sacrifice is not an option

"are you crazy!!! why would I escape by myself !!"

"Listen to me, I can handle it..'

"you listen to me, what I hate the most is guilt, I rather die than blame myself for your sacrifice!!"

"you!!", Li frowns because he was really hopeless about how can he convince him!!

" you don't believe me? let me show you how I destroy this piece shit", this man is getting on my nerves, brotherhood rule number one is no brother is left behind, the brotherhood motto is" we are all through this together !!", break the inviolable you are no longer a man, but worst than a pig, I'll teach when I go back before he leaves me behind one day.

I face the monster behind me, activate the one kill ticket, an arrow of water instantly formed then flickered directly to the target. the alien was literally blown into pieces.

both Li and Erha's eyes were shocked,' is it that simple?!' you should know that this zerg was a famous warlock five stars!! he wiped millions of armies with just a flick of his finger.

"Erha, can your teleport ticket send us both out ?"

I shake my head

"then you go first, I'll follow you.."

"I have a better idea", I stride towards him without a pause I slap the ticket on the giant stone, and ...voila it disappeared.

"you!!", Li Xiang couldn't say anything, this fish is so stubborn, he didn't listen to my reasoning at all, I really could get out of here if I was alone, now getting out will be harder may be close to impossible.

but deep inside, he was happy, never would've he thought that one day, he could be loved and even willing to stay along his side, willing to give up the opportunity to escape, he is happy, happy to the point that he wanted to fly, to just keep this happiness inside a cherished treasure box, my dear Erha, you are such a utopian.

Numerous screeches came out from all the passages leading here, assuring them that they are surrounded and escaping is too late

"what do you have left ?", Li Xiang asks

"not much, some barrier ticket, 9 escape tickets and ....."

"i completely forgot to use the lucky wheel!!"


Erha summon the lucky wheel panel then start today's free drawing, the arrow spins around fast, slowly the speed stopped on the blue section

'Congratulations host, your luck strikes and you get one time use godly summon, duration 2 hours '


"Congratulations for summoning a legendary creature 'Dragon turtles' known as distant relatives to dragons and had dragon blood."

magic dust twinkled in the air before a huge turtle-like creature appeared, it had a long tail and neck with large, taloned flippers. Their heads had a golden crest down the center. The turtle had scales of a dragon, smooth and sharp and some were coarse.

Li Xiang who saw all of this," who am I? what am I? where am I?"

how can someone's power be so outrageous and I was recounting that I'm only capable of getting out of here by myself, now that I'm thinking about it not only Erha had unworldly power but also others, take the aliens and monsters as examples they were not this strong and this many in my past life and definitely not in this timeline, all of this makes me assume that probably I wasn't reborn but sent to a parallel world.

"Li Ge let's ride on top of its shell, he will bring us up "

Li Xiang holds me from my waist then jump on top of the dragon turtle

"are you sure, it can take us up?", Li asked, originally because he was skeptical after all the base is still a turtle.

"what are you talking about ? of course it can, have some faith "

the turtle dragon elevates slowly and like a rocket launcher, he went forward through the intertwined passages, one by one hitting all that came in its way, like a car running the red light hitting people crossing the road like a bowling ball.

it only took 15 minutes to get to the surface, you should know that it took them more than 4 hours to reach the black stone, if we leave aside the areas where we stopped then the ride would have taken us two hours and a half.

"finally ou!!!", I wave my arms up in the air, feeling the frozen air, "let's go home Li Ge"

"ok",Li Xiang smiles

the turtle dragon flashes to the unknown leaving no trace behind.

back home, on the beach, one tall and one short person were standing on the sandbar facing a giant turtle with a dragon-like face, they both waved their hands sending farewell as the smiley turtle dissipated slowly,

"Li Ge, I'll go now, tomorrow I'll bring your stone back"

"I don't think you can hold it back", he knew Erha's self-esteem is high so he hurriedly added," I had to use all the tickets you gave me and I still couldn't walk with it "

"then I'll just teleport it into your home"

Erha turns his back and leaves into the sea

Li left by himself turns his back as well," I wonder if they bought my mom back, how long has it been since I saw here "

with this thought, he goes back to the villa where Su Mei and Xu Kong live in.

(author: please keep supporting me, the more support I see the more I'm motivated to write more and write a nice review, thank you!!! right ! if anyone has ideas, please share them in the comment section.)