Li Xiang coming out

honestly talking, flaming a person then breathing his smoke is creepy, what's the difference between witchcraft and demonic practices!!

Li Xiang thinks that this is a bad idea, there's no way out of it, they are both connected, who knows what this devil will do to him behind his back, I also should not leave the possibility of the devil getting stronger, I knew it he can't let him go and he can't kill him, the only way left is to absorb him, refine him into a skill.

"start the fire first, do we tie him on a stick then lit the fire, like a bone fire, the same as what they did to witches?" I ask Li Xiang

the glanced back, his expression cold then turned to answer me, "I think we should not say this in front of him, I feel bad for him"

"what about we put him to sleep then lit him up, without tying to a pole"

black lines fell on top of the devil's head,' what are you playing? the devil? stop pretending I can't hear anything and feel bad for me? I saw when you just looked at me, you were so excited to do it straight off!!! '

"Li Ge where to find wood?", it just came to me that we can't light the fire without wood

"no need, I do have wood in my space but we don't have to waste it on him just let me do it ", Li's hand ignited a fireball, he throw it toward the devil directly

"Li Ge !! you forgot to put him to sleep", I say

"oh !! my bad, let's not waste time and refine him for good", Li Xiang tried to swap the topic

he sat down with his legs intertwined, he frowns in concentration as he takes a big breath in, circulating it in his entire body, first breath, his body tensed, second breath gritted his teeth from pain, The more breath was taken in, the more painful it became, but Li Xiang couldn't stop it.

when it reached the ninth breath he seemed to feel a trace of connection falling from him to that ability

the tenth breath his eyes were lost as if there were countless voices that made him stop and go crazy. His ears started humming, his shot red as if he was possessed.

Erha looking at Li's situation knew that it was pessimistic, so I reached my hand to massage his head, maybe I can ease some of his pain

my hand was grabbed all of a sudden I then was pushed to the ground, I was facing Li's head, veins were concentrated in his head ready to pop out, his pupils were turning red making me realize something, why did I insist on refining the devil?

"Li Ge!!", I cried but he didn't answer rather his grip on my wrist got tighter, something is wrong with Li!!

"Li Ge!!!", I cried adding more volume this time, who would've thought that he actually ripped my shirt off!!!

on Li Xiang side, whispers were invading his mind, his spiritual consciousness was also getting attacked, one can't imagine such pain, he was losing it, only a strip of consciousness let him hold on,' not to go crazy yet 'it says ,

the whispers got clearer and I got tempted a little bit

"just take and hide him"

"make him yours, not to leave you"

"no!! just eat him, that way we can be one never separated !!!"

the whispers got more and more pretentious

hic"woaaaaah" hic ahhh ,i suddenly smell a slight pure spiritual energy, let him wake up to hear the sound of crying,he looks down to see Erha below him with a ripped shirt, revealing a patch of pale skin, under the young man's face with slightly drooping eyelashes crying pearls, the slender neck was also exposed.

impure intentions slipped into Li's mind abruptly, so he closed his eyes, he stood away from Erha

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to", apologize Li when he turned his back

"it's ok I know hic, it was all my fault hic", I hiccup as I wipe away my tears

Li has always been weak to Erhas tears so he faced him back and went to comfort him, he hugged him, Erha's head only reached his chest , making it easy for his hand to rub his hair.

the warm moment got abruptly distinguished, Erha's shirt slipped off from his shoulder, revealing a small patch of white tinder skin beneath.

for the first time in his life Li Xiang was dumbfounded to this point, he hesitated, his fingertips slightly bent, broke the hug apart, and left to the lake so he can wake himself up.

Erha standing by himself, "what the hell did just happen ?"

"something is definitely wrong with him!!"

after Li sobered up, he found out that the ability had really got integrated but with his aggressive self, he never denied that a part of himself is bloodthirsty, that is originally what he was before he met Erha that I eventually forget about it, probably life was bitter till now that it didn't create such a current me, leaving all this aside the devil ability merged with this negative part creating a new persona, a persona with diabolic abilities

the information poured into my mind said that this ability is called "Devil outfit", a really good ability except that it somehow changes my personality the moment I wear it.

"Li Ge", Erha calls out

hearing Erha, he recalled what he has just done, honestly speaking I was not entirely controlled by the ability, my inner thoughts just got stimulated by it.

now knowing that I have such thoughts toward him I can't look him in the eyes anymore, I'm flustered, happy, nervous, and curious, all kinds of emotions are hitting on my nerves

"what should I do? should I confess??", Li mumbles then shakes his head

"no , I shouldn't rush, let' take it slowly so as not to scare him away ", Li nods at his own decision patting his accelerating heartbeat.

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