Darkborn and the ring

Li Xiang wonders deep inside the dark forest, everything here is gloomy and dark, the plans are either withered or purple-brown, in his past life a woman got this ring inside this realm because of it she was called a witch, her whole being changed since then, the energetic sunny woman that had a lot of fanciers turned unto a gloomy woman, she couldn't withstand the dark energy and the ring was not satisfied with so slowly it consumed her and her luck, after she died someone else took the ring and gave to a necromancer, the other tried to satisfied it by sacrificing humans soul but it still didn't work and so and on, one after another failed.

it is not that it's impossible to control it, people always get it wrong, you can't control something by giving it what it wants, you have to make it surrender completely.

well, this is how he controlled many cursed gadgets before, what to be afraid of?

he arrived in front of the small entrance of a cave, walked inside without delay, he had sensed that the yin energy is heavily concentrated inside, for the creatures containing yang energy going inside will definitely aggravate their foundation. cultivating further will get harder and harder gradually and before they'll know it they will be stuck in a bottleneck for eternity.

even he didn't dare to go in if he did not get the devil ability, this ability is mysterious, immune to dark and curse energy, a crazy strong physique, a wretched mind can think of a solution instantly like an innate talent, or more like an instinct

too bad, it has its own disadvantage, the efficiency, and accuracy of minds skyrockets, on the other hand, the sanity gots contaminated resulting on instability on personality, to summarize it, he'll become a psychopath villain.

nothing can be seen inside, anyone will think so only he knows that a demon is here, not any demon, the son of the famous demon lord called 'Leviathan', but this isn't the point, the point is that he's a dark born, born to go against the fate and heaven, and for every creature with such vision, it is meant to be suppressed by the heavens.

and he chooses him as his pet , after I take him out of this realm the contract will directly milt into our souls, then he can't defy or play tricks against, of course, if he can in the future he can always kill it!!

he hummed in anticipation, footsteps walking slowly with the humming gave a creepy ambiance, as if a serial killer is playing with his prey.

he reaches the back of the cave , a rock wall stops him from going further in, kick blasts the wall and he continues walking until a giant golden gate treated him.

the appearance of the door made him frown, "this gate wasn't here the last time I came"

he was suspicious and alert but still continued walking toward it, facing the golden gate with screaming faces engraved on it,

"what a heavy taste ", he couldn't help but comment, the faces on the gate looks so real screaming agony and misery, make you lose appetite.

"now how to open this ?"

'shhh', a small noise attracted his attention, he looks left meeting a pair of purple eyes, he did not feel his presence at all!!

the 16 years old looking boy acted afraid hugging his legs and trying to minimize his presence, unfortunately for him Li Xiang already knows his identity, alas he does not attend to expose him, he also will act beautifully let him fall to the pit by himself.

"boy, what are you doing here", Li Xiang acts concerned, his voice was soothing and calming just like a nice person

" ....", the Darkborn did not answer but was ecstatic inside, this man look easy to deceive, ha actually took the bait easily

"don't be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you, you can come with me I'll take you out"

hearing this made the Darkborn excited, he was waiting for thousands of years to get out of here, he can only leave if someone takes him out.

the boy looked like he was hesitating then decided to go

"ok, you wait after I go inside we will both get out from here" after Li finished saying this the boy grabbed his sleeve then shakes his head continuously

are you kidding me ?!! I won't miss such an opportunity, even though I want you to die but that suppose to happen after you get me out of here!!!

"it's dangerous ?", Li Xiang asks

the boy nods so fast


'...", the Darkorn still kept quit

"don't worry I'm strong ", Li says and the dark born sneers internally 'how can a human be strong'

"ancient curse", the boy decided to tell him the truth to scare him off

Li Xiang was really shocked, he did not suspect him of lying cause the devil form lets him perceive the emotions of others

an ancient curse is no joke when it comes to ancient curses,no one is assured to escape it , even i with my devil form can't be pardoned !!

the previous idea to enter is directly thrown away, the ring is impossible to be inside

Li Xiang explores the room, looking for any items

Apparently, this is his lucky day, he found the cursed ring and a nice curse black coat

Li looks behinds him at the gate looking reluctant then sighs, 'i can only come back later '

"let's leave "

(author(❁´◡`❁):keep cheering me up!)