Construction begins

My self-esteem got hit. These days I. The great

Erha was treated as a parceling doll, put on a bed. Served food and she even tried to shower me. What does she think I am. A dog?? Thank goodness Li Ge stopped her and even cleared the fact that I'm a man. since then she stopped pestering me every day. But still stared at me from afar.

Miss Li is actually suspecting a case of crossdressing, the suspect 'ERha ' is always taken care of by my son and no one can fool me when it comes to my son, the way he looks at him and treats him had already defined their relationship besides the word I'm in love is writing in his face.

she of course does not want to acknowledge the fact that her son likes a man.

days passed, Li Xiang and his new subordinates started building the new shelter, I already suggested that they make it look like an island just like Atlantis, I even drew a blueprint, as an artist I of course pursue beauty, The palace will be built surrounded by rings of water and land, connected through tunnels that were large so ships can pass through them. many spectacular buildings, streets inlaid with gems, and fountains shall also be built-in Atlantica, I gave the name Atlantica, Li Ge did not refute but I still had to tell him why I chose the name, so I told him a little lie; that Atlantis used to be an ancient legendary kingdom that worked for generations before it fell. Atlantis was a peaceful place, a truly utopian society where wisdom prevails and I tend to rebuild it to make it an abundance of natural resources, great military power, splendid buildings, and engineering feats, and intellectual achievements far advanced over other lands.

the plan is drafted, all that is left is to find rich soil, plentiful pure water, abundant vegetation and animals, and such mineral wealth as gold, metal, and gemstones because I like them

, and for a thriving society continually improve the facilities.

I confess that my ideas are crazy but Li Ge is crazier than I for agreeing instantly, normal people negotiate, measure the ups and downs but he agreed !!Atlantis is fundamentally a fairy tail.

I hold Li GE's hand, I try to make my voice as serious as possible

"you are so f*****g cool "

the room's door slams open, Miss Li behind it still kept the kicking door open pose still. once she put her foot down she pointed us with her finger, "busted!"


Li Xiang:...

"I knew it, you were a couple", yells the mother

"Mom, are you hallucinating again?"

"stop lying, and defending her!! why is she crossdressing as a boy?"

"a what?!"

"you can't fool me, how can a boy have such delicate skin, better than mine ", hearing this, I suspect she just couldn't accept that a man's skin is better than hers, but what do you want from me? I'm a merman I live in the sea, of course, I have good skin!!!

"Mom, why does it matter to you if he's a man or woman, just leave it alone"

"why does it matter? you stinky kid I'm your mother, of course, I have the right to inspect your girlfriend, and the reason you don't want to confess her gender makes me more suspicious "

she thinks I'm a woman!! not only did she step on my dignity but she also shamed my body!!no this can't go on like this

"I can prove it ", I cried, stopping the two's bickering

"I can prove it ", I repeat my sentence, "I just have to show you, my second brother"

both son and mother look down the direction of my crotch , Li Xiang's ears turned red, Miss Li's eye's turned red from the corned, gradually my face also turned red, I started to regret my life choices, why do I even have to prove myself!?

damn it, let's get it over with, I slip my pants down showing my glory, of course under my briefs, looking at two's reaction I felt proud and even had the urge to shout' behold my mighty brother!!!!'

the Li family with mouth open both got mentally shocked, Li Xiang heart beat faster, blood rushed to his head that he got a nosebleed, as for the mother she couldn't think, her mind was blank, only her eyes stayed on Erha's crotch.

1 minute later, Erha had long worn back his pants but the two people in the rooms still looked down there, Miss Li woke up from her daze somehow realizing something, she held the back of her neck and while she fell down she internally cried 'my son is gay!!'

Li Xiang was close to her and though he was a bit dizzy, he could still catch her .

I who was standing by the bed, saw this scene got horrified, was my crotch that mighty? I mean the size is considered big but not that awesome?!

Li Xiang took his mom out beading goodbye to me, I am now left alone to realize that I forgot to clarify a matter, a really important one, I'm not your son's girlfriend!!

this is bad, why am I so stupid, now she had misunderstood us , proving that I'm a man without clarifying the relationship first doesn't that show that I confirmed that he's my boyfriend!no, maybe I can still fix this, I'll just say that I proved myself a man to show her that we're not in a relationship!

i nod," let's just do it like this after all we are really not in a relationship"

"that's right ! nothing to be guilty about ", and just like this I push everything behind

Li Xiang went downstairs after he took care of his mother, he originally attended to go check the workshop, but who would've thought that his photographic memory he was always proud of kept repeating the picture of the lower body of Erha, the erotic bulge on his briefs, his beautiful white and well-proportioned legs, his curves...

'Baam", he crashed into the tree