Xiang!!

it's definitely him !!

'BAAM!', another explosion occurs, thousand of these creatures directly blew out with the debris and rocks, rubble laid on the ground with corpses, dust concealed the vision but slow footsteps could still be heard

this momentum, this heavy demeanor, no one could do it except him, the tree people eyes were wide open with anticipation, looking at the tall black figure behind the dust.

tap, tap, tap

one more step, and the guy behind the dust curtain

"huh? that's not Li Xiang !!!", I shout

the figure belonged to a humanoid man wearing some kind of alien suit the shape looked the same as iron man's suit, the man's bearing was frightening unexpectedly that bearing did not last long cause the directly fell to the ground.


another black figure shows up from behind the fallen man, contrary to before the three lost their anticipation, at last, the figure shows up beholding the great Li Xiang

"Li Xiang!!", I directly rush towards him and he by his turn perceive me, it just some people don't read the atmosphere and has to intrude into our reassembling scene, so insensible!

San di has to hold my wrist pulling me back, "don't go, that man is dangerous "

I turn my eyes," DA! of course, he is, how else can he be badass?! besides didn't you hear me calling him? I obviously know him!!! you small brain!!"

"....that", San Di was speechless, what can he say? what Erha said is right, he just doesn't want him to go with that, he doesn't know how to explain his weird feelings so decided to concede for now.

Li Xiang who saw Erha was angry, really angry, so angry, looking at the hand holding Erha's wrist and talking in his ear with intimacy, for a moment he just wanted to snap the other neck but held back, my little fish is kind and don't like bloodshed, he steps in front, separate them, glares at the hooligan then turn his head toward Erha," in the future don't meet such people"

"what do you mean by such people? and why does he need your permission to talk to others", San Di yells, he was really so rude, he can't believe that not only was he scanned glared from down to up but also evaluated as scum!!!

"ok, I won't talk", I say nodding my head smiling with crescent eyes then I hug him, it feels good, safe, and warm like always.

"How did you find me?", I ask

Li Xiang's eyes slid to the side, avoiding his gaze," I guess fate brings us together..." Subsequently, he felt awkward, he tried to shift the conversation, "how did you get here?!"

"that ....i ....", I can't possibly tell him that I got kidnaped, that's so embarrassing!! especially after all that 'i don't need to hide from anyone and ' i only want the best 'speech, it's decided I can't let him know, my dignity is at stake !!!

Erha's face had a determined expression plastered that Li found cute , looking at his face he perceives the unnaturally red cheek then frowns, he didn't find out before because of the darkness but now that he paid attention he also notices to fingers print on the side of his red cheek,

"who dares!!!", Li Xians growl clutching his hands

"who hit you!!!", Li cries at Erha

"no one ....."


"a man did", I don't know why but I felt guilty so I confessed, it's like I'm comforting my own mom when mom is angry she totally changes becoming greatly scary.

"who ? did he do it", Li Xian points into San Di

"Wowowee, don't point your finger at me, I was the one who saved him besides my brother ate the man already, you are welcome, hmph "San Di turns his back feeling wronged, they first labeled as hooligan next a scum and now they charge me for abuse, never ever in my life was I treated like this.

Li goes to San Xian, "spit him out!!"

San Xian,"....."

San Di,"....."


"Li, forget about it !! let's just grab what we came for, this is the cave right !!", I pull him back then say

Li shakes his head," it is but not the entrance we are looking for , we came too late ", he holds from my wait then he speeds run like lightning, we get out from the giant hole, he then directly jump from house to house, we reach the city by jumping from building to building, so when we came in front of the tallest building he sprints jump, shaking the building underneath

"AHHHHHH", I of course who fear height, screamed my lungs out and closed my eyes

"you can open your eyes now"

I open my eyes to see a string of light coming from the sky straight unto the ground, "what's that?"

"wait for it", says Li Xiang

not long after he said so, the string line of light condensed striking the ground, the impact caused a blinding light to spread within miles around, immediately flashing then dispersing.

in front, a black hole could be seen, if I said the hole from before is giant then this one is super extra giant, I turn my head, "are you telling me this is the cave!"

Li nods

"you mean the cave is a sinkhole?"

Li nods again

"I don't get it, then why do you call it a cave?", I'm now really confused and starting to question my common sense

"you will get it once we go inside", li says

it came to me that if this is the main entrance, doesn't that mean, that we will meet more of those monsters?

I shake my head repeatedly, "no, we can't go, there must be a lot of monsters there !!"

"We have too, the thing we need is inside, if we can get it, we can solve the fifth disaster' water evaporation' and many more ", he caresses the top of the head and says with a comforting voice, "don't worry, I can deal with them"
