stealthy stealing the Taboo

we are now walking through a narrow path that seems to be dug by some big worm carefully without making any noise not to alert the enemy.

the path came to an end and below us is a big space filled with monsters, all looking toward the altar oozing blood like a fountain

"what are they doing ",i ask

Li Xiang did not answer just kept looking at the alter, he felt a familiar breath from it, in his previous life he has fought a man holding a giant sword, and lost his life. he died in just three attacks.

after observation, it appeared that they were two groups, one that looked like an insect, the same as the one we fought before, and the others were different forms but has the same characteristics like same eyes color, some patterns ...both parties were glaring, screeching and roaring, well that what Li Xiang heard but I, a mermaid with language talent I can understand them



"the blood of taboo"

"Li, they keep mentioning the word taboo, what does it mean?", I whisper

"taboo?", he also didn't know but how can it be? I am one of the few people who made it through the apocalypse long enough, how can I miss so much? it is also related to that fathomable character that killed me, I knew I wasn't strong enough, what emperor? I'm just an ant.

"Li!!what about we take some of that blood?", Erha wakes up Li by this sentence

" Everyone is making that much of fuss, it must be valuable, let's just steal it!!", I continue talking to Li Xiang

"you are right", first let's take this blood, no let's take the whole altar, then I'll be able to study it, know more about the power related to that man, we can definitely make a breakthrough !!

"we separate, whoever reaches the altar uses the teleport ticket to escape outside the city, and the other follows "

"what about the stone you wanted ?"

"We can't take both, too dangerous"

"I have a better plan, what about I go, use the teleport ticket to send it where I live, it's totally gonna be safe in my house not only it has an indestructible shield but also many guards, the breath will be hidden for a while, so we can go look for the stone without worry"

"that won't do, if you are found, in this distance I can't reach you"

" They won't, I'm not human, my breath is different from theirs but enough to not attract attention, if anything happens, I have bought a lot of life-saving gadgets, nothing fazes me ", my eyes caught a big insect monster, I then got hit by a pole of shiver, "except them, I hate insects!!"

honestly, Li Xiang doesn't want to let him go, but looking at his eyes I knew I had to trust him even if he fails I'll put my life on the line so that he doesn't get hurt.

"be careful"

I use my shadow brush to integrate with the shadows, below I slowly walk from a shadow to another, at this stage I'm close to the monsters, one little mistake can get me caught, I hold my breath then tiptoe to the goal.

10 meters


2 meters

one meter

I made it !!!

wait why is it quiet? I turn my head to check to see everyone looking at me on the stage, a cold sweat dripped from the corner of my head,' shit!'

"I'm just passing by, don't mind me", right after I said this I jump to grab the altar, to get struck by some invisible shield that blew me away.

"that's it my face is gone, even the monsters don't bother with me, furthermore they are laughing at me!!!"

"Is he an idiot, can anyone just touch taboo?"

"haha even the less intellectual zergs are smarter didn't dare to try"

"you guys are too much, I'm obviously hurt but you had to stab the wound !!", I yell at them, trying my best to hold my tears

a heavy killing intent condensed from behind the crowd, making everyone vigilant, they immediately take a fighting position then looking in the direction of the killing intent.

"a human"

"good timing I was getting hungry!!"

"What a heavy killing intent!!"

all that Li Xiang could hear is meaningless roaring and screeching and Erha's complaint, looking at such frail Erha being wronged and bullied by these ugly things, and holding back his tears .made him angry, "how dare you to touch what's mine!!!"

(if monsters could understand him they will definitely stand up for themselves: we touched nothing !!ok!!it's not our fault he cries easily, you're being played by a tea green bitch!!)

Li Xiang at this point was grinding his teeth from anger, he seized the spear, thrust it into the first zerg who pounced at him, put his hand in the ground directly frozen the legs of everyone here except Erha's , took the chance to rush with lightning speed in front of Erha,

I was ashamed so I hid my face between my legs and hands, this Li Xiang wants to see my joke too, he obviously can kill them without moving a finger but still let me go; Li had also felt Erha's mood his previous killing intent right away disappeared and his eyes softened, "Erha, are you ok? don't be upset, it's their fault, they are wrong"

"Leave me alone, you also let me embarrass myself !!"

"you are right, it's my fault, I did wrong, can you forgive me?"

"hmph", I snort turning my head from him

"I just wanted to fight together like in the movies!! you see you could've made it through but that invisible shield got in the way", Li tries to persuade him," and it's true that I'm capable of killing then but I'm afraid I can't deal with all the people hiding nearby", what he said now is true, if he were to act or to use his sonic speed he will get spotted intently, their level is high and as a monster, their senses are more terrifying.

"We need to escape"

"no, I'm not going empty, they embarrassed me they need to pay with something, or I will not be reconciled !!", I whine

"ok, ok, you want the altar I'll give it to you, keep us alive while I'm working on it"

"Leave it to me, no one is gonna touch one strand of your hair "

Li Xiang felt funny and sweet so he simply smiled, "leave it to you"

(author: I'm getting less and less cheering( ಥ ʖ̫ ಥ) I'm sad to see that, so dear readers, be kind and vote for my novel if you like it, I appreciate it (つˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)つ.)