cough out teeths

"cough" "cough"

hearing the cough everyone turned his head towards it to see a middle-aged man wearing a white coat and giving us a creepy smile

"oh my, so many people want to use my service, I'm so happy", he puts his hand on his heart giving an amorous feeling but also dark

the six people in the room swallowed their imaginary saliva from fright

"I can't do you wrong, you all go in ",

Goosebumps hit my body to the extreme, he speaks passionate words nothing is strange but the way he says every word is so creepy, did he memorize his lines or what ?! why does it sound so psychotically professional.

as sketchy as the day is, no one had the guts to refute or question or even make a sound, we just walked slowly to the hell room, right after we were about to go in Luo Ming whispers to me

"make sure to shout out the decease that one of the four doctors specialize in, only do so if you're in danger"